Author's Note: K, this is the last chapter. I decided to end this here for a couple reasons, mainly because I didn't want it to get repetitive or boring. And also, I can always write a sequel. ;)


            "M, um, Mallrats!"

            "N, uh, uh, uh, Night Orchid!"

            "I have an idea!" Rory cried, looking at her mother.

            "You're not going in order!" Lorelai protested. "And, you made that up! Either way, you've lost. You have to mow the lawn."

            "Fine, whatever," Rory said, shrugging it off. "Anyway, you should take Luke to dinner tomorrow."

            Lorelai stopped walking and turned to face her daughter. "Maybe you need to stay home from school, I don't think that you are well."

            "I'm serious! Luke should come with us!"

            "My child is possessed!" Lorelai cried.

            "Mom!" Rory sighed.

            "Luke doesn't want to go to Friday dinner."

            "Have you asked?"

            "And there is no way that my mother would me bring anyone on such short notice," Lorelai protested. "Besides, Luke doesn't want to go."

            "He'd walk across hot coals for you if you asked him to!"

            "Now that is an exaggeration," Lorelai sighed. "Honey, Luke doesn't want to go, and grandma wouldn't let him anyway."

            "He doesn't-"

            "Not Luke, ask grandma if he could come."
            "No. She'll say no."

            "Fine, I'll ask," Rory cried.

            "No! She can't say no to you!" Lorelai exclaimed.

            "Then ask!" Rory sighed.

            "Fine!" Lorelai snapped, pulling out her cell phone. "She'll say no."

            "You're stalling."

            Lorelai groaned and dialed her parents number. She heard a ring on the other end, and waited impatiently.

            "Hello?" Emily's voice said softly on the other end.

            "Hi mom," Lorelai said, glaring at Rory.

            "Hello Lorelai," Emily said calmly. "Is there something I can help you with."
            "Actually, yeah. It's about dinner tomorrow."

            "What about it?"

            "Um, well-"

            "Lorelai do please hurry, I have a DAR meeting I need to get to."

            Lorelai rolled her eyes. "Uh, Rory wants me to bring a friend on Friday, is that okay with you?"

            "Mom!" Rory yelled.

            "Rory wants you to bring a friend?" Emily repeated.

            "Could you say no already, I thought you had a DAR meeting."



            "Okay, yes you can bring a friend on Friday," Emily said. "Is that all Lorelai?"

            "But, but, it's such short notice."

            "Yes it is."

            "And, I'm being rude."

            "Only slightly. Rory may bring a friend as well if she likes."

            "But, short notice."

            "I'll see you at seven tomorrow," Emily said, hanging up the phone.

            Lorelai clicked her cell phone off. "I can bring Luke."

            "Really," Rory nodded.

            "You can bring a friend too," Lorelai sighed, disbelieving what had just happened.

            "Great!" Rory cried, grinning from ear to ear. "I'll go ask Lane right now," she added. "Meet you in the diner?"

            "Sure," Lorelai nodded, pushing the door to Luke's open as Rory bounced off. She slid down at the counter.
            "Geez, you have to mow the lawn?" Luke asked.

            "You wanna come to dinner with me tomorrow?" Lorelai blurted.

            "Huh? I thought you had dinner with your mother?"

            "No, some weird woman has come and taken her place," Lorelai said. "You want to?"
            "Dinner with your mother and father?"

            "No, some pod person has replaced my mother," Lorelai shrugged. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

            "It's okay, I'll go," Luke said, smiling warmly at her.

            "You sure? Once you're in the Gilmore mansion there is no escaping."

            "Well, I'm fairly certain that you are exaggerating."

            "Oh, I'm not, trust me," Lorelai nodded. "You sure you want to go?"

            "I'm not going to start dancing over the idea of going to your parent's for dinner, but yes, I'm sure."

            "You dance?" Lorelai asked.

            Luke's cheeks started to turn red. Before he could say anything Rory came in, sliding down next to her mother. "Well?"

            "Rory, thank God," Luke sighed.

            "Yes, we're go for dinner," Lorelai nodded. "What about you and Lane?"

            "Her mother won't let her go!" Rory sighed.

            "Oh, that's to bad," Lorelai sighed.

            "Tell me about it."

            "Well, don't you have a perfectly normal boyfriend to ask?" Lorelai asked.


            "No, you're other boyfriend," she said, frowning at Rory. "Yes, Dean."

            "What if he has to work?"



            "What, ask? What's the harm in asking?"

            Rory sighed. "I'll go to the market," she said and headed back out the door.

            "I didn't mean right now!" Lorelai called out to her daughter, but Rory was already gone. "That was weird."

            Luke nodded. "Are she and Dean getting along?"
            "I thought they were," Lorelai nodded.

            "Probably best to just leave it alone," Luke said.

            Lorelai nodded in agreement. "That would be best."

            "Which means you shouldn't go butt in."

            "That too."

            "Hey!" Kirk yelled, interrupting the two. "I've been sitting here for five minutes. Could you take your eyes off your girlfriend for 30 seconds and take my order?"

            Luke exchanged a glance with Lorelai and turned to Kirk. "It'll be one second."

            "It's not nice to play favorites," Kirk added.

            Luke sighed loudly. "Lorelai?"

            "I can wait," she laughed.

            As Luke went to go feed Kirk, Rory came darting back in. "I had a thought."

            "Me too!" Lorelai cried. "Oh, did you want to share yours?"

            Rory nodded. "What is Jess going to eat on Friday?"

            "Uh, food," Lorelai offered.

            "No, because Luke is going to be with us."


            "And, so he's not going to have anyone to feed him."

            "I think you may be underestimating how hard it is to open the Macaroni box."

            "What kind of dinner is that?" Rory shrugged.

            "One you and I eat a lot."

            "Not that often," Luke called. He turned to Lorelai. "And I would like to remind you, that neither of you were capable enough to figure out how to make the macaroni."

            "We can make it now, can't we?" Lorelai asked.

            "No," Luke said, turning back towards Kirk.

            "See! We are two strong, very capable women. And we couldn't make it. Jess isn't going to have food on Friday."

            "Rory, we're going around in circles."

            "He should come with us," Rory said.

            "Because Luke won't be here to feed him?"


            "So, that is your motivation for this?"

            "Of course."

            "And there is nothing else behind it?"

            "Mom, what else would there be behind it? I just think every human has the perfect right to eat dinner."

            "Okay," Lorelai nodded. "But I don't think taking him and Dean to dinner together would be a good idea. Dean doesn't like him much."

            "Well, then, I guess Jess can just come."

            "But what about Dean?"

            "Dean has dinner on Friday." Lorelai looked at her daughter skeptically. "Mom! He should eat."

            "Okay," Lorelai nodded. "I'm not putting up a fight here."

            "So I'll go ask him."

            "You do that," Lorelai nodded as Rory ran up the stairs. "Okay, Luke, don't tell me that wasn't weird!"

            "Leave it alone," Luke sighed.

            "But it's in my nature to butt in!"

            "I know," he nodded. "Leave it alone."

            "Who would it hurt?"

            "Lets see, you'd be annoying Rory and Jess."

            "Well, besides them?" Lorelai asked.

            "Lorelai," Luke said. "Things will sort themselves out."

            "What if they don't?"

            "They will."

            "But, what if a big comet hits Stars Hollow and things still haven't sorted themselves out! Then we will never have fixed things, and we'll all feel horrible because we didn't help! We didn't sort things out, they'll be upset and we'll feel guilty!"

            "Wouldn't we all be dead?"

* * *

            "Hey," Rory said, sticking her head into the apartment where Jess was sitting, reading a book.

            "Oh, hi," he smiled, looking up at her. "You can come in."

            "Oh thanks," she nodded, walking in. "So, what you up to?"


            "Don't you have to work in the diner?"


            Rory laughed. "Hey, I have dinner with my grandparents tomorrow night, do you wanna come with me?"

            "How come you're not taking Hugo Peabody?" Jess frowned.

            "I don't know," Rory admitted. "I thought you might enjoy the entertainment more than he would."

            "What, like a play?"

            "More like my grandparents watching my mother bring Luke home," Rory said.

            "Now that's entertainment," Jess grinned. "Yeah, I guess I'm in."

            "Great," Rory smiled. "You have to dress kinda fancy."

            "I can do that."

            "Good. So I'll see you tomorrow then?"

            "Yeah," Jess nodded as she headed back downstairs. "Hey, Rory?"

            "Yeah?" she said, turning around to face him.

            "Thanks for inviting me."

            "Well, you're a good friend. And, um, I wanted you to come."

            "I'll see you tomorrow."

* * *

            Lorelai felt a wave of emotion pass over her as she pulled the car towards her parents house. The conversation behind her faded as her thoughts became more conflicted. Why did it suddenly feel so weird to be going to dinner with her parents?

            She noticed Rory looking at her as she pulled the car to a stop and got out. When Rory climbed out she rushed over towards her mother. "What's wrong?"


            Rory sighed. "I know that's not true."

            "I don't know, this just feels weird," Lorelai shrugged.

            Rory shrugged, wishing she had an answer for her mother. Lorelai walked over towards Luke as she stepped back. "Hey Jess, you look nice," she mumbled.

            "Thanks, you too," he nodded, rubbing the back of his neck.

            "You nervous?" Lorelai asked, looking at Luke as the stopped in front of the door.

            "Yes," Luke said, looking straight ahead.

            "Don't worry," Lorelai said quickly, her voice soothing.

            "Yeah, they'll love us," Jess cried. "Right?" he added a few seconds later.

            "That was convincing," Luke groaned.

            "Don't worry about it. The only person they love is Rory," Lorelai grinned, feeling the tension start to slip away.

            "That's not true!" Rory protested.

            "Well, they certainly don't like me," Lorelai said, ringing the doorbell.

            "I doubt that very much," Luke said.

            "Just you wait," Lorelai nodded.

            "Geez, what's taking so long?" Rory asked.

            "Maybe the maid was busy," Lorelai offered.

            "They have a maid?" Jess blurted. "We should get one of those."

            "I'll get right on that," Luke sighed.

            The door opened quickly, and Lorelai was surprised to find Emily was opening the door. "Good Heavens, we weren't expecting you yet, you're on time!"

            Emily's eyes widened as the door opened. Lorelai felt the tension come on back.

            "Hi grandma," Rory offered, brightly.

            "Come in," Emily said, her back along the door.

            "Geez, this is a big house," Jess exclaimed. Rory giggled softly as Luke sighed. "I think I'll stop talking."

            "Put your coats here," Emily said. "If you have any."

            Lorelai took hers off and then grabbed Rory's, placing it on the rack. "Where's dad?"

            "He's upstairs," Emily nodded, leading them into the living room. "I'm going to have a drink, anyone else want one."


            "Jess!" Luke hissed. "Didn't you mention something about not talking?" Luke added.

            Jess smiled, looking clueless, and glanced up at the ceiling. Luke groaned softly and a sudden silence hushed over the room.

            Lorelai broke the silence after what felt like a minute or two. "Okay! I brought a boy home!" she yelled, clasping her hands together. "Moving on…How was everyone's day?"

            "Fine," Rory said, jumping in for her mother. "I got an A on my chemistry exam."

            Richard chose that point to come into the living room. "Evening everyone," he said, scanning the awkward scene.

            "Hi dad," Lorelai said smiling.

            "Well, aren't you going to introduce us to your guests?" Richard asks.

            "That is a good idea," Lorelai nodded. "This is Luke. He runs the diner in Stars Hollow."

            "Ah yes," Richard nodded. "I've been there. Nice place."

            "Thanks," Luke nodded.

            "And that's Jess, Luke nephew who is living with him," Lorelai added.

            "This is Jess?" Emily asked, jumping in.

            "Oh boy," Rory sighed.

            "See Luke, I always told you I'd be famous one day," Jess said, grinning.

            "When did you say that?" Luke asked.

            "But I thought-" Emily began, but was cut off by Lorelai.

            "Things worked themselves out," she snapped quickly.

            "And no flaming comet was involved," Luke added.

            "What?" Emily frowned.

            "Nothing, it was a joke," Lorelai said.

            "So," Richard said, taking a seat. "Jess, is it?"

            "Oh boy," Rory groaned again.

            "Yeah," Jess nodded, clueless to what was happening around him.

            "What do you do?"

            Jess shrugged, looking completely confused.

            "Do you have a job?" Richard continued.

            "Oh!" Jess nodded, getting it. "Kind of."

            "What do you mean, 'kind of?'"

            "Well, I work in the diner after school, but Luke doesn't actually pay me for that," Jess explained. "Which by the way-"

            "No way," Luke finished before he could even start in.

            "Still, still, honest work," Richard nodded. "Do you enjoy it?"

            "I could do without some of the customers."

            "Which customers?" Richard asked.

            "All of them," Jess offered.

            Lorelai smiled. "Dad, that's enough. Jess and Rory are just friends."


            "Dad," Lorelai said, smiling politely.

            "I think dinners ready," Emily sighed, wandering off towards the kitchen. "Lorelai, would you be a dear and come into the kitchen for a second with me?" Emily asked.

            "Okay," Lorelai said, frowning as she stood up, following her mother into the kitchen. "What's going on?"

            "Why didn't you tell me you were bringing Luke?"

            "Um, I don't know," Lorelai shrugged. "Why does it matter. You said I could bring someone along."

            "I said a friend."

            "Luke is a friend," Lorelai nodded, feeling as if the conversation was going to be going in circles.

            "I thought you meant Sookie…or someone," Emily said. She paused for a long second before continuing. "Why did you bring Luke?"

            "Because he's a friend and because Rory wanted him to come," Lorelai sighed. "Mom, what do you want me to tell you?"

            "I wasn't expecting any of this," Emily cried. "I was expecting you to bring a friend, and Rory to bring Dean. Not a boy who you were complaining about just awhile ago."

            "Well, things change. People change," Lorelai said. "I mean, I do change my mind. It's happens very rarely, but it happens. Jess is, he's an okay guy. And he's Rory's friend."

            "Is that all he and Rory are?"

            "Yes! Mom, Rory wouldn't cheat on Dean, okay. She just wouldn't."

            "I know that," Emily said. "And you and Luke, what's going on there? Same as always?"

            "No," Lorelai said, figuring the rest of the world knew.

            "What do you mean no?" Emily asked, turning to face her.

            "I mean, Luke and I are, um, dating."


            "Really," Lorelai nodded.


            "Really! You know, you are the first person to be surprised by this."

            "I can't imagine why," Emily said. "I thought you two were never getting together."

            "Ah!" Lorelai yelled. "And now is when I go back to the living room."

            Emily just shook her head and smiled.

* * *

            "I need to use the little boys' room."

            Rory turned put down her spoon and turned to look at Jess, who was trying not to laugh at her. "What?"

            "Do I need to say it louder?"

            "No," she said, shaking her head. "Uh, I'll show you where it is."


            "Grandma, may we be excused?" Rory asked.

            "Of course," Emily nodded.

            "Come on," Rory sighed.

            Jess grinned, waved at Luke, and followed her as they headed out of the dinning room.

            Before Luke could say anything, Emily spoke. "So, how long have you two been dating?"


            "They're dating?" Richard cried, clueless.

            "Mom," Lorelai begged, her voice filled with annoyance.

            "Are you planning on getting married?" Emily continued.

            Luke's eyes widened and his mouth opened but no sound came out.

            "It's not really something we've thought about," Lorelai said.

            "But you are planning on getting married? You know I was just thinking about your wedding the other day."

            "That's kind of jumping ahead," Luke sighed.

            "This conversation needs to home to a screeching halt."

            "I second that," Luke nodded.

            "Richard, don't you think a spring wedding for Lorelai would be lovely?" Emily asked, Richard stared are her with a confused expression on his face.

            "Mom! Would you please stop talking about a wedding that is not currently happening?" Lorelai begged.

            "I take it we missed the best part?" Jess asked, walking back in with Rory following him closely behind.

* * *

            "That was one weird dinner."

            Rory turned to look at Jess as the two sat on the front steps of the Gilmore house. She shrugged, glancing around the yard. It was hard to believe her life had changed so much in just a week.

            Jess looked forward at Luke and Lorelai, who were standing in front of the chuppa, talking. "You look nice tonight," he said to Rory, after a second. "I don't think I mentioned that."

            She blushed slightly. "Thanks."

            He turned to look her directly in the eye. "Why did you invite me? I'm sure the amazing tall boy could have gotten off of work, or out of what ever he is doing. Or you could have just not taken a guest. Why me?"

            "Why not?" Rory replied calmly. She suddenly wished she had a better answer.

            Jess shrugged, looking back and Luke and Lorelai. "Those two are so lame. Can't even see what is right in front of them."

            "Love is a funny thing," Rory said, glancing out at them.

            "But, things always start moving when you get them figured out," Jess said.

            "Ah, true, but you have to figure them out first."

            Jess just looked at her, and for what seemed like the millionth time, smiled his infamous smile.

            Rory rolled her eyes, and just smiled back.

* * *

            "Sorry about my mom tonight," Lorelai sighed.

            "It's okay," Luke nodded, putting his arm on her own.

            "I think she's had several scenarios all planned out for my wedding since I was born," Lorelai added. Luke laughed. "She used to tell me about them all the time when I was little, or grown up. In the dinner she talked about a Russian Winter theme. When I was 13 she told me I should get married in Hawaii. The only thing that did was give me an excuse to go to Hawaii."

            "My dad talked to me about marriage once in my whole life," Luke said.

            "What did he say?"

            "I was nine, and I standing out side, playing baseball with my sister Liz. He comes over, grabs me by the shoulder and sits me down on the porch. He says: "Are you ever getting married?" I shrugged, I mean, what do I know, I'm nine years old. I wasn't really even thinking about girls at that point. Then he said: "If you do, make sure you love the girl, love her a lot." Then he walks back inside and closes the door, and I go back to playing baseball."

            Lorelai shrugged and smiled. "It is good advice."

            "For a nine year old boy?"

            "Maybe not for a nine year old boy, but generally it's good advice."

            He nodded. "Yeah, it is."

            She paused for a second, leaving a silence between them. She glanced up at the chuppa, looking at all of it's features. "You think we'll ever put this thing to use? You think we'll ever get married under it?"

            Luke didn't answer for a moment, not because he had to think of an answer, but because he'd actually thought about it a few times before. "I think we will."

            "Really?" she asked, looking at him.

            "I have no doubt," he nodded, facing her. "Someday."

            "Someday soon."

The End

A/N: Adding a quick extra note. I now like to take the time to once again thank my beta reader J, and anyone else who has read this fic. Also, I would like to say that Jess's "I could do without some of the customers" bit was intentional and a shout out to Clerks. I was in no way trying to do anything that would irritate KS, and am now writing this to save my butt, just in case. Thanks for reading. See ya next time.