A/N: I'll admit right here that most of this my sister (and beta) wrote. While I was proof reading her stories she decided to finish this one for me. Considering that she is more familiar with the character that is making a guest appearance I think it turned out rather well and hilarious. If you don't know the character then you need to watch the show Supernatural (if you don't see him right away just keep watching), which I don't own just like Doctor Who.

There was a very loud, extremely jarring collision that sent the TARDIS spinning in the vortex. Donna was thrown from her position on the jump seat and even the Doctor was flung from his perch on the consol. Whatever had run into them smashed so hard into the TARDIS that Donna could feel them spinning end over end and was trying not to hurl her lunch onto the grating as she desperately hung onto the legs of the jump seat.

When the TARDIS finally calmed enough the Doctor scrambled his way to the consol from the wall that he had been thrown up against. He climbed over the railing, bypassing the ramp in his rush, knowing that he would never have kept his feet that way as the TARDIS was still rather turbulent. When he finally reached the controls he quickly put his ship to rights and hollered to Donna to make sure she was fine.

When all the Doctor got back was a groan he tumbled his way to Donna as quickly as possible to make sure that she was alright. He dropped to his knees next to her to check her breathing. When he got a queasy looking glare back for his concern the Doctor determined that besides being banged up a bit Donna was in fact better off than he was. His back and his head were pounding in pain.

Unfortunately, he had no time to fix himself as he still had to figure out what had happened and how damaged the TARDIS was. Springing up the Doctor checked over the console and found to his surprise that not only was the TARDIS fine she had also landed.

"What!" was all that the Doctor could think to say.

Outside the TARDIS was an average looking man. Besides looking a bit wind swept he looked like someone who worked in an office every day based on the cheap suit and trench coat he was wearing. The only thing that would suggest otherwise was his odd way of carrying himself and how he spoke. It was as if he was unused to how a human body worked.

"I'm sorry," the man said solemnly his deep gravelly voice sincere, "it was not my intention to harm you or any that you carry. I had only meant to pass through quickly. I had no idea-"

There was a moment of silence as the man listened to something that only few could hear. He stared at the TARDIS with intense blue eyes, a furrow forming on his brow as his head just slightly tilted as he listened.

"Yes, I see now how that could be considered rude."

"I am fine."


"That must be very difficult."

"It's an odd feeling. The vessel I wear feels constricting and yet," the man frowns in confusion and looks down at the hands he wears, unable to find how to articulate how he really feels.

He stares at the blue box again before answering, "Yes, 'bigger on the inside' would be a fair description."

"It must be," the man pauses as the Doctor opens the door, "difficult."

"Hello! I'm the Doctor-," the alien starts.

"I know," replies the stranger. The man does not face the Doctor as he addresses him only his eyes shift.

"Yes, well, nice to meet you…," the Doctor trails off hoping that the man will fill in the blank. The only reaction to his statement is that now the stranger turns to face him. There is a measured silence where the Doctor is scanned from the top of his head to his trainers and back to his eyes.

The man's stare is intense but the Doctor has faced worse so isn't intimidated by it. It's his silence that disturbs the Doctor most. Not just the physical silence, although it was a contributing factor, the man didn't breathe and his heart didn't beat, it was the mental silence that caused every nerve in the Doctor's body to be on edge.

The silence stretched on for a couple of beats longer as the man turned back to facing the TARDIS completely while keeping his eyes on the Doctor.

"Castiel," the man finally replies.

"Right, Castiel, pleasure meeting you. What did you do to my TARDIS?" The last is delivered with a light and bubbly voice coupled with dark and angry eyes. The Doctor knows this man is far from human even if he's wearing one currently. The body does a poor job at hiding the higher dimensional being because while the Doctor can see that yes, there is a human in there somewhere, he mostly sees light.

There is another moment of silence where both men stop and listen. The Doctor starts to sputter in indignation and Castiel turns his head and says, "She says your being rude."

Now there is a faint twinkle in the man's blue eyes as if he's amused. It's faint because he's not certain why this other man would be considered rude. There is relief there as well because Castiel for once is not being chastised for something he doesn't understand. But the amusement is still there and the Doctor can see it, this only makes him glare at Castiel.

"I know what she was saying," the Doctor grouses.

Castiel tilts his head to one side surveying the Doctor again before pursing his lips and narrowing his eye in confusion. Once he has come to his conclusions he bobs his head slowly while simply stating, "You are lying."

"What" sputtered the Doctor, incredulity echoes loudly, "What?"

"You are lying," stated Castiel, his confusion growing, as if he is unsure as to why the Doctor doesn't know he is lying.

"Of course I understand what she is saying! She is my TARDIS."

"No," came Castiel's gravelly deep voice.


The Doctor doesn't even get a response to his indignant exclamation. Castiel had already turned away from him to look at the TARDIS once more, head still tilted to one side once again.

"But he doesn't understand what you are saying. He can only understand how you feel, and cannot even hear you properly."

"I can understand how melting his brain could be problematic. I was in a similar situation once, and found it rather unfortunate myself," was said with a slight huff, as if Castiel was mildly irritated at whomever he was referring to and it was their fault that they had not been able to hear him, "I was very fortunate to acquire this vessel."

"And how did you-" the Doctor started to ask as Castiel looked up into the sky.

He was cut off again as Castiel looked back at the TARDIS without moving his head, "That must be difficult for you. I am sorry."

Castiel's eyes move back to the Doctor, he face free of confusion, "no."



"No, what?" Huffs the Doctor. He has not been this irritated since Jack got them in trouble on Bob.

"You do not own her."

He is saved from making an indignant remark and squawking by the TARDIS doors slamming open, "What the bloody hell is going on!"

The Doctor watches Castiel's shoulders tense and his eyes widen at Donna's volume.

"Oi, I'm talking to you spacemen," Donna exclaims, punctuating her remark by smacking the Doctor's arm. He glares at Donna while rubbing his arm petulantly.

"I don't know," grouses the Doctor, who is still ignored. There is a moment of silence while Donna and Castiel take in each other.

"What are you looking at?" demands Donna as she stalks closer to Castiel either unaware or unconcerned that he may be dangerous. The Doctor can tell by the way she is looking at him that she is not impressed or intimidated. Castiel tenses further and leans slightly away, hands awkwardly holding his trench coat as if it could protect him from woman in front of him. But something that he sees in Donna allows him to relax and stare at her in open curiosity.

"Well, are you going to answer me? Is he another Martian? He's got to be because he dresses almost exactly like you. Only thing he's missing is the trainers. He even has the bloody coat."

After taking a moment to glance at his coat, a move the Doctor thinks is to check to see if his coat is in fact covered in blood, Castiel takes a step forward into her personal space, examining her intently. There was a moment of silence before he nods his head as if he has come to a significant conclusion, "You are very loud."

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" screeches Donna, putting at least two feet between them, while the Doctor snickers at her, "Anyone ever talk to you about personal space."

Castiel shifted his feet and glanced anywhere but at Donna in what the Doctor assumed was in a guilty fashion.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you," stated Donna.

He glances up at her with wide blue eyes.


Castiel tilts his head as if he is listening to something, ignoring Donna abruptly. A frown appears on his face before he states, "I must go. I apologize again for-"

"Don't even think about," states Donna as she grabs onto the sleeve of Castiel's trench coat, "Now, you're going to explain what is going on because obviously you're the only one that knows."

Castiel's eyebrows furrow as he stares down at the demanding redhead, "I was flying in a hurry and ran into her. Apparently that was very rude of me."

"You ran into the TARDIS?" was asked by Donna as the Doctor cried out "We were in the time vortex."


There was a moment of silence where both the Doctor and Donna waited for Castiel to continue. He didn't.

"That's it?" the Doctor exclaimed in indignation.

Castiel looked at both of them in mild confusion, not understanding that they expected a more thorough answer.

"What are you?" demands the Doctor.

"I am Castiel, an angel of the Lord."

"What," states the Doctor flatly as Donna stares at him in alarm.

"I am an Angel of the Lord," states Castiel again solemnly, as if he is imparted grave information to them.

"Pull the other one," states Donna blandly.

"Pull the- I do not understand that reference," intones Castiel, bafflement flittering across his face and irritation starting to enter his voice.

There is another moment of silence where Donna doesn't know what to say, the Doctor looks about to explode from either irritation or excited questions, and Castiel is frowning in general until Castiel's phone starts ringing. He answers with a huff.

"I am on my way, Dean," frustration and irritation laced through his voice.

While Castiel is listening to the caller's reply the Doctor starts scanning him with his sonic and Donna mutters, "cause angels carry mobiles."

"I apologize, Sam. I thought it would be Dean calling. He has been particularly galling in his prayers. I have been detained momentarily."

"Thank you for the offer, Sam, but I am fine."

"No, it is not heaven."

"An alien and her two companions. Good bye, Sam." Castiel closes his phone without waiting for a reply and stares at the two of them.

"Donna Noble," he nods his head to her.

"I will be more careful while flying," he states to the TARDIS.

"Good luck on finding her other heart, Time Lord," is Castiel's final remark and then completely vanishes with the sound of flapping wings.

Donna swiftly turns to the Doctor and whaps him on the arm while screeching, "What is going on! How does he know my name?"