Authors note,

This crossover contains a mixture of comicsverse X-Men and movieverse X-Men. There will be a few of my own ideas mixed in, so don't quote me if you wish to partake in X-Men trivia, but it shouldn't be too far off. The Star Trek is strictly TOS. As this is a fanfiction, I own nothing but the story itself. All characters, objects, and such belong to their respective owners.

"Hold on!" Storm called from the cockpit of the Blackbird as she performed a double barrel roll. Cyclops fought for control of the craft as well.

"Jean, do you think you can level us?" He called.

"I'll try." Jean closed her eyes and concentrated, trying to find the Phoenix force inside of her.

In the back, Nightcrawler was making the sign of the cross as he prayed fervently, Shadowcat was doing her best to keep from phasing, and Wolverine was just trying to hold onto his lunch. Gambit's fiery eyes blazed as he fought his nerves, and with it, his power. It would do no good blowing up a section of the plane. Rogue just held onto her harness.

They all knew they were close to death, close to failure. The plane was already damaged and they were doing their best to outrun a fleet of fighter jets intent on their demise.

Jean found the Phoenix and called upon it, her eyes burning with fire, hair blowing in non-existent wind, and the shadow of a fiery phoenix engulfing her. She imagined the plane straightening, but her mind started to wander.

"Oh no," she breathed, realizing what she had done the split second before it happened.


"Captain," Commander Spock turned from his science station to face his best friend and captain, James T. Kirk. He had to take a subtle breath before explaining what he had just found. He wasn't so sure how to explain it either.

"What is it, Spock?" Captain Kirk responded from his chair as he accepted a cup of the muck they dared call coffee on this ship.

"A large piece of matter has unexplainably appeared in our projected course. We will reach it within fifteen minutes at the speed we are currently going."

"Appeared? What is it, Spock?" Kirk asked. He wracked his brain trying to think of ways something large enough to cause them trouble could have simply appeared. Transporters weren't capable of moving that kind of mass.

"It appears to be an aircraft. 21st century, I believe, but it seems well ahead of its time. It registers eight human life signs." Spock answered.

"Onscreen." Kirk ordered.

Spock flipped a switch, transferring the image of a sleek black airplane, obviously designed for speed and stealth, onto the main viewing screen in front of them. The plane floated aimlessly as dark tendrils of smoke floated away, unable to dissipate in the cold vacuum of space.

"What the -?" Kirk began.

Logan coughed as his lungs filled with sulfurous smoke. It was so dense, he couldn't even see. He knew that the Blackbird would soon be taking care of the smoke. The thing could sustain livable conditions even in space. Not that it had ever been tried, but Hank had made sure that this plane could withstand just about anything.

"Everyone all right?" Logan barely gasped out. That had been one heck of a bumpy ride. He figured he was the only one still conscious, thanks to his healing factor.

"Elf," he tried to fuss and grumble about the stinky smoke, but a coughing fit interrupted him. He struggled for air, and as the Blackbird struggled to clear the smoke, Logan lost consciousness.

"The interior of the craft registers a toxic, sulfurous atmosphere." Spock reported.

"No human could survive in that, Jim! We've gotta go help 'em!" Bones, who had been called to the Bridge, observed.

"You're right. Mr. Spock, Dr. McCoy, meet me in the transporter room. Spock, put together a landing party."

"Yes sir." Spock nodded.

Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and two security officers stood ready on the transporter pad. Each wore a protective environmental suit to shield them from the toxic gas that permeated the aircraft they were about to board.

McCoy checked his medical tricorder one last time before leaving. "I hate transporters." He murmured.

Spock, having heard Dr. McCoy's grumblings, glanced over at him. Such emotions were illogical and should have no place on away missions such as this. That was precisely the reason Vulcans had forgone their emotions in favor of a better, more logical way.

Kirk tightened his belt that held his communicator and phaser. "Energize."

Scotty did just that.

The landing party materialized to find that the sulfurous smoke gone and the air breathable, however, all eight occupants were unconscious.

Security Officer Lieutenant Kyle nearly screamed when he looked over and saw an honest-to-goodness demon sitting strapped into one of the seats. He had forsaken his religion as a teenager, but now, oh, he believed! "Captain," he said, working to keep his voice steady and careful not to take his eyes off the demon lest it jump up and drag his soul to hell.

"What is it, Lieutenant?" Kirk asked, noticing the visor that the pilot of the craft wore. He couldn't remember seeing anything like that in his history books or in the museums. It looked to be more 23rd century.

Bones knelt down to scan a young woman whose face was framed with two white stripes. She looked much too young to have white hair already.

"There's something you should see, sir." Kyle responded, resisting the urge to shout, "There's a freaking demon in here!"

Kirk turned around and took in the sight of the blue, furry man slumped over unconscious. "I wonder what kind of alien that is?" He noticed a dark line trickling from the creature's mouth, almost red, but blending to purple as it seeped into the fur on his face. "Bones?"

McCoy looked up from his scan. The girl would be all right in time, she just needed rest. "What, Jim?" He turned to look at where the Captain was standing. "What in Heaven's name?"

Immediately, Bones was scanning the body of the blue man. "Pointed ears like a Vulcan, tail like a demon. What in blazes is this?"

"Human, I believe. That is what the initial scans revealed." Spock said, running a tricorder over a white-haired African female.

"The hobgoblin's right," Bones said, finishing his scan. "This is a human male, approximately twenty-six years old. His body is in shock, like he's overexerted himself. I need to get him to sickbay immediately."

"Well, he'll have to wait, Bones. You need to check everyone else out, too." Kirk said.

McCoy grumbled and prepared a hypo for the poor man. "This should keep 'im until we can get him some proper care." Then he got up and moved to a long-haired male. The scan read the same physical condition as the girl with the white-striped hair who was sitting next to him. Some cuts and bruises, a minor concussion or two, but he would heal in time. However, the scan showed high amounts of energy flowing throughout the man's body. Bones wanted to investigate further, but he had other patients to attend to.

Next was a man with blood on his clothes, but no visible injuries. The tricorder told him that this guy was in much better shape than the others. In fact, his body seemed to be rapidly healing itself.

"What in the world?" Bones mumbled to himself. His eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw what the tricorder was telling him now. The man had a metal skeleton. "Impossible."

Spock was scanning the man with the visor. "The tricorder registers some kind of powerful energy in this man's skull. I cannot account for what it is."

"I'm gettin' weird readin's, too." McCoy spoke up. "Jim, I don't care what the tricorder says, I don't think these people are human! This man has a metal skeleton, for Pete's sake! Metal!"

Spock merely quirked an eyebrow. "Fascinating."

"Well, Bones, we'll figure out what they are later, but right now we've got to make sure that they're okay." Jim stated.

"I get that, but don't it just creep ya out a little, Jim? He's healin' himself!" Bones said, gesturing to the metal-skeleton man. "That one over there seems to have energy pulsin' through his body just like blood*! And that one…That one…Well, just look at 'im!" Bones pointed to the long-haired man and the blue man as he described each one. "Somethin' ain't right!"

Kyle shifted uncomfortably. He had no clue what was going on, and he didn't like it one bit. He wished they would just beam back to the ship and leave these freaky people to deal on their own. His partner didn't look much more at ease.

"We'll figure it out later, Bones! Just finish scanning them!" Kirk ordered.

Bones moved to a brunette girl and nearly jumped out of his skin to see that part of her posterior was actually inside the chair she was sitting in. He waved the tricorder over her and watched it try to make heads or tails of her. Part of her was registering normally, but part of her was registering like her molecules had actually lost their density and were passing through solid objects. And that's exactly what they were doing.

Bones shook his head and moved on to the last one. A striking woman with fiery red hair. Everything was normal, matching most of the other scans. A few easily treatable injuries, but she was registering an energy that the tricorder couldn't even measure.

"Well, they'll all live. Except for maybe that one if I don't get him to sickbay soon." McCoy said, jerking a thumb in the blue demon's direction. "Somethin' ain't right about any of 'em, though, but I'm a doctor, not a judge, and I'm going to help 'em, so help me God. Now let's get 'em over to the ship."

*Gambit has blood. Bones was just making a comparison. Please don't misunderstand.

Author's note number 2,

Please do not send me hate mail as how Nightcrawler could not have possibly teleported them into the future as his limit is 2 miles East to West and 3 miles North to South, he has to either see or know where he's going to teleport, and he can't time travel. I know that. He's my favorite, so it is required of me to know such things. I ask that you suspend your judgment until either you figure out what happened or I reveal it. Thanks for reading and I apologize for any spelling, formatting, grammar, or miscellaneous mistakes that I have likely made. Oftentimes, my brain is too fast for my fingers and mistakes are made. I do hope you enjoyed it. Reviews are always appreciated.