
Seto sat in his limousine on his way home. It was late and he wondered if Joey was already asleep. Tomorrow would be their anniversary in living together and Seto could hardly wait to take his hot boyfriend to the little island he had bought him the previous year and spend a whole week there, celebrating their three years living together and two years being together anniversaries the same way they did the year before. The plane ticket was bought and Seto's yacht was ready. Some employees that checked on the little house on the little island had already stocked the fridge with plenty of food that should even get Joey through the week.

He loved taking Joey on a holiday, ever since he took him out for christmas before they even had gotten together. Seto had booked a nice little cabin for them in the mountains to teach his blond lover how to ski. He assumed that Joey would love to ski down a mountain and would also enjoy drinking hot chocolate with cream in front of the fireplace in the evenings. Seto himself had enjoyed the fact that Joey still couldn't ski and most of the whipped cream ended up on Joey's body, instead of in his hot chocolate. Seto felt even more smug about the fact that he took Joey there every year now and that he still couldn't even put on his skies, never mind ski down the mountain.

Some might think it funny that they lived together for three years but didn't get together until about one year and one week later. But it was all due to a contract.

Seto could still remember how it all had started like it was just yesterday. Seto had been on a business related party and bored out of his mind when he overheard some perverted guys talk about their lovers. One mentioned that he frequently picked someone off the street and found a real treat there. Some guy who was young and hot, still a little muscular and with wild blond hair. Seto didn't really care and was about to move away when the other mentioned that Joey was really wild and had lots of hot scars on his sexy body. The name had coaused Seto to listen a little closer. Hoping that it wasn't the Joey that he so desperately had tried to forget. The hot blond that was glued to that god damn Yugi and loved a moronic biker that was dating a woman that was like a sister to the blond and would never love him back. Seto wasn't sure if it could be the same. There must be countless guys out there that fitted to that description and he had a detective to check up on Joey four times a year to make sure that he was still all right. If the idiot had missed something this vital, his head would roll.

Even years after that night Seto still got aggravated at the thought of what that idiotic guy had all missed, at least he knew that he would never work as a detective again. He had known that Joey's father didn't work and Joey was having a hard time to cope with the money he earned but that he did cope and got better at that. Seto remembered the shock he had felt when he drove through the street where this blond Joey could be found sometimes, certain that it must be someone else but unable to just forget about it. Now Seto was happy that he had driven through that street. Joey was standing there. His Joey.

Seto had immediately done everything he needed to do, to get Joey off that street for the moment and to find out how long this was going on and why it was going on. He told one of his two security guards in the front to talk to Joey and distract him, by asking for a price long enough for the second to get out of the car unnoticed. Then Joey should be let inside and the security guard that talked to Joey was to stay with them, while the other should find out more about this. Seto gave the second one a few thousand dollar, that should be plenty of money to loosen the right tongues.

Seto still remembered the feeling of Joey on his lap that night and his lips. But he also remembered the shock that crossed Joey's face when he recognised who was with him. He remembered how nervous Joey was to be with him and the look on Joey's face whenever he tried to get away in his mind, probably thinking of Valon and then even telling him the most ridiculous lies about his thoughts. But most of all Seto remembered the shock of not only finding old scars but also bruises on Joey's perfect body once they where at the mansion. That was the moment where Seto had chosen to help him and made sure that Joey would stay the night for now. Already thinking about ways to help him.

Seto knew back then that he should have just given him money to stop him from doing all that but he couldn't live with that. Joey was standing in his room, half naked and willing to do whatever Seto wanted for the right amount of money. Who wouldn't understand that Seto simply couldn't just let him go without another kiss and after that, he simply had to have more and more and more of that amazing feeling he got from one little kiss, never mind after what had happened in the limousine. Seto soon learned that Joey's face looked the best when he was truly pleasured. The blush on his face, the clouded look in his eyes were amazing. And Seto couldn't get enough from that look. He made Joey look at him to further enjoy that look and to make sure that it wouldn't be to easy for Joey to think of anyone but him.

The next weeks had been hard. First talking Joey into signing a contract that would force him to stay with Seto for a year and then helping him to get his father into a new apartment. That was the worst at the start. The old guy smelled of alcohol and looked only half coherent when they went to Joey's old appartment. The guy was a mess and filthy and the apartment they used to share was nothing but one filthy room with a cooker in one corner, one mantras in another corner and a couch. There was a tiny bathroom attached, so small that you nearly needed to go into the tiny shower to take a piss. It was the worst. Hardly anything from there could still be used and Seto was glad to be out of it and he still remembered the fury he felt, when the old drunkard had looked everywhere for alcohol once they were at the new place. His own son was secretly selling his body, working his butt off in a restaurant and unable to study, because his father drank away his savings and he still went on looking for more alcohol.

Seto had tried to get Joey out of the room with success and told his dad that Joey would stay with him for at least a year and that Seto would do anything to make him stay longer and that if he would drink just one drop, he would rather kill the old fool than letting Joey return to a man who only saw his own pain but not the one Joey was in nor the bruises he was hiding, or the trouble he's having cleaning up his father´s mess. Seto had told the old fool that it had been his job to help Joey over loosing his mother and sister and not Joey's to clean up the mess it left and help his old drunken father, unable to study or live his own life, just because his father was drunk and Joey was too good to leave him behind. Seto had told the old man to his face how much he despised him for hurting Joey and that he would deserve to lose Joey forever and that if Seto had any say in it, Joey would never return to him. This must have been good because ever since that day, the old Wheeler hadn't had a drop. Seto had kept an eye on him but the old man didn't even try to drink anymore. He finally had gotten the point and found the motivation to quit.

Seto had tried to give Joey time from then on. To get used to him but that had been hard. Joey was just too sexy to be true, especially when lying in bed with noting on but his boxers. More than once he wanted to molest the hot blond. They also had fought throughout the year, a few times and it always had hurt but it also felt good to be able to fight with Joey. Every couple fights sometimes and Seto knew that they both had a tamper that boiled up easily. But only two of the fights in the first year were really bad. One where Joey had fallen asleep in the park and Seto had been terrified to lose him so soon and said some things that angered the blond so much that for a moment Seto was sure to lose him forever. The other fight was where Joey had been pissed, simply because Seto wanted to be a part of his life. He had shown up in the game shop where he knew Joey was and simply wanted to watch Joey's cute face and hear his voice but Joey had been really pissed. Seto still didn't dare to intrude on Joey and his friends, unless Joey asked him if he wanted to join them. But Seto had to admit that Joey might have a point, he needed some space too but Seto hadn't known that his friends always talked bad about him. He knew they would sometimes but not that often.

There was one other really bad thing happening in that time. Mai and Valon had gotten married. Seto could still remember the pain in Joey's eyes whenever the topic arose and at the wedding it had been the worse. He had smiled the whole time but Seto could see the pain that was hidden so well that nearly no one noticed. And Seto was impressed by the strength that was shown in that action. Joey was always strong, for family and friends while Seto just wanted to kill the whole lot just to have Joey to himself. Mai was the worst of them all. Sure, Valon was the one who was dangerous to Seto since Joey loved him, but Mai was the mean one. She knew that Joey loved Valon or at least assumed it and even told Joey those assumptions but she still made him go through that day, just because she wanted him there.

The worst part of that year had been where Joey had looked up at Seto during the wedding, obviously about to beg for something. The pain wasn't hidden for once and Seto knew what he longed for. He wanted Valon, at least touching him one time to congratulate him but maybe he wanted more. Seto still didn't know, since he told himself that Joey just wanted to congratulate Valon and nothing else. He didn't want to hear that it was more and offered immediately that he was free for the night. Hoping that Joey might feel a bit of gratitude, which would ultimately be helpful and knowing that Joey couldn't do too much, since his friends thought he and Seto were together and Valon was married now and not too much of a danger, due to that. Seto knew that he might destroy the little hope he had, if Joey tried one last desperate act to get Valon but the slightly happy and mostly relived smile on Joey's face was already worth the risk, since it wasn't likely anyway.

The year wasn't all bad though. There were a lot of nice moments, like lying in the garden and just be together. Or when they talked at night, without fighting, mostly about Joey's father. Those moments were always perfect. Especially since one of those talks made Joey kiss Seto like he really meant to kiss him. Not like he had to but like he wanted to. One thing had lead to the next that night and Seto will always remember the first night where he didn't have a feeling like Joey didn't want to be pleasured by him. The first night where he had picked Joey off the street it was business to the blond and he tried to think of an other. He was pleasured that much was clear, but he didn't like it and had tried to think of Valon all the time, that was clear to Seto.

But that night, after the soft kiss, Joey was truly his. Seto had felt it in the way Joey had clung to him, like he would never let go again. The look in Joey's eyes had been even better than the first time around and Seto was unable to look away. This night it felt like Joey was nearly too pleasured at times to keep his eyes open but Seto couldn't stop looking into them and told him to keep them open, just so he could see the clouded look in them. By now he didn't need to say it, Joey knew what he liked and gave it willingly. At least most of it. Seto thought about a day close to their first Christmas together, while he finally reached the mansion and walked inside. Mokuba was there on that day close to christmas and talked about some presents with Joey. Seto had promised that whatever perverted thing his brother had come up with, he would never hint at it or anything. Seto still regretted agreeing to that, since he really would have loved to see his Joey dressed up like the adorable little puppy he is. But so far Seto hadn't even been able to talk him into dressing like a sexy maid. But that didn't mean that he gave up.

And Seto could at least try to sweet talk Joey to stop by at the office again. Joey refused to do that, since Seto had seduced him there once and left the door unlocked. Seto still remembered the strange looks he had gotten during the next few days and was sure that everyone knew that he had sex in his office on that beautiful day and he still was proud of that. Everyone knew already that he was dating Joey at the time, since he had informed the security that Joey could always come and visit him or wait for him in his office and go wherever he wanted to inside of Kaiba Corp. but those looks made it official for Seto that they all knew that Joey was truly his and his alone.

Seto walked into his room and was happy to finally be with his littly puppy, not that he dared to call him that, since it would only make them fight again. Once he was inside of his room, he saw that Joey was still awake. He lay there on his stomach, the thin blanket down to just above his hip. One of his hands was under his chin and his eyes were focused on a book that was in his other hand. Seto smiled at the blond who was so focused on the book that he didn't even hear Seto enter. He loved his books and had written one himself by now and it was increasing in popularity quickly. Seto was the first to read it and impressed by his talent for writing.

Seto walked closer and gave the blond a kiss on his back. He kissed his back just above the blanket. He knew that Joey loved it and was rewarded with a happy moan from his sexy lover. "You're late," Joey said accusingly.

"Couldn't be helped," Seto said. He knew perfectly well that Joey didn't like him to be late and it was rare that Joey would sleep before he was back, since he didn't seem to be able to sleep without Seto being close. A fact that Seto was incredibly proud of, even though Joey refused to admit it.

"Why were you late again?" Joey asked, obviously jealous again and pulling Seto on the bed with him, even though Seto was still fully dressed.

"I had to prepare everything for the week off I planned with you." Seto said with a smile. He saw the love and devotion in Joey's eyes and that was more than he ever dared to hope for. The first time Seto had seen a little hint of it the night where Joey was pissed that Seto was intruding into his life too much. He had also said that he had to think about Seto all the time but back then there was a very real possibility that that it was wishful thinking and those thoughts weren't quiet the same as Seto's and most likly much less flattering. But Joey's eyes had looked like he was in love but didn't want it to be real. Like he was afraid of such an unknown and dangerous feeling. A feeling that could hurt worse than anything else. No weapon or torture could hurt more than love and Seto knew that all too well, since that one night in the park where Joey had said that he would never get anything but his body.

"Fuck the bloody company, ya have plenty of money." Joey mumbled but Seto was sure that he didn't mean it. At least not completely. He understood that Seto needed that job to feel complete. It had become his life to an extend and Seto would never risk losing it. Not unless he could save either Mokuba's or Joey's life with giving it up but nothing less than that could ever stop him from going in to work. He needed something to do, a goal and his company always offered a new goal to achieve.

"You know I won't do that. And you know why." Seto said and kissed the blond, trying to calm him a little. His temper could still be quite a handful and no month had passed so far without them fighting with each other, at least a little. But Seto enjoyed those fights because after every fight they could make up. But it wasn't just the fact that he got sex then that made him love it, even though that surely was a very enjoyable part of it. He loved making up because every time they did, Seto was reminded how much Joey would do for him. He fought but no matter how bad that fight got, Joey stayed with him. Not once since the contract hat ended and Joey had gotten the money had he said that he wanted to go. Seto saw not only while making up that Joey loved him but even during their fights it was visible to him. It was clear in the way Joey seemed to be incapable of looking away from Seto's eyes, like he was afraid to miss whatever was shown in them. Joey was always standing close to him and no matter how close they got to kill each other, Seto still saw love and devotion in Joey's eyes, mingled with the anger that was flared by his temper.

Seto felt Joey starting to undress him with a wicked grin and a whispered: "Maybe I just need to give you the right tempting arguments to make you stay with me all day long."

Seto grinned back a little and whispered: "You´ve got a week to show me those arguments as detailed as you please. Preferably looking like a maid."

"I hate you." Joey said and kissed Seto passionately, proving his words to be lies. Which was the reason neither one had ever said "I love you" to the other. Seto was sure of it. Their words could lie. But the kisses Joey gave him right now, his hands pulling in Seto's hair to move him even closer and his eyes that were so full of love and devotion even in a fight, they could never lie. They were the living prove of their undying love and no words were capable to ever be as true and pure as those actions would always be.

Authors note:

Thanks to sherabo, BrowneyedShamer, Guptanation, Nagareboshi-Lover, Sasu-Sama' Sarukiji-Sempai, lilgurlanima, CandyassGoth and Angel the Neko for the reviews.

And thanks to everyone who reviewed so far and still will write a review and to everyone who faved it. I also would like to thenk everyone who read the whole story I'm glad you liked it *hug*

I also started a new story already. A rewrite of dogsitter and it will have a surprise for Seto on the 25th of October. If you like a funny puppyshiping story where a dog will drive Joey crazy and get him together with Seto then you'll love it.

Bye and hope you all had as much fun reading this as I had writing it.