A Whiter Shade of Pale Ch. 23

Disclaimer: See first chapter

Author's Note: Thank you to all those who reviewed that I have missed replying to for the last chapter. As some of you know, things with my family are pretty rough at the moment, but we are surviving day by day.

Previously: "Thanks Jefferson," Dean whispered as he watched his baby brother's eyes droop in medicated exhaustion. He would be on duty until Sammy was feeling better once again.

Making his way down the stairs and into the kitchen area where Bobby, John, and the other hunters were sitting, Jefferson suddenly found himself the center of attention as he strolled over to the formica countertop where thankfully, Bobby had a fresh pot of hot coffee brewing.

"Well?" John growled impatiently, as he watched the burly doctor reach over and grab a ceramic coffee cup from the dish drainer where it had been placed earlier to dry.

"You can relax John, Sam is fine and resting comfortably under the watchful eyes of his big brother," Jefferson replied with a weary smile as he waited for the coffee to finish brewing. It had been a long evening and he was in desperate need of a strong jolt of caffeine.

"So Sammy's going to be okay then, no long lasting repercussions from the trip or anything?" John queried as he tugged the fingers of his right hand through his disheveled dark hair.

"Other than maybe a little stiffness tomorrow, the Tiger will be just fine," Jefferson informed the worried father, with just a hint of irritation in his voice. He couldn't blame John for wanting to be totally sure after everything Sammy had been through over the past couple of weeks.

"That's good to hear Doc," Joshua voiced as he leaned back in his chair, a smile adorning his rugged suntanned face. Sammy had captured his heart eleven years ago at the tender age of two, and he couldn't bear the thought of the child he loved so much hurting and in pain, much less lost to them all.

"Sure is," Caleb voiced in agreement before slurping down the last bit of coffee he had in his cup from the coffee that had been brewed earlier while they all waited for Jefferson to come down the stairs after having taken care of Sam. "You need me to run into town and pick up anything for the runt to make his recovery time easier?"

"Nah, I've got a few sample packets of Keflex in my bag and they should be enough to get Sammy over this ear infection and bout of tonsillitis he has going on," Jefferson answered as he poured himself a cup of the coffee that had just finished percolating. "Of course, the kid would probably enjoy some ice cream to help soothe his throat over the next day or two."

"No worries, I've got that covered," Bobby stated, squirming a little as all eyes turned to him. "What, you idjits think I don't know how to take care of a sick kid or something?"

"No man, it's just that I never pictured you as the nursemaid type," Caleb responded jovially, dodging the grungy ball cap that Bobby threw at him across the table.

"Keep it up moron and you'll be the one who needs a nursemaid," Bobby groused lightheartedly as the others began to laugh, reveling in the cheerful moment after a tense afternoon.

Shaking his head in exasperation at Caleb's shenanigans, John turned his attention back to Jefferson. "So how long do you think it will be before Sammy's ready to travel?"

"His incision is definitely healing, but his abdominal area is still pretty tender, so I'd say he needs at least two to three more weeks of convalescence time," Jefferson answered after pondering the question thoughtfully.

"In that case, Bobby, do you mind having me and the boys around for a few weeks?" John asked as he turned his attention to the grizzled hunter who sat opposite of him. He was running low on funds and didn't envy having to stay in a fleabag motel with Sammy having been so sick recently.

"If you really thought you needed to ask that question of me, then you are a bigger idjit than I thought," Bobby grumbled at John in exasperation as he looked at the younger hunter. Surely John knew by now how much he loved those boys. Yeah, John could be a pain in the ass at times, most times if truth be told, but he was something he was willing to put up with for the sake of John's boys and having them visit.

"Gee thanks," John grumbled lightly, just as an idea popped into his head. "Hey Bobby, would mind it too much if I go into town and blow off a little steam. It's been a long few weeks, and I really need to have a little fun, maybe line my wallet while I'm at it."

"S'fine with me. Just so you know if you get yourself in trouble with the law, I ain't bailing you out," Bobby informed the hunter, not in the least surprised when Caleb and Joshua pushed their chairs back also.

Early the Next Morning

Sitting by his brother's bedside as he waited for his younger sibling to awaken, Dean thought about the things he wanted to say to Sammy to make up for his not being there when the kid had been hurt. Sure he knew Sammy didn't blame him for what happen, but he couldn't forgive himself for not being there for the kid. Sammy's safety had always been his top priority in life, but the one time Sammy needed him, he wasn't there and that one thought still hurt him to his very soul. Of course, he had heard the argument from his Dad that there was no way he could have known what would happen, but if he hadn't been so eager to get into Mandy Sue's pants, then maybe he would have felt that things were off somehow and been more alert.

So deep was he in thought that Dean missed his brother rousing.

"Dean, you okay?" Sammy questioned as he pushed himself up in the bed with a slight wince.

"Yeah, I'm fine Kiddo. Why do you ask?" Dean replied, as he reached out to brush Sammy's chestnut colored bangs away from his eyes. "You really need to get a haircut you know."

Snorting his displeasure at the remark, Sam voiced his earlier worry. "You were miles away just now."

"I was just thinking Dude," Dean started to say as he turned his full attention to Sam. "I need to…"

"Don't even go there Dean," Sam interrupted; knowing exactly what was on Dean's mind from the guilty expression his brother was exhibiting at the moment.

"But Sammy, if I had only…"

"No buts Dean. How many times do I have to say what happened was not your fault and there is nothing you could have done to prevent it from happening? Dad doesn't blame you, and I certainly don't, so I want you to stop blaming yourself," Sam implored of his brother as he tried to get him to forgive himself.

"Whether you believe it or not, you can't be there for every moment of my life. You have a right to live your own life and I want you to be able to go out and have fun without having to worry about me," Sam told his brother as he reached out and placed a hand on Dean's arm. "Even if that means going out with yucky girls."

"You know, you're going to eat those words one day," Dean informed his brother with a laugh.

"No I won't. And quit changing the subject. I want you to promise me that you will forgive yourself Dean," Sam pleaded, using the puppy dog expression that nearly always got him his way. "Please?"

"I'll make you a deal. I promise to try," Dean agreed, smiling as his brother's stomach chose that moment to rumble rather loudly.

"It looks like somebody is pretty hungry since he missed supper last night. Why don't we go downstairs and see what Bobby's cooking for breakfast," Dean prodded, helping his brother up from the bed, before walking over to the small dresser in the corner of the room where he grabbed one of the antibiotic packets Jefferson had placed there for use last night so that he could give him one of the small capsules if Sam should happen to awaken during the night.

"'Kay," Sam agreed, knowing that was the best thing he could hope for at the time, that Dean would at least try to forgive himself.


Standing in front of the stove as he poured some chocolate chip pancake batter into the skillet, Bobby couldn't help but smile as he heard the patter of feet walking across the floor upstairs. Sam had always been an early riser and he had made it a point to be up early this morning so he could fix the kid's favorite breakfast.

"Morning boys, hope you're hungry," Bobby called out as Dean and Sam walked into the kitchen just a moment later.

"You bet we are," Dean voiced with a grin as he reached out to snatch a piece of bacon off of the plate on the table while Bobby fried the flapjacks.

"Uncle Bobby, where is everybody?" Sam questioned softly as he pulled out a chair and sat down at the table.

"Your Dad and the others went into town last night and came back drunk as hell. They'll be sleeping off some hangovers this morning," Bobby answered as he placed the last of the pancakes on a plate and then carried them over to the table and sat them down beside the bacon he had fried earlier.

"Help yourselves boys," Bobby stated as he made his way over to the refrigerator to grab a jug of milk since he knew how much Sammy liked the drink with his pancakes.

"Thanks Uncle Bobby, you're the best," Sam avowed as he used his fork to get three of the flapjacks and place them onto his plate.

"'Course I am," Bobby agree with a smirk as he sat down to eat himself. Grabbing some pancakes of his own, Bobby knew he was also the luckiest man in the world since he had his two most favorite people in the world sitting at the table right there with him. What could be better?

THE END Thank you so much for sticking with me through this story and the long delays in posting. I am going to take a small break from posting and work on getting some chapters written to my next stories before posting so that you don't have to suffer through these types of delays again. I am working on a Weechester story, also an AU story that will involve Mary throughout the story, and one that takes place during the first season. Hopefully you will see one of them posted before the end of this month. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!