I don't own BBT. I love Sheldon x Amy very much. If their conversation sounds not as intelligent as it should be; forgive me. Review, will you? Btw, this is the beta version. Thank to XMarisolX.

Basically I came with this story after watching Star Trek 2009, the intimate moment of Spock and Uhura is so sweet that I nearly cried. In my imagination, Sheldon is somewhat Spock-y, if not more extreme. We'll see if I manage to bring out Sheldon's human side.

"I didn't like it," Sheldon sighs, opening his and Leonard's apartment door.

"Why? It was a good movie," asks Amy.

"They are turning the most fascinating and intelligent science fiction franchise of all time into one chaotic romantic comedy. I hate it," he answers, sitting down on his "spot". They have just gotten back from the movie, only the two of them because the rest of the gang suspiciously backed off at the last minute.

"Now, now," comforts Amy. "It's not one chaotic love story. We got to see some exploding, fighting and action. Besides, I think Spock and Uhura are cute together, don't you?" Amy sits beside him, in the spot that now has been acknowledged generally amongst their small clique as her spot.

"What's wrong with you?" Sheldon gives Amy his usual haughty look of derision, a sign that he indeed disagrees with her opinion. "Are you turning into one of the girls who imbue a romantic sentiment to every particle movement in the universe?"

Amy knows very well that Sheldon considers science fiction movies as sacred as some might consider religion, so she decides it is best to lay low and let him the rant.

"Penny really has a bad influence on you," he continues, nearly inaudibly.

"What exactly do you mean by that?" she asks.

"You have turned into a party girl. You drink alcohol, consume tobacco, and only God knows what else," he answers, his eyes fixed on Amy like a piercing blade.

"You suddenly seem to mind that," Amy answers. "I think it is good to study human behavior for future consideration. And now that I have found a friend that can school me in that particular field, I find it only rational to make efforts at not losing her." She adds, "And I really like Penny."

"What future consideration?" Sheldon asks curiously.

"For the future, when I myself have a child and he or she asks about human behavior; I sincerely hope I can explain it well to him or her. And since—based solely on my own experience—I myself do not have the required information, it is best for me to acquire it now, as much as possible, with the help of Penny," Amy explains.

"For your future progeny? But I have decided not to procreate," Sheldon says.

"I believe my choice to procreate does not necessarily depend on your views on the matter," Amy answers matter-of-factly, with her usual dead-pan expression.

Sheldon flinches. He thinks for a moment. "That is… true," he admits forcedly. "Well, good luck in finding a surrogate mother, then," he says, walking casually to the kitchen.

"That will be unnecessary," Amy answers. "I've decided that I will be a mother by the natural processes."

Sheldon stops walking halfway and turns to Amy abruptly. "By natural process, do you mean you want to carry the baby yourself?" he asks.

"Naturally," answers Amy. "That way the bonding process between the progeny and the mother is in the best position," she explains. "And, as it turns out, I've learned that my body is a good environment for a baby. My gynecologist explained that my pelvis is very suitable for child bearing."

"Is it going to happen anytime soon?" asks Sheldon.

Amy ponders the question for a moment. "No. I do not believe it is going to happen anytime soon," she finally replies. "I believe the necessary condition for that to happen has not been acquired."

"What condition is that?" asks Sheldon.

"Well, I have not found the father of the baby," she answers casually.

"You can just go straight to the high IQ sperm bank. In fact, Leonard and I once thought about selling our sperm. But we cancelled because I was afraid that, in spite of my superior genetics, my sperm would fail to create a genius child. I mean, just look at my sister, Missy." Sheldon pauses for a moment. "In fact, I suggest you consider her before you rush off to the high IQ sperm bank. It will be a disaster if you acquire a sperm from someone whose IQ is just 160," he sputters fearfully.

"That is why I will not use sperm from sperm bank. Sheldon, when I decide to have a baby, I will do it as naturally as possible. And that includes engaging in coitus," Amy states, point blankly.

Sheldon almost faints upon hearing this. Sure, he knows that Amy Farrah Fowler, a woman worthy of his respect, a renowned scientist, a cerebral equal, and a fellow homonovus – sadly – is not immune to her baser urges. The incident with Penny's ex, Zack, had proven that. But, while at that time Sheldon did not mind arranging for Amy to meet Zack and 'follow her endocrine system' (because let's face it, it's just a simple biology) Sheldon was still ultimately relieved when Amy backed out at the last moment after losing interest because of Zack's stupidity.

This time, however, he really minds. Really.

There was a time when Sheldon had been pretty comfortable knowing that Amy would not want to have a sexual relationship with anyone. He isn't really sure when exactly the first time the image of Amy engaging in any relationship with anyone besides him began to make him uncomfortable and annoyed. He recalls the evening when he karate chopped Leonard because he misunderstood Leonard's comment about Amy and his groin. Maybe that was when. But following that incident, he realized that if the right someone came along, someone who was more like her, not even necessarily at her level, but close—like Leonard or Raj (not Howard; after all he just has a master degree)—she might, well… fall for him.

No matter; one thing is clear: Sheldon absolutely minds Amy engaging in coitus with anyone who is not HIM.

And the thought of that bugs him to no end. Right there, moments ago, Amy said that she wanted a normal relationship with a man, who would engage in coitus and have a baby with her. Sheldon has always been proud to have one of the brightest minds in history: the things he should know, he does know. But for the sake of full disclosure, right now he feels very vulnerable and doesn't know what to do or say.

"Well if that is your choice," he finally decides, "I will have to propose another termination of our relationship."

He regrets it right away, but his pride prevents him from withdrawing the proposal.

"Why?" Amy asks.

"Why? You ask why?" Sheldon snaps, "You, Amy Farrah Fowler, clearly expressed your intention to seek companionship with another man. And, in this case, I believe that terminating the relationship is the obligatory response that any man would have when he realizes he's getting cheated on by his…"

Sheldon stops short. His… what? What is she to him? Logically the word to complete that sentence is "girlfriend". But he doesn't think that Amy's his girlfriend.

Does he?

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