Title: No H8

Disclaimer: Me no own, you no sue.

Note: No, I don't hate homosexuals. My sister is one. But, let's be real, this was the '60s.

Note2: I took some liberties with Havoc's powers. Why? Because I'm the writer and I can :)

Warning: Langauge, slash

"Wait," Charles' breath hitched in his throat, a hand over his mouth as he looked down at Alex in front of him.

"I couldn't help it, okay?" Alex's voice was tight with barely restrained rage. He leveled his eyes at Charles. "There was no fuckin' way I was just to stand there and watch those two get their asses handed to 'em."

"Alex-" Charles started but was interrupted.

"Don't you dare fuckin' say I was wrong," Alex was trying to fight the tears now. "Don't you dare fuckin' do it."

"If Alex wasn't faster," Sean left the ending off the sentence, he really didn't need to finish it. He kept his eyes on the floor, hands locked behind his back, his entire body shaking in fear and anger.

Charles closed his eyes, fighting desperately against the barrage of memories from two of his mutant children.


"Fuckin' faggots!"

"Get out of here!"

"Die! Just go kill yourselves!"


"C'mere," Charles finally pulled them into a tight hug.


"Hey, shitfucks!" Alex shouted as he dove into the mass pile of bodies. Ripping and tearing his way into the center, he grabbed the two young men at the bottom and shoved them at Sean. "Get them out of here!"

"Taking the side of faggots?"

Alex sneered – the faces of his "parents" flashing before him – and then it was over. His mutant power seemingly acted of its own accord as it lashed out, striking and burning the pavement and signs and buildings and vehicles all around him.

"You people make me sick!" Alex roared, leaping at the bully nearest to him, his fists a blur as his laser energy crackled and danced around him. "Fuck off or I'll kill you! I'll kill you all!"

Suddenly, Sean was there, his arms wrapped around Alex, trying to bring his friend back down from his rage.

"Alex, it's over, it's over!" Sean cried in his ear, pulling his friend backwards.


"Professor?" Alex's voice was soft and quiet, his face buried in Charles' neck.

"Alex, Sean," Charles pulled away and looked the young men in the eye, "I'm proud of you, boys."


"Alex, it's okay! It's okay, now!" Sean sank down to the sidewalk, holding the bigger and much more powerful boy in his arms.

Slowly, the rage dissipated and Alex just leaned back into Sean's chest, his breathing finally beginning to even out.

"You really did a number on this place," Sean noted, looking around at the damage. A nearby car still on fire.

"Yeah, we should leave."

Nodding, Sean pulled Alex to his feet and quickly, they made their escape as the sound of sirens wailed in the near-distance.


"I'm proud of you," Charles just pulled both of the boys back into his arms.

And that's all either of them needed to hear.
