Summary: Fun look at possible happenings in an upcoming episode. Exasperated!Boys. Spoilers for the tidbits released about Episode 6 of this season.

Author's Notes: Possibly a result of my unmatchable joy at the spoilers about episode 6 and my tensions in the face of upcoming angst for tonight's episode. What exactly will the Leviathan copies of our boys be like when they're finally confronted by the real Winchesters?

Brief Moments of Joy in the Life of a Big Brother

"Are you crazy?" The one that looked like Sam veritably screeched. Dean almost cracked a smile and Sam gave him a disparaging look out of the corner of his eyes. "I look exactly like him!" It insisted.

The one that looked like Dean was doing a fair impression at the moment, seeming every bit the exasperated big brother, rolling his eyes and sighing long-sufferingly.

Dean supposed that was right. These Leviathan things were probably siblings in the same way that all angels regarded each other as 'brother' and 'sister'. And they'd been locked up in Purgatory together since the beginning of time, forced to learn each other's habits the way real siblings were.

"-And that was damn hard since, apparently, you two only shop at thrift stores and everything you own has been out of print since the mid 80's." He looks ready to go on, but the other one hisses out an inhuman sound that might have been the first one's name.

"Give it a rest, will ya? The boss said to look like them and kill them. He didn't say anything about driving me up the wall in the process."

'Sam' glared at him and hunched his shoulders, crossing his arms in a juvenile and girly way. Dean was sure he could hear the 'humph!' of indignation.

Dean couldn't stop from grinning this time. These things were going around killing and eating people wearing their faces, they definitely had to be taken out. But Dean couldn't deny the joy he was getting from all this fresh material. Oh, Sam was gonna hear about this for a long time to come. As far as Dean was concerned, the Sam-clone had gotten his bitchy little brother down to a tee. He opened his mouth to tell him that, but got cut off.

"Shut up, Dean."

The Sam-clone matched him in timing, volume, and voice.

Dean's smug grin turned full-mouthed, lighting up his eyes as his clearly exasperated sibling clenched his eyes shut. Dean could hear him groan mentally.

Yeah, they were evil and had to die, but Dean thought he might miss these two.