Title: Little Lost Girl

Rating: T

Prologue: Five years before the Movie.

-/- Harmony's P.o.V -\-

I was walking the boardwalk, like I always did at night, stepping carefully toward the carousal and getting onto one of the horses. The ride started up a few minutes later and that's when I was grabbed. Whoever it was pulled me off my horse and grabbed my chin, making me look at them. "LET GO OF ME!" I grunted as I tried to pull my arm away from the creepy guy who apparently liked scaring teenage girls. I looked up at him and noticed that he might have been attractive had he not been trying to potentially MOLEST me. "I said LET ME GO!" This time I screamed and used my free hand to punch the male in the chest. He let go and I ran, jumping off the carousal and running toward I didn't know where at the moment.

"Where'd ya go babe?" The teen demanded as he followed me. I shook my head as I made my way to one of the many stands where I could get food. I went directly to my favorite one, the pretzel stand, and ordered a cheese pretzel. I felt eyes on my, I turned and saw the guy from before. I made to run but he grabbed my arm and then my pretzel, I growled and lunged for my pretzel. I grabbed my pretzel and saw David a few yards away.

"DAVID!" I screamed before the guy slammed his hand over my mouth. I kicked and struggled, dropping my pretzel as the guy dragged my tiny body toward an alley. I bit the guy and screamed again "DAVID!" Nobody did anything, but I could see David pushing through people, nobody ever did anything, I'm the girl who hangs out with the 'TERRORS' of the boardwalk. The guy smacked me, slammed his hand over my mouth again, and dragged me into the alley. I saw David at the alley opening and bit the guy again to let out a loud scream.

"Let 'er go," David growled as he stormed down the alley toward us. The man shook his head as he tightened his hold on me. I began to cry, he was hurting me by holding me so tightly. "I said LET HER GO, she's with me." The guy let go, I jumped away and ran to David. "You okay love?" I nodded as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Hurt my chest a little but I'm fine," I replied quietly as we walked back out of the alley. "I need to get another pretzel, that guy made me drop mine and I'm really hungry." David nodded and off we walked back to the pretzel stand. "Cheese pretzel please." I handed him the dollar and he handed me my pretzel. I pulled part of it off and took a bite before holding part of it up to David's lips; he took the offered bite, chewed, and swallowed before he kissed my forehead.

"Hey love birds!" Paul called as we walked back toward the carousal. David flipped him the bird before helping me up onto the carousal and held my pretzel as I got on a black carousal horse. He handed me my pretzel which I happily ate, feeding him a piece every time I ate one. "Where'd you run off to David, I look and you're there, I look back and you're gone where'd ya go?"

"Had to save Harmony from some punk," David replied as Paul, Marco, and Dwayne walked up to us. "She's little, remember?" David chuckled and kissed my cheek. The boys nodded and smirked, I felt myself getting pissed off, yeah I'm Harmony, I'm seventeen, and I'm only five fuckin' feet even, DEAL WITH IT!

"Remember what I said David?" I growled as I grabbed his hand tightly. "I may be small but I pack a punch." He chuckled again before he kissed my forehead yet again. "Thanks for back there by the way, I was just riding a carousal horse when he pulled me off the horse. I hit him and ran to the pretzel stand, he followed me and pulled me into the alley, he hit me after I screamed for you." I felt tears come to my eyes.

"Hey now, no tears," David whispered, I was the only one he was soft or gentle with; I smiled and kissed his cheek. He wiped the tears away gently. The ride stopped and we all go off. I yawned; I hadn't really slept well that day. "Let's head home boys." They nodded as David grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the bikes. I pulled out a sucker I had gotten from Max and pulled the wrapper off before shoving it in my mouth. "Where'd you get that?"

"Max," I replied simply as we reached the bikes. The boys all got on their bikes; I got on David's and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Did you guys eat tonight?" David shook his head as they all started their bikes. "Why don't you guys go chow some Surf Nazis, I can catch a nap here and then we can do whatever." David looked back at me and smirked.

"Always so considerate," David chuckled as he turned the bike off. I got off as the other boys turned off their bikes. "Come on boys, let's go chow some Surf Nazis." David chuckled as he took off his coat and handed it to me. "Here Harmony, you look cold." I took the coat and pulled it on before laying down on a near by rock. "Sleep now love, we'll be back soon." I nodded and closed my eyes, easily falling asleep.

-/- Dream Sequence -\-

A small girl, she was about thirteen but rather short for her age, she was walking down the street wearing a knee length black skirt, a black long sleeve shirt and knee high punk boots. The girl had blonde hair that was exactly like mine when I was thirteen, the girl turned, revealing startling purple eyes. The girl was me, I was dreaming about myself at thirteen, what part of that horrible year I didn't know quite yet. The girl, me, was walking in what appeared to be early morning, I had a book bag on my back, as time passed I watched the younger me walk toward a house, it was the house I use to live in before I 'went missing' and dyed my blonde hair jet black and started hanging out with the Boys. The younger me was walking into the house and saw my mother and father. I remembered this day, I had had a drama production until late the night before and my parents had refused to pick me up after because they hated the fact that I was in the drama scene. I had walked from the theater, which was about five miles from my home and didn't get home until five or so the next morning, I remember that day clearly, it was the day I got kicked out of my house, the last day I attended school, the day I met The Lost Boys. Not a second later, the dream was fast forwarding through my parents beating me and kicking me out, I was glad, I didn't need to relive that part of my life again. I was at the boardwalk, stealing money for food and clothes; I remembered that night all to well. Then one guy caught me trying to steal from him, it was David.

"What are ya doin' girly?" Dream David grunted as I backed up slightly, keeping my eyes on the ground. "Look at me when I'm talking to you." He grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "You have interesting eyes." I nodded as best I could as I looked at him. "I asked you a question girly. I want an answer." I nodded again, as best I could at least.

"I needed money," I whispered as I looked down, even with him holding my chin. "That's all you need to know." He shook his head. "What you want the full story?" He nodded as he looked at me. "Why can't you just yell at me or beat me or whatever for trying to steal from you and leave me alone so that I can get back to what I was doing?" He shrugged. "Ugh… FINE, my parents kicked me out so now I'm here. HAPPY?" He nodded, let go of my face, and grabbed my arm, pulling me along. "Where the HELL are you taking me, I don't even know you!" I struggled against his grip.

"Name's David, that's Dwayne, Marco, and Paul," Dream David murmured as he kept his grip on my arm. "You're with us now girly, so tell us your name." I nodded softly as he pulled me toward the boys. "Hey wake up." He said with a chuckle, I blinked in confusion. "WAKE UP HARMONY!" Huh… I hadn't told him my name yet.

-/- End Dream Sequence -\-

"Huh…" I grunted as I blinked my eyes open. "Oh yeah crazy me, I fell asleep." David chuckled as he helped me up off the rock. I slipped off David's jacket and handed it back to him, he pulled it on and got on his bike, as did the rest of the boys, and so did I. They started the bikes and off we rode toward the hotel, I felt a smile come to my face at the speed we were going, "Have a good dinner boys?" They nodded as we neared the hotel. They stopped the bikes and we all got off before the boys ditched them where ever it was that they usually did.

"What were you dreaming of Harmony?" Marco asked with a grin. "You looked adorable all wrapped up in David's coat lying on that rock. So what were you dreaming about?" I looked at the boys as we walked toward our home. I had a smirk on my face, yeah I'd tell them but they'd have to wait.

"Tell me what you have planned for my birthday first," I replied sweetly as we all went to the couch, well the boys did, David pulled me into his lap on the wheelchair. "You guys answer that and I'll tell you about my dream." They all nodded, I smiled and snuggled into David's chest, what he's comfortable.

"I'm giving you a present," Marco replied with a chuckle as he looked at David and me. I felt David pick me up and set me on my feet before he got up as well. I smiled, the only difference between this year and every other one I had spent with the boys was this time I was turning eighteen and things would possibly be different this year. This would make birthday number four with the boys. "I think you'll like it."

"Likewise kiddo," Dwayne and Paul replied together as David pulled me toward the guys. I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me. I stuck my tongue out playfully at the boys as David sat in his standard high back chair before he pulled me down into his lap again. I let out a giggle as I wrapped my arm around his neck to keep myself anchored.

"And what about you David, what are you getting me?" I asked before I kissed his cheek, a smile on my face. He ruffled my hair and looked at me. I chuckled as I fixed my hair. I looked at him with puppy eyes that rarely got me what I wanted. David's smirk returned full force. "You won't find out about my dream until you tell me." I stuck my tongue out at him, he grabbed it and pulled. I bit him with a small chuckle. "What have I told you about putting your fingers near my mouth?" I asked after he let go.

"I'm giving you something you've wanted for a few years now," David replied as he wiped his hand on his jacket. I smiled again and snuggled against David. "Now for your end of the deal." I nodded as I felt him wrap his arms tightly around my waist.

"I dreamt about the day I got kicked out of my house, the day I met you guys," I replied quietly as David pet my hair, I felt myself purr like a cat, something that had gotten me the rarely used nickname Kitten. "You guys woke me up before I could tell you my name though." I arched as David ran his hand down my back. "David please, you know what that shit does to me." He chuckled deeply and kissed my neck, good think he had already fed.

"Relax Harmony, you're safe here remember? I'm only teasing you, you KNOW I like doing that," David replied as he kissed my neck again. "Let's get you to bed shall we? You look tired baby, come on." I nodded as he picked me up and got up himself, I was use to him doing this it was second nature for me to be picked up by David when he put me to bed. "You want me to stay with you tonight?" I nodded as he walked to the only bed in the place, I had it decorated with black curtains, red sheets, and pillows of various colours and sizes. See I may not be a vampire, but I HATE the sunlight all the same, have since I was little.

"Yes please," I whispered as we reached the bed, he put me down and pulled the curtains back before pushing me onto the bed. He followed and rested his head on the pillows, he pulled me down facing him and wrapped his arms around me. "Night David." I snuggled into his chest and closed my eyes.

-/- Next Night (Around 8:00) -\-

"Happy birthday baby," David whispered as he shook me. I grunted and tried to press the snooze button. "I'm not an alarm clock love, it's time to get up." I opened my eyes to see David smirking at me. He was straddling me on his hands and knees so I reached up and kissed his lips, something that didn't happen often due to some weird rule David had about displaying affection in front of the boys. He's allowed to kiss me anywhere at any time, me… I can kiss his cheek and that's it.

"I'm up David, and thank you for the happy birthday," I whispered as I looked up at him. He smiled at me before pulling me out of my dark little bed. "What's the plan for tonight?" He pulled me toward the couch and pushed me toward the chair he usually sat in. I was suddenly turned round and pushed to sit in the chair and had a set of hands come over my eyes. "WHAT THE HELL MARCO!" I reached up to pull Marco's hands away.

"You play by our rules this year kiddo," David stated as I heard rustling and thudding. "You're only eighteen once." I nodded as best I could with Marco's hands on my eyes. "Ready boys?" I heard grunts and a yeah or two. "Okay Marco she can look." My head was released and I saw the boys sitting, or in David's case standing near the chair, on the couch. "Hope you're excited kiddo."

"Oh I am, now what boy procured what gift so that I can thank you guys properly?" I asked as I looked at the three boxes with a giggle. Marco stood up, grabbed the box on the far right, he handed me the box, I opened it and saw a jacket, it was leather and very pretty. "Thank you Marco." He came closer and I hugged him. Paul stood as Marco sat, grabbed the box to the far left and handed it to me, I opened it and found a new black shirt, and I pulled it out and saw that it had blood red roses on it. "Thanks a bunch Paul." I hugged him before he sat back down. Dwayne followed the lead of the other two and handed me the last box, I opened it and saw a black skirt that went with the shirt I had gotten from Paul. "Thank you Dwayne." Dwayne nodded and sat back down, I never really hugged him like the other two boys.

"And last but not least my dear Harmony," David stated as he held out a jeweled bottle. "Drink up baby." I gently took the bottle from him and took a big sip; yeah I knew what it was and guess what I DON'T care! I handed the bottle back to David, who put it back before he came and pulled me out of the chair. "I also got you a pair of boots, they're by your bed, now go change into your presents and let's go." I nodded, grabbed my stuff and waked to my bed, opened the curtains and got onto it before closing the curtains and changing. I sat on the edge of my bed to pull my new boots on before I stood up and walked over to the boys, slightly unsteady on my feet after drinking from the bottle. "You look great baby."

"Where we going tonight?" I asked as David grabbed my hand and we walked out of the hotel. We got to the bikes and got on. They stated the bikes; I wrapped my arms around David's waist as we drove off toward where ever it was we were going. I nuzzled David's back as we rode off. A few minutes later the boardwalk came into view. "I have to see Max!" We came to a stop and they good off, as did I.

"Why?" Marco asked as we walked from the bikes to the boardwalk. They stopped walked and David pulled me back to the group. "Do you see him every night or something?" I nodded slightly as I looked at the boys. "Why?"

"He likes to make sure I'm okay," I replied casually with a chuckle, "he worries about me sometimes." They nodded before David grabbed my hand and we began walking again. I snuggled into David's side as we walked up the boardwalk toward Max's store. "Hey Max!" I called as I walked into Video Max.

"Hello Harmony, happy birthday kiddo," Max replied as he looked at me before he pulled a box from under the counter, it was relatively small. "Don't open it in here kiddo, go on outside and open it." I grabbed the box and nodded with a smile before I walked outside.

"OOO… What did Max get ya?" Marco asked as I slid down the shop front to sit on the ground before I ripped the paper off my only properly wrapped gift. I opened the box and saw some books, probably only five or six; I pulled them out to find: Dracula, Frankenstein, Les Miserables, Sweeny Todd, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and Beauty and the Beast. "Books, he got you books?"

"Yes Marco, some people actually like reading," I replied as I stood up, box in hands. "I happen to really enjoy reading. So Max gave me some books I wanted, no big deal Marco." David let out a laugh as he grabbed the box from me. I walked back into Max's store and found him helping a customer. "Thanks for the books Max, I'll be sure to tell you how I liked them, gotta go though, the boys are getting antsy, talk to you tomorrow." He nodded and I walked out.

"Where do you want to put your books until we go back to the cave?" David asked as he held the box. I took it from him and closed it before tucking the box under my arm. David shrugged and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I'll carry them David, the box only weights about ten pounds, I think I can handle it," I replied with a laugh as I pressed myself into his side. "So what are we doing tonight?" They all shrugged, I giggled as a security guard came up to us.

"I told you guys to stay off the boardwalk!" The security guard grunted as he stopped us. He went to grab my box but I smacked his hands away with a growl. He looked at me before he grabbed my box and ripped it open. "Did you steal these books young lady?" I shook my head as I tried to grab my box back, the security guard thrust the box back at me, causing me to stumble back into David's arm, almost causing me to fall down.

"Let's go boys," David muttered as he guided me away from the jerky security guard after he took the box from me. "Stupid Peterson, he bent Dracula's cover." I grabbed the box at that and looked down at the book. I suddenly became very mad, stupid guard had NO respect for other peoples stuff. "Calm down Harmony, you can get him back soon." I smiled at that thought; yes he would be my first kill.

"I can fix the cover if you want Harmony," Dwayne stated as he caught up to David and me. I nodded and handed the book to Dwayne.

"I'm bored," Paul complained as he and Marco caught up as well. "Can we go chow some Surf Nazis or something?" I looked at David who shook his head and pulled me closer. "Then what are we going to do?"

-/- Later that Night (Around 1:00 A.M.) -\-

"What are you doing to me David?" I demanded as he tied a strip of black cloth over my eyes. I heard him laugh before I felt him kiss my neck. "David what are you doing?" He grabbed my hand and pulled me somewhere.

"We're gonna have a little fun baby," He replied with a chuckle as he wrapped an arm around my waist and led me farther toward somewhere. I felt a smile come to my face as we walked toward where ever. "Chill out, you KNOW I'd never do anything to hurt you." He kissed my neck again and I giggled, his beard tickling my shoulder. I reached for his chin and kissed him.

"I'm hungry David, can I get a pretzel?" I asked as I reached for the back of my head. I felt him grab my hands and pull them away from my head. He grabbed me around the waist and I felt him shake his head. "Come on David, all I want is a damn pretzel, pretty please," I begged as I grabbed for his arm. I pouted knowing that it sometimes worked.

"Fine Kitten," He murmured in my ear before he gently pulled the blindfold off. "Let's go see if our friend the security guard is still here first though, if you want the pretzel you have to feed first." I nodded as I was pulled into David's chest, I looked around to see if the other boys were around and they weren't so I pulled him down to my height and proceeded to kiss him on the lips.

"YAY and there's our dear friend the security guard," I muttered as I watched him near us. He saw us and turned toward us only to walk right up to us. "Yes can I help you?"

"What are you kids doing out here at this hour?" Security guard Peterson demanded as he looked at us like we were criminals. David shrugged and looked at me.

"Getting a bite to eat, that's all," I stated with a silent laugh as a grin spread over David's face. "Want to come with?" Peterson shook his head, I chuckled silently, what he didn't know was that he didn't really have a choice in the matter. "Too bad." I let out a giggle before vamping out and attacking Peterson. He was dead in minutes. "Where can I dump his fat ass?" David chuckled.

"Fly him out and dump him in the ocean," David replied with a proud smile. "Good job by the way." He hugged me to him and kissed the top of my head before he wiped the small trickle of blood off my chin before he licked it up.