The New Arrival

It was that time of year again, when the new ladies from the convent would be arriving for their introductions into the court and those without an arraignment already made for them would begin their hunts for the best husband. Trying to delay their eventual fate of having to cater to these young ladies were several knights and one particular squire. Sir Jonathan wished to avoid those who sought his hand in marriage for the simple reason that they wished to be crowned queen. Sir Gareth desired to avoid them because many of the ladies were somehow aware of the fact that one day he would inherit his father's place as a close confident to the king. Sir Raoul simply wished he could spend more time on the practice courts and less time pampering maidens that he did not have a real interest in. The squire Thom was not so much avoiding the ladies as enjoying the torment of his knightly betters and offering them the limited sanctuary of his quarters.

These men were gathered together in the early evening hours of the night of the first of the ladies' arrivals waiting for the knock that meant somebody had discovered their location and was going to drag them to their fates. So, when a knock come at the door they instantly thought that it was the one that would spell their doom. Like the courageous and virtuous knight-prince that he was, Jonathan was the one to the door. However, what waited on the other side was not what he expected.

On the other side stood a young lady that had to be newly arrived as he had never seen her before. Despite the plain cut her dress was finely made and helped to accent her small build. Her red hair was hung in braids around her head, while violet eyes were bold enough to meet his gaze directly. There was something about her that caught and held his attention.

"Pardon my intrusion, but I was told these rooms belonged to a Squire Thom." Behind him there was a sudden explosion of motion as the other knights realized that it was not a servant at the door but a lady, and Thom rushed to greet her without seeming to care what the others were doing or would think. As Jonathan moved out of the way, Thom pulled the young lady into a hug that lifted her clear off her feet.

"Alanna, when did you get here? I thought you were coming later in the year?" The other men exchanged glances at his familiar address because while Thom was a part of their group he usually had very little to say to any lady if he paid them any attention at all.

"No, I decided to arrive early instead which means all the more time to catch up with my long departed twin brother." This statement caused the others to start in surprise because while Thom was not that forthcoming on facts of his personal life they still thought that he would have told them that he had a twin. Looking at the two of them certainly was an odd experience because the two were identical except for the matter of their genders and the characteristics thereof. "But come, introduce me to your companions, unless, you would choose to hold that in suspense for the ball tonight?" A delicate eyebrow rose in Thom's direction as he released his sister from his embrace.

"No, of course not. This is Crown Prince Sir Jonathan of Conte, Sir Gareth the Younger of Naxen, and finally Sire Raoul of Golden Lake. Sirs, this is my sister Lady Alanna of Trebond." With the introductions came the respective bows and curtsies that were expected of gentlemen and ladies of good breed.

"Come I think that it is time that we left and allowed these two to catch up." Jonathan's suggestion was met with agreement from the rest of the knights and they made their way from the room closing the door behind them so, the two long separated twins were alone together.

"So, how long has it been brother since we were sent along our paths?" Alanna wondered around the room exploring what her brother valued enough to have out and upon display.

"Six years of unceasing torture just as you well know.I was not the one to fall out of contact with you."

"Now, now it could not have been that bad, I heard that they finally called somebody in to teach you magic, just as you always wanted." Thom stared at his sister in disbelief, she had changed and he was not sure if it was for the better.

"Not that bad of course, I see that they managed to get you wearing dresses, did they also teach you how to flirt properly as well? Or is that the one point in which you steadfastly refused?" At his words, Alanna spun to glare at him, which in an odd way reassured him that in some ways Alanna had not changed. However, her gaze then changed to a completely innocent stare of confusion.

"Why whatever do you mean? I am wearing this dress not only of my free will but also of my own intent. I think that I look lovely in it." She even added a smile and a twirl to show off the beauty of her dress. Thom's response was to flinch and back away like his sister was a demon.

"That is in no way amusing, it would be even worse if it was actually true." Alanna's look of sudden disgust was broken when she joined in on her brother's laughter.

"No, this corset is killing me. I will never learn to breathe in one properly. If you continue to laugh I will have to retire to my chambers in order to prepare for the ball tonight. I just wanted to come and greet you before so that you would not be shocked when I attended." Thom's laughter faded as he looked at his dear sister. They had been too long apart and even though she was standing in front of him, he had the sudden bizarre thought that in reality she was very far away.

"Then, I will see you later tonight. We have a lot of time to make up for and many plans for the future to make." As he guided her to the door, Thom longed for the days when they were children and so close in their differences that they had no need of more than a look to understand what the other was thinking. Now there were words that were a necessary part of their interactions that made any plan thought of having to be spoken out loud. That was much more dangerous than the instinct and looks that had guided their mischief before.