A/N: Hi! Sorry this took so disgustingly long. I've been wicked busy, and I was feeling a lack of inspiration for this one. Anyways, here's the second chapter. This is actually the legit last chapter for this story (no sequel to the sequel, lol) but, yeah. That.

*~*~After an incredibly awkward author's note...~*~*

"So where, exactly, are we going?" Kendall asked, raising a thick eyebrow.

"Well," James began, striding over to Kendall to straighten his collar. He pulled on the thin fabric of Kendall's shirt, causing the blonde to roll his eyes, and smoothed his hands over Kendall's shoulders. Noticing Kendall's annoyed reaction, he smirked and gave his boyfriend a peck on his lips.

"It's somewhere we've been before," James continued, keeping his mouth close to Kendall's. They were standing in the center of the living room, and James had his hands clasped behind Kendall's neck, smiling devilishly and looking into Kendall's green eyes.

"Yeah?" Kendall replied suggestively, grinning a toothy grin and studying James's expression.

"Oh yeah," James said, winking at Kendall. He pressed his lips to Kendall's one more time, then pulled away, slapped Kendall on the ass, and began walking towards the door. "It's not a place you're likely to have forgotten.

"Well we've already been to the backyard," Kendall said, the grin on his face growing, "so I think I have an idea of where we're going."

"It is a damn good place to be going," James said, wrapping his fingers around the doorknob, "So if you think Friday night was good, wait 'til you find out what's in store for Saturday."

"I can't wait," Kendall said, following James out the door and flicking off the light in the small house.

~*~*The not-so-adventurous adventure continues*~*~

"Shocked?" James asked sarcastically, pulling the car into a parking space. Kendall cocked his head to the side, smiling widely at his boyfriend. Rolling his eyes, he grabbed the door handle and got out of the car.

Kendall looked around at the familiar parking lot, scattered with discarded cigarettes and shallow puddles. The building, appearing like a small strip-mall, had a short line outside, which was entering the club quickly, some people not even being stopped for ID. Kendall instantly recognized the huge security guard, a man whom he would not soon forget, and about whom Kendall knew a little too much. There were flashing lights slightly visible through the doorway, and he could hear some upbeat dance music coming from the building. Even from out in the parking lot, he could feel the loud bass of a gigantic proffesional DJ-sized stereo, though he knew inside the building he would find no such DJ.

"Hmm, this place sure looks new," Kendall said in an overly-sarcastic tone, winking blatantly and nudging James with his elbow. James laughed and took Kendall's elbow, dragging him off towards the line.

"Think you can still get us in on blackmail?" James asked quietly, leaning over close to Kendall and glancing around as he spoke.

"I'll see what I can do," Kendall replied with a laugh.

As they approached the doorway to the club, Kendall made steady eye contact with the guard. A flicker of recognition shone in the man's eyes, and when they got to the front of the line, Kendall held his bright green gaze, causing the guard to step aside and let them in without a word. James smiled at the man and waved, almost mockingly, and got himself a scolding look from his boyfriend. Laughing, James led Kendall to the dance floor.

"So what do you say," James hissed in a low voice, "We go get drinks, play it straight for awhile, and then shock 'em when we start making out?"

Kendall grinned, scanning the dance floor of the familiar night club. He looked towards the bar, where there were scattered groups of people, ranging from about sixteen to twenty-five, and a very bored-looking bar tender.

"Sounds like a plan," he said with a smile.

They strode up to the bar casually, each resting an elbow on the counter. James scanned the crowd casually, looking for a girl who looked like she'd like Kendall. He may have been gay, but he'd never forget how to be a great wingman.

A short girl with curly blonde hair walked up to the bar, adjusting the straps of her low-cut orange tank top. She looked around nervously, appearing as if she wanted to seem busy, though she wasn't. Perfect.

"Hey," James said in a friendly voice, "Have you met Kendall?"

He grabbed his boyfriend's arm and pulled him in front of the girl. Smiling, Kendall introduced himself and slid a few bucks to the bartender, motioning to the girl to tell the bartender what she wanted. He talked to her for a few minutes while she sipped from the thin straw in the drink, laughing at the appropriate moments and smiling graciously when Kendall took her hand and led her to the dance floor.

James bought himself a beer, leaning back on the counter and sipping it. He watched the crowd, with its groups of white girls screaming the lyrics, badly dressed men grinding on girls with horribly low self-esteem, and the occasional couple making out. Women at the bar eyed him, crossing their long stilleto-clad legs and puffing out their chests as they looked James's way. James smiled politely at them, winking at the occasional girl, but never approaching them. One girl bit her full, cherry red lip as she stared at him, and James made a V with his fingers, putting his toungue between them and sexually moving it around. Still, he didn't go up to her. He decided he'd sit this one out.

As he watched the crowd, James's eyes found Kendall and the random girl he'd gotten. They were grinding to the beat of the music, Kendall grinning as he whispered into the girl's ear. She reached her hands up, running them over Kendall's head and neck. They'd only been dancing for a few songs, but James had to admit, the girl was good.

He knew the girl was no threat, but James couldn't help his jealousy. He put his beer down on the counter and walked towards the dance floor. Pushing through the crowd, he ignored girls who ran their long-nailed hands down his arms and grinding couples, quickly making his way to where Kendall and the girl were dancing.

Kendall raised his thick eyebrows, wondering why James was butting in so early and didn't have a girl of his own with him. James just winked, then looked down at the girl, raising his voice to be heard over the music.

"Hi," he said loudly, "Do you mind if I talk to my buddy for a second? It's kind of important."

The girl shrugged, smiling at Kendall as she stepped away from him. James grinned casually, not acknowledging Kendall's confused expression. Instead, he took Kendall by the neck, gripping it forcefully and pulling Kendall's face close to his. James smiled devilishly as he noticed the shock flicker through Kendall's eyes, and he pushed his lips up against the blonde's. Feeling the girl's eyes on him, James pushed his toungue farther into Kendall's mouth, moving his lips harshly against his boyfriend's. He ran a hand down Kendall's side, beggining to grind his hips into Kendall's to the beat of the music.

"Change of plans," James hissed into Kendall's ear, pulling out of the kiss, "I had to cut in early. I couldn't stand to see her hands all over my man on our honeymoon."

"I'm not complaining," Kendall replied, looking at James with his intense green eyes, "let's give these people a show."

"Sorry honey," James said, whipping his head around to face the girl, whose jaw had dropped to the floor in shock, "you've been booted. Kendall here plays for a different team." With that, he grabbed Kendall's ass and forced their hips together again, grinding harshly but still with the beat.

"I see you're already hard," James whispered, returning to Kendall, "Well, less work for me."

Their bodies moved together seamlessly, the motions smooth but somehow still abrupt and rough. Being practiced musicians, they kept the beat with ease, going with the music as if it was a part of them. Bright strobe lights flashed across the club and made it near impossible to see clearly, but they didn't need to see; the steady feeling of eachother's bodies moving together was enough. James leaned forward; Kendall leaned back. The balance of pressure and fluidity was just right, neither needing to give the other any warning as they danced because they knew each other so well.

"We should move this somewhere else," James breathed into his boyfriend's ear, rubbing against him harder and slowing his pace as the song changed.

"I thought we were done doing it in bathroom stalls," Kendall replied as he swung his hips, leaning his shoulders away from James and winding down. James went with him, getting lower and sticking with Kendall.

"There's other places," James told him, pressing his lips against Kendall's ear. "Believe me," he whispered as he lightly bit at the skin, letting his toungue flit ever-so-slightly over the edge of Kendall's ear, as was his signature, "I have other arrangements."

"Really," Kendall said, a smug grin playing across his lips. He turned around and raised his thick eyebrows, admiring the glow of the dim lights on his boyfriend's face. Running a hand down James's back, he slipped his hand into the back pocket of the tan boy's dark skinny jeans. His green eyes shone mischeviously as he glanced at James, whispering, "Then let's get out of here."

James winked, sliding his hand slowly down Kendall's arm. Holding Kendall's hand low, by his ass, he turned away from Kendall, quickly scanning the people gathered nearby. He quickly picked out the girl with whom Kendall had been dancing, reaching his free arm out and tapping her lightly on the shoulder. The girl turned abruptly, looking surprised to be confronted by James's smiling face.

"Hi sweetie," James called over the music, "I'm going to go sleep with my boyfriend now," he held his and Kendall's hands up, showing that they were wound tightly together, before dropping them back down and giving Kendall's hand a squeeze. "So paws off," he finished, sticking his toungue out and turning on his heel to lead Kendall out of the crowd.

"How mature," Kendall commented once they were out of the big crowd, leaning his head onto James's shoulder. "Since when are you the jealous type?"

James smiled, turning to kiss Kendall's resting head and wrapping an arm around the blonde. "Since now. It looked like fun."

He turned Kendall to face him, sliding his arms around his boyfriend and resting his hands on Kendall's lower back. Placing his lips over Kendall's ear, he gently kissed at the tender skin there, then whispered, "Also, I'm really horny."

"You said you had somewhere for us to go," Kendall breathed, slowly drawing his hand up James's shoulder and cupping the back of the slightly taller boy's neck with one hand. He slowly pulled James into a deep kiss, pushing his toungue into James's mouth with a harsh deliberation. "Lead the way," he whispered, his breath washing over James's soft lips.

James instead connected his mouth to Kendall's again, biting lightly at Kendall's lower lip and pulling it open a little. He tipped his head to the right, opening his mouth and kissing Kendall eagerly, sucking against the blonde's soft lips and slipping his toungue ever-so-slightly into Kendall's mouth.

"Come with me," James said, smiling as he pressed his lips against Kendall's one more time, then pulled away abruptly, taking Kendall by the hand and dragging him out of the club. Kendall jogged a few steps to keep up with James, following the tall and dark figure out the back exit, by the bathrooms.

"Hey look," Kendall said, laughing as he pointed at the men's bathroom, "We've been there before."

James stopped, biting his lip and smiling evilly at Kendall. He then turned around, leading his boyfriend back and into the bathroom.

"This one, right?" James said, pushing the crappy metal door to one of the stalls open. He pulled Kendall into the stall, the tight fit forcing the blonde to collide with him.

"What are we doing in here?" Kendall asked, looking at James's hazel eyes and wrapping both hands around the other boy's waist. Their chests were pressed against each other, the close fit allowing Kendall to easily lean forward and give James a peck on the lips. James wrapped a thick arm around Kendall's shoulders, reaching into his jeans pocket with his free hand.

"Vandalism," James breathed in reply, giving Kendall a suspicious look, his eyes seeming to glow. He opened his hand to show Kendall a small black Sharpie, easily uncapping it with his thumb. Then, he wrote the letters "J+K" on the wall, enclosing them in a thick black heart.

"I figured this deserved to be here," James said when he was done, sliding a hand to cup the side of Kendall's face and give him a deep kiss. Kendall smiled into the kiss, fisting the back of James's shirt, the thin cloth gripped between his fingertips. They slowly pulled away from each other, and James winked, licking his lips and wiggling his eyebrows at Kendall.

James reached to where he'd drawn the heart, adding another figure next to it. He moved his hand away when he was done, smiling proudly at his boyfriend.

"Really?" Kendall said, laughing, "A dick?"

"It happened before the heart," James replied, chuckling as he put a hand on Kendall's neck and pushed his toungue into his boyfriend's mouth.

"That is true," Kendall agreed with a roll of his bright green eyes. He let a hushed silence fill the small amount of air between himself and his boyfriend, relishing the quiet pause before adding, "So, where's this new place for us to get it on?"

James pushed the blonde's lanky body up against the cold, metallic wall of the tiny space, pushing his face up so it was inches from Kendall's. He could feel Kendall's harsh breathing washing over his lips, and a smile played out across James's face.

"I lied," James admitted, biting his lip in his flirty but devilish grin, "We're doing it right here. Again."

Kendall sucked in a breath. It was a second chance. A foul shot. It was time to get it right.

This time, as their bodies fused together as one in a rough, angry, skin-slapping-against-skin exchange, Kendall knew there wouldn't be nearly as many tears, fists, or shouts of repercussions.

The only shouts being called tonight would be shouts of pleasure.

A/N: I can't believe this took so long to post. I'm so, so, sorry. I hope you liked it! Please review!