SORRY THIS CHAPTER IS JUST. Shit. Utter and complete shit. I have just sort of reached my limit with this one. It's almost over and I WILL finish it! I've just been...really, really uninspired.

I'm also working on something I'd hope to have published one day. It's in the very rough stages, but I've got two chapters done. Anyone who's interested in reading it (Although I don't know why you would be OTL) Can ask me and I'll link you to it. c:


Tavros groaned as the first beams of light found their way through his curtains. He rubbed his eyes, and turned over, familiar warmth comforting at his side. He chuckled and turned to spoon the man beside him. "Morning Gamzee," he cooed, his voice still groggy with sleep.

"Mm," came the lethargic reply. Gamzee never was a morning person. Tavros chuckled again and leaned over, kissing the side of the other man's head. When he opened his eyes and blur slowly faded away, something froze him. That wasn't Gamzee's typical black fluff, but straight blonde locks that were slightly mussed from a long night's sleep. The face was slightly aged, maybe in their late twenties, too.

Tavros panicked immediately. He gasped and threw himself off the bed, crawling along the floor as quickly as he could until he was in the bathroom. He closed the door fast, locking it and fiddled desperately with his phone, almost on the verge of tears. He heard the man that had invaded his bed stir, but couldn't hear him moving around or making any other sort of ruckus.

He didn't comprehend the names in his contacts list or that his phone seemed somehow different. He just pressed himself against the wall and placed the phone shakily to his ear, trying to stay as quiet as possible.


"Gamzee! Gamzee where are you? O-Oh my God there's someone in the h-house- I-In our bed. G-Gamzee I'm scared! Please help-" He could hear how ragged and breathless his voice sounded. He wiped terrified tears from his eyes and inhaled a big sob. "Some man...blonde...G-Gamzee hurry!" he whispered loudly, earnestly trying to suppress his cries.

There was silence for a long time and Tavros began to panic more, the anxiety bubbling up in his chest until he was sure his little heart would give out.

"Stay right where you are. I'm coming." Click.

Tavros dropped his phone, a loud hiccup resounding through the bathroom involuntarily. "Shit," he whispered, burying his face in his knees so he couldn't make any other loud noises. He could hear something behind the door. It was blankets shifting as a foreign body moved around.


Tavros wanted to scream. The intruder knew him. Was it some creepy stalker? Had he been raped? "Oh God, oh God, oh God," he screamed in his head, trembling violently. He was too young to die. He went rigid when the door handle jiggled and there was a knock.


"Go away! I don't know you!" Tavros screamed. "My b-boyfriend is coming to get me right n-now!" He pressed his hand into his chest to keep it from heaving too much.

There was silence on the other side of the door, just like with Gamzee on the phone, then a small gasp could be heard and the jiggling became more incessant. "Tavros it's me!" the man yelled, banging on the door with a strong fist. "Open the door this instant!"

Tavros was on the verge of hyperventilating at that. He shook, covering his head and ears as he sobbed in fear. He continued to talk quietly to himself to drown out the sound of the other, too afraid to confront him.

It seemed like an eternity went by before he heard Gamzee's strong voice yelling at the other man. He wanted to leave the bathroom and run into Gamzee's arms, but he was afraid. And he felt incredibly selfish. What if the other man was armed and hurt Gamzee? That sent a new panic rushing through him and he stood as they fought on the other side of the door. "Oh God, oh God, oh God," Tavros whimpered, shakily getting to his feet.

He licked his lips and his breathing was labored, but something managed to catch his eye. He turned to the mirror, something in it seemed wrong from the corner of his eye. He flinched and ducked for a moment, but peered back up, righting himself again. The man in the mirror was not him. Couldn't be him. Looked more like his father. He raised his right hand, waving it and the movement was so confusing he nearly jumped out of his own skin.

"That's not me," he whispered, leaning in. He leaned back again, then ducked down and moved back up. "I-I'm dreaming." He looked thicker. Not with weight but more with muscle, and his hair was longer than it had been only the day before. The contours of his face were deep and mature and any signs of youth had changed from boy to young man. His body began shaking again, a ringing in his ears making it hard to concentrate on any sound outside of it. He did register the door as it was forced open from the corner of his eye.

He turned, looking dazed and terrified. His eyes forced themselves to focus on the two before him. The intruder actually looked familiar, his confused mind managed to notice. "Dave?" he whispered. His eyes flicked to Gamzee. He didn't have his makeup on and he looked older too. He didn't even look like Gamzee, hardly. Tavros watched as they both seemed apprehensive to approach him.

"Tavros?" Gamzee asked. "When do you think it is?" his voice was slow and calculated, deep.

Tavros's eyes flicked back and forth between them and before he knew it he'd blacked out from the shock.

Tavros could hear bickering around him. Gamzee and his father, no doubt. What a strange dream he'd had. What was it supposed to mean and why did he have it in the first place? His head hurt too: Like he'd hit it on something hard. He groaned and shifted a bit. "Gamzee?" His mouth felt like cotton.

"Tavros, thank God," he could hear what sounded like Gamzee say. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled, before another man caught his eyes. It was the older Dave from his dream...Which meant it wasn't a dream after all.

"What happened?" Tavros murmured, reaching up to lightly touch his forehead. He cringed and dropped his hand back to his side. "My head hurts."

"Don't move too much," Dave said, pushing Gamzee out of the way. "Tavros, I'm your husband, what's the last thing you remember?"

"You're his ex-fiance," Gamzee sneered, moving to Tavros' other side to take his free hand. "More importantly how are you feeling?"

Tavros shakily sat up, both Gamzee and Dave fussing over him and telling him to be careful or don't exert himself. "I feel okay," he sighed, not noticing how Gamzee looked at Dave triumphantly. "And the last thing I remember? Gamzee and I were at a party...we came home and I was really tired. I uh...had to get up early to meet with Rox, Jane and Vris." Tavros grabbed his head suddenly, groaning as it throbbed. "It hurts..."

"Fuck," Dave cursed under his breath. Gamzee was positively beaming. "Move," Dave demanded, forcing Gamzee away. "Tavros I'm going to ask you a few questions, alright? Answer them the best you can." He surfed around in his medical bag and pulled out his stethoscope and small flashlight. "Do you know where you are?" he asked, shining the flashlight in Tavros' eyes.

Tavros scrunched his nose and squinted. "Gamzee's mansion." He registered the room around him. "But I don't recognize this room."

"Tavros I'm going to tell you some really shocking information, but you have to stay calm, alright? If you don't stay calm you might have another episode," Dave explained slowly.

Tavros looked unsure, but gave a hesitant nod. "O-Okay..."

"Seven years ago, you and your friends left on your trip. You were run off the road by a group of mobsters in the middle of nowhere. Your friends...didn't make it, but you managed to get away and I saved you-" Dave shot a glare at Gamzee when he scoffed. "You're my fiance."

Tavros trembled, near hyperventilating. "But...Gamzee..." He looked at the man with round eyes.

"Wasn't there for you," Dave said.

"Ex-motherfucking-scuse me?" Gamzee snapped, only softening his heated sneer when he saw Tavros flinch. "Tavros don't listen to him he's a fucking sociopath! He-"

Dave grabbed Gamzee by the collar and silenced him, his eyes set intently. "You're going to shock him straight into a coma. He's got a head injury so we don't know what he actually believes," he hissed in a whisper, pushing Gamzee backwards. "If you care about him you'll leave him be so I can take care of him for the time being."

"You mean so you can try to motherfuckin convince him I'm the villain and you're the good guy," Gamzee countered quietly.

"I -did- save him," Dave growled.

"P-Please don't fight you guys," Tavros said meekly. They both turned to look at him, backing away from each other.

"We'll be right back Tavros. Call if you need help," Dave said, gesturing for Gamzee to follow. When the blonde wasn't looking, Gamzee leaned down and kissed Tavros' temple.

"We'll get this all sorted out," he whispered.

"Well," Dave said. "He's got his memories back."


"It seems we're at an impasse."


"But, we must remember, even though Tavros thinks you're his boyfriend, I'm actually his fiance," Dave said, narrowing his eyes.

"You're a liar and a motherfuckin asshole on top of that," Gamzee growled. "You better tell Tavros the fucking truth or so help me motherfucking God I will kill you."

"Step off clown," Dave said, holding his hands up to ward Gamzee off. "You think you're entitled to Tavros now just because of a seven year old infatuation?"

"We dated for four years," Gamzee sneered.

"We've date for four years and have been engaged for three," Dave replied, smug. It was true, but all that time had gone since then. "Tavros is mine and I won't have some dumb stoner taking him from me again," he sneered.

There was a sudden tension in the air as pieces began to come together. "Why did Tavros remember your name if he's forgotten the last seven years...?"

Dave lifted his chin, watching as Gamzee's mind worked to solve the puzzle. He watched the man's face from under his sunglasses, waiting.

"Again..." Realization was evident in indigo eyes and he gaped. "Dave. Strider. Strider...that awkward fucking blonde that was always hangin around Tavros."

"Took you long enough," Dave said, brushing his fingers through his hair. "Tavros was supposed to be mine, but you took him from me."

"Dude if Tavros liked you he wouldn't have gone out with me! You're going to fucking smother him to death," Gamzee hissed.


Dave and Gamzee both flinched when they heard a scream and the front door slamming open. They turned almost in perfect unison to see John flying up the stairs, brushing past them and into Dave and Tavros' room. The two men turned to look at each other, baffled, then gasped. Dave spoke first. "Tavros won't-"

"Remember him," Gamzee finished, his mouth setting into a line. They both hurried into the room, but it was too late.

"Tavros I'm your -best friend-. John! We're best friends! For seven years!" John tried to explain, exasperated. "Tavros c'mon there's no way you could have forgotten me, okay? Joke's over. Ha ha, you guys are so hilarious! Everyone freak out John Egbert. Wow so sensitive. We really got him good, ha ha ha. Look I know you're joking, so stop it! It's really mean!"

"John," Dave sighed, pushing his glasses up to rub at his eyes. "He really doesn't remember."

John frowned, looking as if he were about to cry. "Well...that's good!" he said, smiling though it held no joy or hope. Only sadness. "Now we can just...become best friends all...over again..."

Tavros frowned, fidgeting as he looked down at his lap. "S-Sorry..." he murmured. "I really don't remember."