I do not own EUReKA. Something has definitely gone wrong.

With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies

Chapter 8: Thats What Friends Are For

Jack was grateful that the weekend was almost here. The one good thing about having a robot Deputy was that Andy could handle the shift work by himself without any breaks. Thanks to him, Jack couldn't remember the last time he was required to work on a Saturday or Sunday. Unless there was an emergency, he spent most of his weekend relaxing and enjoying himself.

Saturday afternoon, he and Allison planned to spend time with the kids. They'd probably take a drive, then stop somewhere and get lunch. That night Kevin would be staying over at Dre's house so he and Allison were going to leave Jenna with the nanny and head out to a movie. They always tried to keep a date night for just the two of them. With the pressures from work, the responsibility that lay on both their shoulders, and family obligations, this was an opportunity for them to focus on each other. Tonight though, they were going to spend a quiet night in. They knew Tess would be coming over to spend time with Kevin and felt it was important that they be there in case she was ready to talk.

This afternoon though, he was meeting Allison, Grace and Henry for lunch at Café Diem. It was a regular couples thing they did typically twice a week. Jack and Henry still found time to get together and have their "man" time. What they'd usually end up doing was watch sports, have a pickup game of hoops and play chess or cards. When Jack and Henry were bonding, Allison took the opportunity to hangout with Grace. She told Jack another reason she was thankful for this timeline was that she had become great friends with her. But, more often than not Jack was with his "family." No more bachelor days for him. And to tell the truth...he loved it.

Jack walked in and saw the three of them already seated at a table where they appeared to be engrossed in heavy conversation. "Hey guys." Jack pulled out the chair next to Allison and kissed her on the cheek. "This looks intense. What are you guys talking about?"

"Tess." Allison gestured across the table, "Apparently she went to talk to Henry yesterday."

Jack eyed Henry, dumbstruck. "She...she spoke to you?"

"Uh huh. She wanted to know about the two of you." Henry preceded to go into detail about the conversation he had with Tess yesterday.

"Well, that doesn't sound too bad." Jack shrugged his shoulders, knowing that is could have much gone worse than that.

"I think she realized that the two of you had no intention of hurting her. I'm sure she's still going through a lot emotionally but, she seems to be doing okay."

"I have to admit, I know how she feels." Grace offered her opinion regarding the situation. "There she was suddenly presented with a different person – unbeknownst to her of course. I know you couldn't tell her what happened, but to Tess, nothing changed. As you know it took work on both our parts for Henry and I to get to a place where we trust other. I am glad he did tell me though. He may not know much about the other timeline, but I know, and he's still my Henry." Grace smiled happily at Henry.

Henry reached over and took Grace's hand in his. "I love you."

Eyes alight, Grace tightened her grip around his hand, "I love you too."

The rest of lunch they chatted about nothing in particular. It was agreed upon that when they dinned together, no work talk was allowed. When they were done, they all headed back to their respective locations. Luckily, the rest of the day was relatively quiet for Jack. He finished up some minor work and briefed Andy on a few open cases he was working on. When he was done for the day he went straight home, showered, and left for Allison's.

By the time he arrived, she was already busy preparing dinner.

"Wow. You're looking casually fine this evening."

"Why thank you." Allison raised up on her toes and pecked him on the lips.

She always looked good to him, no matter what she had on – especially when it was nothing at all. Tonight she wore black hip hugger jeans, a white scoop neck shirt, and her hair was up in a pony tail. She had removed the makeup she'd worn that day, and to him she was still gorgeous. A feat most women couldn't pull off.

"Yum, that smells good. What are we having?"

"Shrimp Fra Diavolo. It's pasta with shrimp thats a little saucy, and a little spicy."

Jack playfully slapped her bottom, "Hum, just like you. Need any help?"

Allison smiled broadly and swatted at his chest, "No, but you can set the table."

Jack did as he was told and once his task was complete, he insisted on helping her anyway – if you can call it that. Jack sidled up behind her and took hold of the wrist that was stirring, mimicking her actions. With his free hand he massaged the side of her thigh.

"Is this your idea of helping?" She inquired.

Jack smiled smugly, "Yes. Yes, it is." He then tilted his head and nipped at the back of her neck.

"Don't start." She scolded him, even though she couldn't help but giggle.

Jack wrapped his arms around her waist and squeezed. "But I can't help myself."

Just then footsteps could be heard as Kevin came lumbering downstairs, interrupting the scene. "Don't you two ever quit?" He asked as he rolled his eyes, hopped on the couch and turned on the t.v.

"Don't get comfortable, dinner's ready. Bring your sister to the table." Allison instructed.

Kevin reluctantly got up, took Jenna out of her playpen and placed her in her high chair. As they sat there eating, Jack wondered if there was anything that Allison couldn't do well. She was an amazing mom, a brilliant scientist, a loyal friend, and an exceptional lover. Whatever she did, it was with done with great zeal and passion.

After dinner, Kevin, a bit dejected, went upstairs to finish his homework, then play video games. They had assumed that Tess would have arrived by now, but it appeared that she wasn't going to show. Allison took Jenna up for a bath and put her to bed while Jack put the dishes away. Once Jenna was asleep, Allison joined him who by that time was lounging on the couch, riveted by a hockey game. Allison grabbed a book she was in the middle of reading, sat between his legs, and lay back against his chest.

Jack enveloped her in his arms and pressed his lips against the top of her head. "You know what?"

Allison eyed him suspiciously, "No, what?"

"You are absolutely amazing. You take my breath away."

Allison blushed, obviously taken by his complement.

In usual Jack fashion he added sarcastically, "I think I'll keep you."

Allison couldn't help but laugh and elbowed him in the ribs. Just as Jack tightened his grip around her, there was a knock at the door.

Allison rose from the couch and opened it, a surprised look on her face. "Tess!"

"I hope it's not to late." A sheepish grin on a face.

"No, of course not. Come in, come in."

"Hi, Tess." Jack stood from the couch and greeted her.

"Hi Jack. I promised Kevin I'd come by and see him, so here I am." Jack noticed that Tess looked quite nervous.

Allison clasped her hands in thanks. "He was hoping you'd show up. He's up in his room. He'll be so glad you came."

"I couldn't let him down. But if it's alright I'd like to talk to the two of you first?"

Allison looked at Jack and they nodded in unison. "Sure. We'd like that."

Allison lead them to the table, Jack next to her. Tess sat across from them, placing her purse directly in front of her, almost as a protective barrier.

She began slowly, "I guess there's no way easy way to start, so I'll just say what I have to say. I've had time to think about everything that's happened this week. I did some soul-searching, and frankly I was shocked, confused, and extremely hurt to say the least."

Feeling a bit ashamed, Allison lowered her eyes. Jack noticed her movement from the corner of his eye and reached under the table to hold her hand so that she would know he was by her side.

Tess continued, "I know that you never wanted to hurt me...either of you. I guess by keeping the secret you thought that it was the best thing to do. I know you wanted to tell me in person, but you should have told me as soon as you two were sure. That's not how you treat a friend."

"I know Tess and we're really sorry." Allison pleaded with her, hoping that she knew she was being sincere.

"I know you are but, it's going to take me a while to be completely okay with this, but I know that I'll get there. Right now it's still a bit raw. There is one thing I'd like from the two of you though."

Allison jumped at the opportunity to square things with her, "Of course Tess, anything."

Tess squinted and pointed her finger between the two of them, a smirk on her face, "Don't ever lie to me again."

"We won't." Allison spun quickly and looked at Jack, who shook his in agreement. "That's a promise." She added, beaming from ear to ear.

Tess got up from the table and moved toward the stairs. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going up to spend time with my godson."

They watched her head upstairs and into Kevin's room. Allison immediately turned to him, a tear sliding down her cheek. Tears not out of sorrow, but joy. Joy that she had her friend back. They sat quietly for some time, Allison wrapped in his arms before Jack looked down to her.

"Hey, I'm gonna go. I think you two need to spend some time together."

Allison appreciated the fact that he was so thoughtful and giving during this difficult time. He was so good to her. "Thanks."

Jack put on his shoes and headed for the door. "Call me later?"

"I will." She reached up and kissed him tenderly.

As he passed under the door frame Allison grasped his forearm, pulled him back inside and hugged him tightly. She stared up intently into his eyes, and spoke softly to him, "I love you."

Jack placed his hand on her cheek and lovingly stroked it with his thumb. "I love you too."

Allison closed the door behind him and could hear Kevin upstairs regaling Tess with all the adventures he'd had since she left town. Allison was glad that they had reconnected. Tess was such a positive influence in his life and one of the people he looked up to. Tess talked to Kevin for about an hour before she emerged from his room to meet Allison in the kitchen.

Tess scanned the room, "Where's Jack?"

"He went home. He thought we needed some girl time." Allison looked to her apprehensively.

"I'd like that." Tess stood there a bit awkwardly, not sure what to do next.

An idea popped into Allison's mind, "How about some ice cream? I have your favorite. Sea Salt Caramel Macadamia Nut." Allison removed it from the freezer and temptingly waved it if front of her. A definite benefit of living in a town like Eureka, is that with someone like Vincent running the place, he could create anything your heart desired.

"Ah, you do know me well." Beaming, Tess ran to the cupboard and gathered up a bowl and two spoons. "Actually, I brought something too."

Tess reached into her purse and placed on the kitchen table a small purple box.

Allison's eyes widened in disbelief. "No, you didn't."

"Yes, I did." Tess gleefully opened the box exposing a sixteen piece gourmet exotic truffle collection.

Allison thought back to when they first discovered the luscious treats. Fresh out of college they decided to go on an adventure and on a layover found these at an airport gift shop. "You didn't forget. I guess you know me pretty well too."

"That's what friends are for." Tess added, grinning from ear to ear.

As they sat at the table enjoying their treat, they slowly began to talk about what each of them had been up too. They chatted about old times and laughed about some of the trouble they used to get into. No one would believe it, but Allison has a wicked fun side.

"Al, I really miss this. I miss you."

"I miss you too."

"I want you to know that I understand why you'd choose him and why he chose you. I know now that he could never have truly been mine. I couldn't be what he wanted as long as he wanted you. I know he's a good man. You're in love, I see that now and I want you to be happy. If anyone deserves a bit of happiness, it's you."

Allison leap to her feet and she and Tess embraced each other in a hug. "Al you're my best friend. No, you're more than that, you're my sister and I don't want to lose that. I love you."

"I love you too and don't worry, you won't."

They sat a while longer before Tess got ready to leave for the Inn. Tomorrow would be her last day in town and she needed to get packed and ready to leave.

As Tess walked out the door, she turned to Allison, "Hey, I'll be back after the Astreaus crew returns. What say we plan something?"

"How about when you return, you stay with me?"

"Definitely. Let's keep in touch, huh Al?"

"Definitely." Allison waved goodbye and shut the door.

Once it was closed behind her, she leaned back and shut her eyes. A feeling of satisfaction spreading throughout. Allison checked in on Kevin before she headed up to bed. He had fallen asleep with a comic book in his hand, as usual. She kissed his forehead and pulled the covers up over him and peeked in on Jenna who was sleeping soundly. The house was quiet so she decided to have a little me time and jumped in the tub for a soak. She lay her PDA on the edge of the tube and called Jack.


"Hi." He answered, a bit groggy.

"I'm sorry baby. Did I wake you?"

"No, no, no. I was waiting for you to call. How'd it go?"

"Jack, I think we're going to be okay."

He could hear the smile in her voice. "What are you doing now?"

"I'm taking a bubble bath."

"Well, you deserve it. I won't keep you. You go ahead and enjoy yourself. Get some rest okay. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight baby."


Allison exhaled and slid further down into the tub.

The next morning as Tess headed out of town, she couldn't help but smile as she passed the sign reading leaving Eureka. She was sad to go, but ultimately glad she had come. Tess realized she was stronger than she thought. She was determined not to dwell, to look forward and not back. It was time for her to move on and fill her life with all things she wanted. Her friendship with Allison was too important to her to abandon. Life doesn't always go the way you expect it. She was confident there was someone out their for her too. At last, she had reached the stage of acceptance and hope.

Thank you to everyone who submitted a review. I appreciate your comments and encouragement. I hope you enjoyed my version of events. I know I took some liberties, but I think thats the fun of writing fan fiction. Please feel free to review, even if you have already. (anonymous reviews excepted)

Be on the lookout for my next stories:

(One Act) Date–Date: Jack officially takes Allison out on a real date.

(Chapter) I Do Over Again: Are Jack and Allison destined to be together? In an alternate timeline lets suppose Nathan survives, he proposes to Allison, and Kevin is not autistic. How do Jack and Allison deal with their feelings toward each other?