Title: Fixing the Floo

Word count: 100

Rating: G

Beta: simeysgirl

A/N: Drabble prize for freakingcrups, who wrote over 10k words in a recent Word War at hd_writers over at livejournal. Freakingcrups gave me the prompt 'cold, sharing warm clothing'.

Draco sat snuggled in the huge cardigan he had bought the previous winter. Despite the cold wind whipping at the windows outside, he was cosy and warm.

"I'm cold," came the mumbled complaint from across the room.

"Well, if you will insist on trying to fix the Floo yourself," Draco replied.

Harry pulled his head out of the fireplace and turned to glare at Draco.

"Well, if you will insist on breaking it."

Smiling guiltily, Draco opened his cardigan. "Come on," he said.

Harry rolled his eyes, but snuggled into Draco and his cardigan without complaint.