Hey all.

I know it's been a while, and...well, here's the thing.

First off, I love Taang. I LOVE IT. It has such great potential to be a 'best friends into lovers' theme in the most sweetest and comedic way. It REALLY has potential. Heck, I love it more than Zutara, and that's an 'enemies turned friends turned lovers' trope. And upon seeing there's no new Taang content in this site is...heartbreaking to me. :(

I mean, come on, what will it take for you all to like Taang? I know there are some people out there, OLD Taang authors who love it for lots of reasons! But...they're gone, doing something else with their lives. And while I can understand that, it's just...what happened to the Taang community?

Is it because of those crap comics that I will never read? Is it because of Korra? Are the Taang fans threatened by these comics? Really? You're threatened by these piece of turd comics, and how it butchers Katara into nothing more than arm candy to Aang and makes her his yes-man? How it tries to make Aang right all the time, making him a dull character, which he could've been so much MORE if Book 4 Air would've been made? How the Gaang's friendship is so NONEXISTENT when it comes to Zuko? How Zuko is now just a punching bag for everyone, making him into a depressed character that nobody loves? And I don't care what you say about Zuko and Suki, that was just blatantly forced in there to replace Katara, cause apparently, Katara is NOT SENSITIVE ENOUGH TO HELP ANYONE. Instead, she gets to be with Aang 24/7, making her character fade away with each "Sweetie" that's been coming out of her mouth. It's character assassination, people! YOU KNOW KATARA WOULD NEVER TURN HER BACK ON PEOPLE WHO REALLY NEED IT, AND THAT'S INCLUDING ZUKO.

Are Taang fans really threatened by these things? Please, it's nothing more than contrived slop created and thought up by two pathetic, shallow, and petty men, which are supposed to be the creators, even though the head writer made the best and memorable moments and decisions for the story and characters. The same creators who made fun of teenage to PRE-TEEN girls who made fanart for their idols, but were shot down in an insulting Comic-Con video about a fake Book 4 video. Girls who thought NOTHING BAD about BRYKE, until NOW, were just innocently making fanart of their favorite pairing, that being ZUTARA, and the so-called CREATORS just used it and insulted them for it...


I have no respect for Bryke. I really don't. They are horrible people and they DON'T CARE about their characters and their fans! ALL EXCEPT AANG, THOUGH!

And I like Aang, I really do. I don't want him to be turned into a Gary-Stu, I want him to be a CHARACTER. I also love Toph, and she DESERVES TO BE HAPPY. Korra-Toph is not Toph to me. And Korra-Aang is NOT Aang to me! LEGEND OF KORRA...IS NOT A GOOD CANON-COMPLIANT SHOW TO AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER!

...I'm sorry...I got off track.

Either way, to the Taang fans...don't be threatened by garbage writing from these creators. And it's not the comic artists' fault, they were TOLD to do it. They told them to make these scenes happen. And they did! I mean, they have to get paid, people, and they can't fight with these immature creators or else they'll get a bad rep, so...there. They made a crappy comic.

Okay, I'm sorry, I'm really getting WAY OFF TRACK now.

The point is...come on guys. I want Taang content again. It's the purest and sweetest thing ever. And it can be...sexy, I guess, if you age them up a little.

I just...I don't understand why people won't give it a chance.

Which comes the second thing...I'm gonna try to make original Taang stories. One-shots even. Whether they are 12, in their teens, or adults.

And as for this story...I've decided to reboot it.

Yes, I know, big shocker there, but I have to be honest...I don't think I'm gonna go back to this anytime soon. And my writing has improved quite a good bit from how I used to write. I also kind of thought up of a better premise for this kind of story. XP But yeah, it's still gonna be called "Whatchu Lookin' At, Twinkletoes?". It's gonna be something absolutely different, but with the same concept, along with my headcanon of Toph. ;D

I hope you all aren't disappointed in me for stopping this story and starting over. It's just been so long, and...I kind of lost interest in continuing it, now that I have even better ideas on how to approach this premise. The story itself is kind of blah(even though I think I nailed the beginning), and really...I don't know if I can think up anything at that point. I mean, I had an idea, but after so many years later, I just...didn't really follow through with it. And with that, I'm sorry. :(

But no worries. I will think of a better plot for this concept! And when I do, I'll post it and update it on my own regular time! :D

I'm sorry this isn't a new chapter, but I promise you, I'll make a better story out of this! I promise to make awesome and great stories that are enjoyable, creative, and exciting! And I will do just that. Until then, please understand why I have to do this. If you do, then thank you. :)

With that said, keep an eye out for the reboot, folks! There might even be some Taang one-shots and chaptered stories coming your way also, so watch out for those as well! ^_^

See you all soon, and keep on rocking, everybody! :)