I do not own EUReKA, but if I did it would never go off the air.

This is my first attempt at writing fan fiction. I am so inspired by the stories that I have read and some of my favorite Authors, that I felt brave enough put mine up on the board. Right off the bat you must know that Jack and Allison are my favorite characters and the majority of my stories will be about them. That is if anybody likes this one. Please review for me. You can be honest as I am trying to better myself, but don't make me cry. I wanted to write this one because they have not touched on the fact that Tess is made aware of Jack and Allison's relationship. I thought it strange that they never mention her name being that Allison is still very close friends with her. As the title suggests, this isn't going to go smoothly. Enjoy.

Rated M for Mature.

With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies

Chapter 1: The Calm Before the Storm

Jack and Allison had settled into their own little routine. Once a week she would spend the night over at Jack's place and he in turn would usually stay over at hers on Saturday nights. This is the night Kevin usually would sleep over at his best friend Dre's house. Though both realized that Kevin was old enough and intelligent enough to understand what was going on, Jack still didn't feel completely comfortable with the fact that Kevin knew what he did to his mom on the nights he slept over. Jack didn't have the nerve to ask Kevin how he felt about him staying over. For now this seemed easier. Jack knew as a teenager he never wanted to even entertain the idea of his parents having sex. He could only imagine how Kevin felt.

Jack had know Kevin for the past four years and was someone that the young man looked up too. He knew that Kevin felt like he was a big brother to him, and initially Kevin was resistant to the idea of Jack dating his mom. Fortunately he had come around, and Jack felt that Kevin was extremely pleased that he made him mom happy after so much heartache. So while he and Allison were finally settling into this stage of their relationship, they wanted to make the situation as easy as possible for their kid's sake.

This particular Saturday morning they took the opportunity to lounge in bed. Dre's parents were taking the boys on an outing today and Jenna thankfully was sleeping in a little late herself. As the sun was forcing its way through the curtains, Allison snuggled a little closer to Jack. He grinned and looked down to Allison who was laying right beneath his chin and let out a snicker.

"Hey there beautiful." Jack lifted his arm from where it was resting on her back and stroked her hair.

"Umm, hey yourself." Allison purred as she looked up and into his intensely blue eyes.

Allison lowered her head back to its resting place and tightened her grip around his waist. "I never want to leave this spot."

Jack kissed the top of her head. "Believe me, if I could I'd never let you go.

Jack was amazed at how beautiful she looked in the morning, fresh faced and innocent. Deep brown eyes sparking like the nighttime sky. He still reveled in the fact that he was really here with her.

"What do you want to do today Baby?"

"Well I was thinking maybe we could get Vincent to pack up a lunch for us and then take Jenna to the lake for a picnic. I want to enjoy the nice weather while we still can. We can just play it by ear after that. Kevin should be home by dinnertime, so he'll probably want to order pizza and watch a movie."

"Sounds good to me." Pizza always sounded good to Jack, as well as beer, burgers and fries. Allison wondered how he stayed in such great shape considering the junk he liked to eat. He certainly wasn't a gym rat but did enjoy running. Plus with all the craziness he had to handle around Eureka, she was sure his metabolism was revved up to the hilt.

Allison released her grip from Jack's waist and moved to get up. Jack grabbed ahold of her wrist just as her feet hit the floor. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Well, we eventually have to get out of bed. You know Jenna will be up soon."

"Yeah...soon. But not yet." Jack said with raised brow, a look of mischief in his eyes.

Allison gave him a flirty smile, parted her lips and suggestively licked her tongue across her teeth. This too had become a part of their morning routine. She looked at him with obvious lust in her eyes and crawled back over and draped her body across his. Jack raised his head and took Allison's lower lip between his teeth and gently tugged at it. His hands running up and down the smooth satin of her teddy, caressing her from her shoulder blades to her supple round bottom.

"You have got to have the sexiest ass in the world." he said while making a low guttural growl.

"Oh Jack, you say the sweetest things." she replied, playfully batting her eyes.

Allison raised up and positioned herself so that she sat astride him as Jack moved his hands up and down her flanks. He greedily eyed her as she ran her fingers over his strong arms. Allison took this as her cue to remove her nightgown.

When they spent the night at his house they usually went au natural, but here, Jenna would awake in the middle of the night and Allison always had something on so that she could tend to her as soon as possible.

Allison moved her hands from his muscular arms and crossed them at her hips and lifted the nightgown over her head revealing herself. Jack was amazed at how tight and toned her body was after having 2 kids. He immediately felt him member tighten and throb at the thought of being inside of her. Knowing when he looked at her he could hardly keep his manhood from rising, he couldn't imagine his reaction to an 18 year old Allison. He might have exploded right on the spot. Jack reached up and placed his hands over her shapely breasts. He smiled and chuckled mentally, agreeing with Goldilocks conclusions...not to big, not too small, just right. Jack began to knead them as Allison moaned with pleasure. She loved the fact that his hands were a contradiction in terms. When needed they were strong and powerful while still being capable of performing precise and delicate maneuvers. When he touched her she felt the heat radiate throughout, as if her body was on fire.

Jack rose up off the mattress, placed a hand on the small of her back and captured one of her erect nipples in his mouth. He flicked his tongue back and forth over her puckered areola and then began to suckle her. With his free hand he gently rolled the other nipple between his forefingers. Allison felt a stir low in her abdomen and began rocking her hips back and forth in response. Jack believed in being fair so reversed his order and switched his attention to the opposite breast. Allison placed her hand at the nape of his neck grasping at his close cut hair. She gasped as he released her and moved his mouth to her collarbone.

Jack being someone who could read people extremely well made sure that he remembered every erogenous zone on Allison's body. The first time they made love he took his time and paid close attention to the sounds she made and the way her body responded as he navigated her regions. He recalled that this was one of the more sensitive areas and when he sucked on it, she became flush.

"Oh" she whimpered and grasped his head between her hands and forcefully kissed him. She slide her tongue between his lips and he allowed them to part as their tongues began sparing. And although she did enjoy the sensation of rubbing her clit against his tumescent cock, she didn't think she could take much more foreplay, "Take me" she demanded. Jack was only to happy to oblige. He moved his hands to her waist and lifted her so that he could insert himself.

"Yes...Jack...Yes!" she uttered breathlessly. Once Jack entered her the rest of the world fell away. They matched each others pace creating a steady rhythm. Allison started out slowly raising and lowering her frame on top of him as he rolled his hips in unison. The house was silent and all that could be heard in the room was the sound of her soft languid moans and his deep panting breaths.

Allison rode Jack in long rocking motions savoring every moment, enjoying the pleasure he was bringing out of her. Jack stared as her body moved, it was almost like she was dancing...graceful fluid motions, then deliberate contracted movements. Jack enjoyed everything Allison did to him. He especially enjoyed when his "Cowgirl" was on top. He took advantage of all the benefits...being able to stare at her without seeming like some creepy stalker, the ability for his hands to roam freely over her smooth caramel skin, and the fact that she was in complete control. She set the tempo and he was only to happy to let her. Her actions began to quicken and she tightened and released her muscles against his throbbing member, attempting to bring him to the height of ecstasy. Of course her ploy worked and Jack no longer settled with being the submissive.

Jack steeled his jaw and set forth with the task of making her have the most intense orgasm he could draw from her body. He gripped her at the waist, lifted her slightly and began thrusting in hard forceful upward motions. He held her hips steady while plunging deep inside, sensing the warmth and wetness with his painfully swollen member. He wanted to intensify her pleasure so he slid one hand down and began using his thumb to massage the nub of her clitoris. Allison shuddered and arched her back, allowing her long silky brown hair to toss back and forth. She had to admit to herself that he must be some kind of magician. It seemed that his hands were everywhere at once...moving all over her body. In what appeared to be normal actions, with a sudden quickness changed and surprised her in unexpected ways.

Jack noticed that her previous extended moans of pleasure now became sharp breathless gasps. A soft sheen radiated across her trembling body creating a glow making her seem almost etherial. He knew that she was about to reach her peak and he wanted to go along for the ride, so he allowed her to take command over him. Allison bore down with her hips attempting to fill herself completely with him. She lost control as she began to crest, her creamy essence trailing down his shaft. She cried out as she collapsed onto him, her face nuzzling the side of his neck, all the while Jack still moving gently inside her.

He tenderly rolled her onto her back ready to release his own spirit. She spread her legs invitingly and wrapped them around his hips wanting to bring him to the height of ecstasy. He pumped inside of her with an erratic frenzied force, his muscles clenched with desire. He brought himself to his knees, lowered his hands beneath her hips and angled them up just as he reached the pinnacle. She clawed at his shoulders with her blunt nails sending shivers down his spine.

"I love you" she whispered, and with these three little words, she broke him. She grabbed his head and brought his mouth to hers, swallowing his stifling roar. He raised his head and looked into his eyes and saw reflected the same emotions he had been feeling...the deep adoration, the burning desire, and the sheer joy of being with the one you loved.

Jack straightened his body and they lay down facing each other, their breathing returning to normal. Jack moved his hand to her cheek and stroked it tenderly. Gazing into her beautiful brown eyes, he gave what she considered to be her smile. The one that made her weak in the knees and simply stated "I love you too."

Just as they closed their eyes, attempting to catch a quick cap nap, an irritated squeal could be heard from the baby monitor.

And with that their day began.