Disclaimer-I dont own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson or any of their characters

Harry looked at the clock with a excited look on his face in 3 minutes he would turn 16 and come into his would gain a large magical boost and if he had any creature genes he might turn into one of them which was something he didnt want to happen.
He didnt want to be a even bigger freak then he already was.

He looked over at his clock and was shocked to see he had 9 secounds before he was offically 16.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Harry was filled with an excruicating could hear himself screaming but couldnt make himself of a sudden the pain went away and he let out a small lifted his hand to run it through his hair and froze "No no'He muttered as he quickly slipped into the Dursley's bathroom and locked the door "Ok on the count of three look"

He looked at his reflection and was shocked by what he had cat ears and a lifted a shaking hand up to one of the ears and patted them and to his surprise he had to hold down a purr.
"That's why cats purr"
He let out a small moan and pressed his head against the cold glass of the mirror.

He heard a small hoot and looked up at the small bathroom window and was surprised to see climbed up to the mirror after noting he had shrunken from 5'7 to 5' let Hedwig in and was surprised to see that it was a letter from his childhood had met his friend Percy Jackson when his uncle had to go to New York City for a work conference.

His shook his head to clear it of the memories and opened the letter

TO Harry

Guess what we the game of capture the flag I told you was coming up we also I got your last letter tough break.
I cant believe after everything they would abandon you they better hope I never meet you told me your inhritance was coming Up how was it?

Hey how cool's this some of us demigods got chosen to spend a month with our parents.I mean all of the gods even the minor ones cant say im not worried. I asked and becuase your not exactly mortal you get to come how cools that?
I cant wait for you to meet everyone Dad wants to meet you cause I told him about you.

I'll be coming to pick you up in 2 days so make sure you pack

From Percy

Harry couldn't stop the large grin that appeared on his got to see Percy and he got to meet the greek Percy as a friend was one of the things he was grateful for because of the fact Percy wasnt a muggle he could tell him was glad he had Percy espically after Ron and Hermione had left him.

He had told them that he was gay and they had started freaking out and trying to hex him.

The though of the incident brought a few tears to his eyes before he quickly wiped them didnt matter anymore they had left him not the other way let out a small yawn and shook his head he was too tired to deal with all this.

AN:Sorry if it's bad im using wordpad because word isnt working and sorry if its if anyone wants to help me with this Pm me because frankly I need help so please PM so I can discuss it with you and explain what I was thinking.I will Pm you if I get a bunch of people that want to help because I only need one person.