"Feliciano..." I pause nervously for a moment, taking out the velvet box and opening it.

The diamond ring is inside, glittering. Like the silver lining.

I feel so many different emotions right now. Anxiousness, fear, nervousness, happiness... pouring into one. I'm trying my best to keep a straight face.

We stare into each other's eyes for a while. "Y-you're blushing..." Feliciano says to me. "Are you alright-"

"Feliciano." I interrupt. "Will you... marry me...?"

Finally, I get the words out of my mouth and out into the open.

I see tears building up in Feliciano's eyes, wondering if I did something wrong. Then, I notice his smile.

"Veeee~ of course, Ludwig~! But before we get married, I need to get healed first, okay~? My chest hurts a lot, and so does my arm.~"

That's just like Feliciano. To act like his injury is not even that significant. And then I remember he really does need to be healed.

"Absolutely. I'll take you to a hospital right away," I reply. "No, Ludwig.~ I want you to heal me," Feliciano requests.

My eyes open wide in shock. "Erm... I haven't much training as a medic, Feliciano. But I shall try my best for you," I say with a slight smile, causing Feliciano to giggle.

Feliciano picks up the diamond ring and gently holds it in his hands. "Veeeh~ Ludwig~ you found the silver lining~!"

I found the silver lining...? Feliciano was the one who remembered me, who wouldn't let go of his life because of me...

I shake my head. "Nein, Italien. You found the silver lining," I correct him, rubbing his cheek gently. He asks for a kiss, and I, of course, grant his wish.

As our lips touched, it was then that I found the answer.

We both found the silver lining.