Well here is my first story! I actually only just started this one about a year ago... I love making stories like this so make sure to comment so I can make more! Oh, and I do not own the Vocaloids or their song Sadistic Vampire! Thanks and hope you enjoy it! :)

Chapter One:

An Old Wives' Tale

Once, many hundreds of years ago, there lived a prosperous family whose home laid deep within the dark forests that border only small villages like our own. The pride of their family was their twin son and daughter.

Their daughter had recently come to the age when all young girls were to find a suitable husband. The son was less than happy about the occasion. The proud parents hosted a celebration for their daughter, inviting all the wealthy young men from surrounding lands. Gazing at his sister with her golden hair spilling over her dress in waves, jealousy burned within him for he had an unspeakable secret, his love for his sister went beyond that of a sibling. He acted politely to the guests and the young women invited to the party, but he wasn't interested in anyone but his sister.

As the night went on, he was finally able to steal his sister away from their clutches long enough for a dance with his sister. As the night came to a close, the son retired to his room, not wanting to hear whom his sister had chosen to marry or the happy cries of his mother and father. As he laid in his bed unable to sleep, something that had only occurred in his sweetest dreams came true. His beloved sister, dressed in her creamy-white nightgown quietly entered his chambers and came to his bedside.

Before he could say anything, his sister put a finger to his lips to stop him and gently whispered, "It has been decided whom I am to marry, but I want you to know that I'm not in love with him. And I hope... that you'll allow me to spend my last night here, lying next to the man I love."

It was a confession, more than he had ever hoped for and all he could do was nod in response. Somehow he felt that words would only ruin this moment as his sister came to rest by his side and he couldn't risk anyone hearing. A young lady in a man's room this late at night, lying in his bed was a terrible sin, much less that man being her own twin brother. He would cherish every second, for he knew once the moon set, his sister, his love would leave with it. And so the two young lovers spent the night together, both wishing daybreak would never come, but even they could not have imagined the consequences of their actions.

For when morning came, word got to their parents that the young lady was missing from her bed. The whole house had been looking for her and were shocked to find her in the young master's quarters sharing a bed with him. The sight apalled their parents, whom had assumed the worst. They seperated the two much to each other's protest and confined their son to his chambers, dragging their daughter away with them. The son tried to keep an open mind, but he knew his father very well and somewhere in his heart he hoped he was wrong about the decision he knew they would make. If anyone found out about this, their repuation would be ruined so it was best to cover it up, but how would they do it?

It was then that he heard a clang at his window. Opening the window, he looked down to see his sister, her entire figure masked in a dark cloak. He didn't think twice as he jumped from the second story window and landed on the soft grass. His sister quickly helped him up and tugged at his arm, frantically turning her head to look for any sign of someone coming, but there wasn't a single soul there.

"Come, we must go!" she said urnestly.

"Wait, go where? Whats going on?" he whispered, looking around. She was panting, from exhaustion or fear, he couldn't tell which.

"I can't do it after all. I thought I could, but... Father would have me sent far away, married off to some count, and make sure that no one hears of the incident that could ruin our family. I don't want to be parted from you!" She pleaded, on the verge of tears.

He took her shoulders and said, "I understand. We'll leave this place, together."

And so the two young lovers fled from the home they had lived in for all their lives, desperately searching for a place where the two could be together, but fate is often cruel. Their parents had hired men to search for them. They ran as fast as they could in an attempt to escape them, but to no avail. They were professional trackers and the two runaways had no chance. It wasn't long before the two were cornered and faced with the ultimate decision... be caught and forver seperated from one another, or die together...

The twin lovers had made their decision as they each took the silver dagger and peirced their hearts. The last thing seen by the young man was the woman he loved, her golden hair spralled around her and her pale skin lying in the soft grass, eyes closed as if deep in slumber.

That should have been the end of our tale, but it only marks the true beginning. For you see, God must have turned his back upon the young man for fate to be so cruel.

His eyes shot open and he found himself gasping for air. He couldn't remember what had happened. It was only after seeing the cold, lifeless body of his dear sister that it hit him. He should be dead. He had plunged a dagger through his very heart. He cursed the sky and God. Even in death, he was denied the right to be with her. He touched her cold hand to his cheek and wept for his lost loved one.

This is where the story of an unfortunate couple turns into one of horror. After laying her to rest, the young man returned to the villa, his former home. It was a dark night, the prelude to a storm as he entered the window of his old chambers. Thats when everything went red. When he finally snapped out of it, his face was stained with blood and the members of his house, all dead. His face was not the only thing stained with blood, his shirt was as well, where he had tried to stab himself afterwards.

He had been cursed with immortality. No matter how many times or ways he tried, he could not die and he thirsted for the red liquid he had spilled from his former loved ones. He had become a demon known as a vampire.

He continued to stay at the mansion, which tortured him with memories of the happy moments he shared with his sister. For many years he tried to keep face, trying his best to be human and interact with society, but he soon lost interest and gave into his terrible nature.

It is rumored that he still dwells there, awaiting the blood of the girl that could set him free of his curse, the blood of one identical to his beloved. Now, young women are loured into the forests, tempted by charm of the handsome young lord, only to become a meal to satiate his appetitte. None of these girls are ever seen from again...

"And that's why you must never wander into the forests, children." the woman finished.

Little Miku nodded her head vigurously, terrified. Kaito clung to a shivering Meko. All the children were shaken by the story.

"Yeah, right," Rin blurted, her blonde hair bobbing with her shaking head.

"Rin..." Miku said, hesitantly, trying helplessly to stop her.

"I don't see the point of telling such a fake story. It's just to get us to be too scared to wander into the woods at night." Rin pointed out.

The woman who told the story looked irritated at Rin's comments. "That may be so, but it's a tradition. The story is passed down each year to the young ones by the women of the village."

"Quit acting so high and mighty! You think you're so special!" Meko yelled.

"Meko, don't..." Miku pleaded, tugging on Meko's scarlet dress. Meko reluctantly backed off.

"Rin, I want you to promise me that you won'tgo into those woods..." The woman said to Rin.

Rin crossed her arms and pouted, but nodded curtly before running off toward the huts with everyone else. She paused before the old cabin where all the children slept while the men were away hunting. She turned to look out at the woods that sat under the watchful eye of the moon. The story was just that, a story, but as she looked out toward the forbiden forests, she felt a kind of magic coming from them, like they were calling out to her...

"What are you doing?" Rin turned quickly to see Meko leaning against the door of the cabin. "Little freak," Meko said before re-entering the cabin.

Rin sighed and took one last look back at the woods. She knew what everyone thought of her, a freak, and they were probably right. She couldn't deny that she was different, she didn't act or look anything like any of the other children or villagers. Her golden hair and amber eyes made her stand out even from her own parents who had dark hair and violet eyes. She often wondered why she was even there. The story rang fresh in her mind as she turned in for the night, unaware of the eyes watching her...