YO! DX this is the last chapter!Thank you for reading this story! I really enjoyed typing it though I had my moments where I thought I'd never finish it! XD

*lemon scene as promised!*

Hopefully I can make another fanfic that is better! I already have an idea in mind...i shall type it at the end and i ask that you leave your opinion in your review please! :D

Chapter 20

The winner

King Vegeta panted. He looked up angrily and let out a growl.

"This is ridiculous! You really think putting up this act that you magically turned into a super saiyan would scare me?" King Vegeta yelled. Kakarot kept his expression cold and serious.

"You must be at the end of your rope if you think silly little tricks would work!" King Vegeta boomed.

"I think it may be you who's at the end of your rope." Kakarot said in an icy tone. King Vegeta was taken aback.

"What did you just say." King Vegeta hissed.

"It seems to me that you're delaying your defeat with talk. Why don't you do your talking with your hands?" Kakarot said. King Vegeta growled with fury.

"Alright then!" King Vegeta yelled and flew to the awaiting teen with a ready fist. Kakarot disappeared in midair and King Vegeta came to a complete stop.

'What?! Where'd he go?' King Vegeta thought as he looked around frantically.

"Behind you!" Kakarot yelled as he came at King Vegeta with full force with his feet pointed at him, delivering the hard blow to King Vegeta's back, creating a large crater into the ground. He flew out and stood by the crater, looking into it.

"Done already?" Kakarot said. Vegeta's eyes widened in surprise.

"He...he knocked him down...I haven't seen anyone knock my father down..." Vegeta said in disbelief. King Vegeta then flew out, his clothes tattered and covered in dirt. King Vegeta was now furious.

"Don't get cocky just because you laid one blow!" King Vegeta yelled. Kakarot smirked.

"What if I laid several blows then?" Kakarot said. King Vegeta flinched. Kakarot flew to him and flung his fist to his cheek followed by a second, then by a third. It suddenly turned to several punches, each one sending the king a step back. He then sent a hard kick to his stomach and made him crash into the wall, making the whole wall come tumbling down onto the king, revealing the red sky of planet Vegeta.

"How does it feel to have your own move used on you?" Kakarot asked. King Vegeta let out an angry scream, releasing energy that destroyed the rocks that covered him like a blanket. Small rocks flew everywhere, hitting Kakarot, who didn't react as well as Vegeta, who covered himself.

"You're no super saiyan! You're an imposter! A monster! I'm the elite saiyan! If anything, I am the real super saiyan!" King Vegeta yelled.

"I think he's lost it..." Vegeta said to himself.

"Alright then, let's do this for real. Enough warm up." Kakarot said, hoping to give him the scare he was given earlier. King Vegeta smirked as he got an idea.

"Yes. Let's." King Vegeta said. Kakarot flew a bit closer, now standing a few yards from the King.

"I'll be nice and let you have the first blow..." Kakarot said as he stretched out his arms, "Go."

King Vegeta let out angry yell as he pointed his open palm toward Kakarot and released a purple energy blast that Kakarot head on and blasted a large hole right through the wall behind him. When he finished, there was no sign of Kakarot. He chuckled and that chuckle turned into wild laughter.

"I won! Haha! I beat the low class monster! Hahaha!" King Vegeta laughed as he fell to one knee and started to catch his breath. He looked over at Vegeta who seemed to be looking at him, smiling. No, he looking past him. And he finally realized it. He turned around to see Kakarot standing behind him, his back to him.

"What!?" King Vegeta shouted in complete shock. Kakarot turned around.

"I give you the first move and you miss completely. I was right in front of you..." Kakarot said.

"What the hell are you?" King Vegeta asked breathlessly. Kakarot smiled.

"The winner." Kakarot said with a smile. King Vegeta looked down at the ground angrily. Vegeta smiled.

"Fine...I'll admit defeat..." King Vegeta said angrily. Kakarot smiled.

"Sweet!" Kakarot said with a smile as he changed back to his old form. King Vegeta looked at him confused.

"Hey Vegeta, I won!" Kakarot yelled to Vegeta. King Vegeta nodded in disappointment and got up. Kakarot looked at him.

"No hard feelings?" Kakarot said with a grin.

"Whatever..." King Vegeta said and walked away. Kakarot tilted his head in confusion and then shrugged. He then jogged over to Vegeta.

"Hey prize!" Kakarot said happily. Vegeta's smile faded.

"Prize?" Vegeta asked. Kakarot nodded, "I'm not a prize!"

"Of course you are!" Kakarot said. Vegeta glared at him. Kakarot then grab Vegeta by his waist and hoisted him onto his shoulder.

"Let's go prize!" Kakarot said.

"Dammit I said I'm not a prize!" Vegeta yelled.

"Quiet, prizes don't talk..." Kakarot said nonchalantly. Vegeta growled angrily. From a distance, King Vegeta watched the pair exit the demolished stadium.

"Kakarot, you better make my son happy." King Vegeta said quietly with a smile.

Kakarot carried Vegeta into his room and threw him onto his bed. Vegeta immediately sat up and blushed angrily at the idea of being called a 'prize' and being treated as one.

"Man I'm tired! I don't know about you but I could go for a nice cold bath right now..." Kakarot said as he streched his arm across his chest.

"Kakarot.." Vegeta said. Kakarot looked over at him.

"What's up?" Kakarot said switching arms.

"I'm glad you won.." Vegeta said.

"It was bound to happen..." Kakarot said. Vegeta laughed.

"Don't get so cocky! You wouldn't have won if you didn't go blonde!" Vegeta said. Kakarot was confused.

"Blonde?" Kakarot asked. Vegeta stared at him almost wanting to slap him. Did he really not know?

"Forget it..." Vegeta said. Kakarot sat on the bed next to Vegeta.

"Aw man, that was one heck of a fight! Your dad is crazy strong!" Kakarot said. Vegeta nodded in agreement.

"But I won. And I won you!" Kakarot said as he wrapped his arms around Vegeta and pulled him close. Vegeta frowned.

"You idiot. You could've been killed!" Vegeta said a bit angry. Kakarot sighed.

"There you go again! It's starting to annoy me...I think I should punish you..." Kakarot said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"For what?" Vegeta asked. Kakarot brought his lips up to Vegeta's ear.

"For doubting me..." Kakarot whispered hotly. Vegeta's face reddened. Kakarot tilted the prince's head back and pressed his lips on his soft neck. Vegeta tensed up. He knew where this was going to lead to and he was prepared to do it. That is why Kakarot fought for him.

"Kakarot, I-Ow!" Vegeta was surprised when Kakarot's gentle kisses on his tender neck turned into a rough bite.

"Kakarot, what the hell?" Vegeta cried out. He looked up at Kakarot who wore a smirk.

"I told you I was going to punish you.." Kakarot said. He continued his fun on the prince's neck and worked his way up the prince's lips. The two young saiyans were locked in a passionate kiss. Vegeta felt himself pushed back onto his bed, Kakarot hunched over him. The prince felt Kakarot's hand trace over his chest, going up to the neck. He grabbed at the collar of his shirt and ripped down, revealing his chest.

"You don't have to rip my clothes off like some uncivilized ape..." Vegeta said as he looked at Kakarot with playful glare. Kakarot chuckled.

"Oh but I do..." Kakarot said as he brought his lips to Vegeta's chest. Vegeta's heart fluttered as he felt Kakarot kiss all over his smooth chest. He let out a gasp of excitement. Kakarot smiled, satisfied. The prince then reached up to Kakarot's collar and ripped all the way down to his abs. Kakarot was surprised as Vegeta traced his hands on Kakarot's chest, letting them roam all the way down to the area between his legs. He let out a gasp of surprise as Vegeta took a grip of the area. He finally had the courage to contribute to sexual situation.

"I-I'm supposed to b-be punishing you..." Kakarot said breathlessly. Vegeta smirked.

"Well the tables have turned..." Vegeta replied as his grip hardened a bit. He felt the matter in his hand harden as well. Vegeta pushed Kakarot back onto the edge of the bed. He got on his knees in front of Kakarot and opened his legs up. He reached up where the rip ended and pulled it all the way down, revealing the erection that once was hidden. He took a grip of it, making Kakarot cry out. He leaned his head forward and without hesitation, he licked the rock hard member. Kakarot's eyes were now shut tight, trying to hold back the yells and cries of pleasure but he couldn't help but to let one slip.

"Nnn aah!" Kakarot cried out as Vegeta sucked the member in his mouth, bobbing his head back and forth. It went deep into the prince's mouth, surprising the prince himself of how far he could fit it in. Vegeta looked up at his pleasured friend and took a gentle bite, causing Kakarot to toss his head back. He continued, sucking on it. Throughout the situation, the prince's own manhood hardened as well.

The prince finally pulled back in surprise, Kakarot slipping out of his mouth and letting the juice drip from his mouth. He fell to the ground. It was almost silent despite the hard breathing of the two saiyans. Vegeta looked up at Kakarot. He smiled as he signaled for the prince to come over onto the bed. Vegeta nodded as he got up and sat on the edge next to Kakarot, blushing at how obvious his erection was.

"It's time, Kakarot..." Vegeta whispered. Kakarot didn't waste a second as he gently pushed the prince onto his stomach. Vegeta felt his clothing pulled all the way down and felt Kakarot shoving himself into him. He cried out, both pleasure and pain, the two mixed into the perfect combination.

"K-Kakarot!" Vegeta cried out as he gripped the sheets tightly as he felt the erection being thrust into him. The thrusting continued almost like a repeating beat. Vegeta's moans hinted pure ecstasy. He didn't know when or how but he was now on all fours but this worked to Kakarot's advantage. Kakarot reached around the prince's hip and grasped his manhood and made the rough thrusting with his hand. Vegeta cried out. Withing a few minutes, Vegeta's white substance squirted all over Kakarot's hand and trickled onto the sheets.

"Ahh! Ka-Kakarot!" Vegeta whimpered. And almost right on cue, he felt himself being filled with Kakarot's cum. Kakarot pulled himself out, letting it drip. He fell forward, landing next to the breathless prince. The two looked at each other, eyes locked.

"Kakarot..." Vegeta said within breaths.

"...yes?" Kakarot replied. Vegeta broke away from looking at Kakarot by looking down at the sheets.

"I love you..." Vegeta said, avoiding eye contact.

"I know..." Kakarot replied. Vegeta glared, "What?" Kakarot said with fake confusion.

"I just said something important..." Vegeta said, a bit too tired to put anger into his voice.

"Yeah but you didn't look at me in the eye when you did..." Kakarot replied with a teasing tone. Vegeta blushed but then looked up into Kakarot's eyes.

"Kakarot, I love you..." Vegeta said, getting redder by the second.

"Yeah, I know..." Kakarot replied with a smile. Vegeta glared at him again. Kakarot then pulled himself close to the prince and locked lips.

"I love you too Vegetah..." Kakarot said softly.

The end! ^.^

Author's note: Oh jesus, that was just the worst lemon ever written! DX

-As for Michi...um she died...in an explosion...heh heh heh-er I mean, she will be missed...psych!

Ohh! My lovely readers and reviewers! Guess who has another story in mind? :D Me! Don't worry, it won't suck as much...er..i hope! Here's the summary. It's yaoi of course!


What happens when Goku and Vegeta are accidentally turned into 16 year olds? A lot of hormones and mixed feelings will!

...yeah that wasn't much of a summary...would you ever consider reading this? :3