This is Alec's POV, I dunno, it's just weird. Just go with it, right? :{) P.S. Language and err... insinuation warning?

I stared at the wood of the door, seeing the whorls in the wood and the dust clinging to its face. The thought of dust touching something that was Jace's almost made me laugh. Jace's door had dust on it.

I shook my head and raised my hand to knock, only to just drop it. Dread curdled in my gut, I had done this plenty of times before, except this was Jace, and it was almost four o'clock in the morning, and Clary had slept over.

It wasn't that I was jealous; I think that most of those feelings left me the night Izzy took Jace, Clary and Simon to see the Seelie Queen. I still wasn't sure what happened there, but I was sure as hell what happened at Magnus'. I fell in love with him. It just took a couple to months to admit it.

Magnus, I closed my eyes and smiled. Then shook myself, I needed to wake Jace up, and at four O'clock in the morning. Normally, it would just mean dealing with Jace aiming all his bad mood vibes at me for a day. But no, I wasn't only just waking him up; I was asking him to leave Clary.

Shit. The more I thought about it, the less I wanted to do this. I wasn't only asking him to leave his bed, his bed filled with a certain, no doubt warm, red head. I was asking him to leave a certain red head that just a few hours ago-,

Don't think about what Jace does to Clary when they're alone, Alec.

Stop thinking in third person, Alec.

Wake Jace up, Alec. Just do it now. The doors just right there, it's just a door. A door that will lead to your slow and painful death by way of sleep deprived Jace if you knock on it.

Shit, I really need to stop thinking in third person.

I knocked. I was too busy stomping around the hallway in horror to hear the sound clearly, but a sound definitely came from the other side of the door of doom.

Was he telling me to come in? That stumped me, why would I want to go in there? Why would Jace ask me to go in there?

Flashes of bad instances to walk in on flashed through my head. They got worse the longer I thought about it.

But what if they're asleep, with their pyjamas on, and Jace is just lay there waiting for me to walk in, getting more annoyed by the minute? An annoyed sleep deprived Jace is much worse than a sleep deprived Jace.

I knocked tentatively again as I pushed the handle of the door of doom down. It swung open, shining a wedge of light into the otherwise dim and dark room.

The wedge of light fell onto the top of Jace's bed, falling on his head and lighting his bare back. The sheets stopped at his waist, in that way the just-had-sex sleep seemed to make sheets do.

Sounds of sleeping filled the room. I cautiously took a step over the threshold.

Not only was I waking a Jace up at four o'clock in the morning and tearing him from his warm lover's side, I was walking into his room.

I mean come on.

This is Jace.

Who is paranoid anyway.

But with Clary at his side?

He'll probably kill a fly at a moment's notice, not taking the time for his brain to process that it is, in fact, a fly, and not a demon trying to kill or otherwise harm Clary.

In other words, Jace is overprotective when it comes to Clary.

And I was walking into his room, in the middle of the night, with her at his side.

I'm dead.

"Jace," I called, unwilling to go further into the room.

Jace rolled over onto his back, his arm dropping towards the floor. And surprise surprise, there was an unnamed seraph blade in his hand.

On his other side I could see Clary's pale bare back, a shock against her ginger hair, falling and rising with slow sleepy breaths.

"What the angel Alec? What time is it?" Jace softly cursed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Four in the morning. Could I, uh, talk to you for a sec?" I asked, feeling extremely awkward being able to see a half naked Clary, even if it was just her back.

Hey, don't blame me, I'm gay, and that's my brother's girlfriend.

Well, I thought, At least they aren't having sex.

Jace rolled out of bed and half fell to the floor, there was a moment of horror when I started at Jace, alarm bells ringing...

And then I realised he had boxers on.

I sighed with relief and stepped out of the room. Never mind a half naked Clary, a full frontal Jace would have sent me round the bend. Hey, don't blame me, I'm gay, and that's my brother. I might have thought I was in love with him but I mean, come on, I am way out of his league. And he's my brother.

A few seconds later Jace stumbled out of his room, thankfully without his seraph blade. "What's up Alec?" He asked, partially closing the door behind him. He smiled at me.

I frowned, Wow, he's in a good mood. "There's been a report on some level three demons; Mom thinks it's best if all three of us go."

Jace's shoulders sagged, and then he shrugged, "Okay then. Wait, is she expecting Clary to rune us up?"

I shrugged, "I don't think so. I think she was either trying to forget Clary was sleeping over, or she actually had forgotten Clary had slept over. Either way, she didn't mention her."

Jace nodded, "Listen, is it okay-,"

"If Clary doesn't come?" I shrugged, "I don't mind."

Jace nodded, "I just... don't want her in the sight of level three demons. They actually have brains and well, if one gets away..."

"Hey I get it. Oldest sibling over here," I smiled.

"Did whoever that sent the tip specify which demons?" Jace asked looking me up and down at the same time, "You're all geared up." He stated.

"Well done captain obvious. No they didn't, it was probably some Downworlder, and they don't really take time learning demons like we do. Mum woke me first. She asked me to wake you up, Raphael was arguing with her again," I rolled my eyes in exasperation; "I'll wait for you if you want. We're meeting Izzy by the elevator once you're ready."

"Okay," Jace shifted towards the door, "Just give me a few."

He walked back into his room. Wow, I thought, That went better than I expected. I wonder why he's in such a good mood.

And then I felt like slapping myself. Thinking back on how I felt after sleeping over at Magnus', I was surprised he didn't have a giant grin plastered on his face.

Jace didn't close the door as he went back in, and I watched transfixed as he sat on the edge of the bed and leant over to Clary with the most peaceful and happy expression on his face. He brushed her hair behind her ear and leant down to kiss her temple.

I could hear the mumbles from his room.

"Jace?" Clary sighed, "Hey."

Jace grinned down at her, "Hey."

They just stared at each other for a while and then Clary stretched, "What time is it?"

Jace blinked, as if coming out of a trance, and sat up. Clary sat up with him, holding his sheet to cover herself.

"Almost four baby, sorry for waking you but I need to go," He smiled at her and brushed her hair out of her face.

And that was when it hit me. Jace is happy with Clary. And me, I was genuinely happy for him.

"Go where?" Clary asked, frowning and reaching out towards him as Jace stood up.

He paused as she touched his forearm, "Report of some demons, best if Alec and Izzy and I deal with it together."

"I'll come with you," She said.

Jace's laugh was low and rough, "Trust me, I don't think I'd be able to control myself seeing you fight a demon, and since you have none of your own weapons, with one of my swords. Especially after last night..." he trailed off.

Clary was blushing furiously, but there was a smile on her lips.

That's when I decided to leave.

Ten minutes later Jace came into the foyer, obviously fighting a smile from his face. "Sorry about that, got a little distracted."

I smirked, "It's alright, you got runes?"

He nodded, "Clary."

"What'd she say? About not coming and all?" I asked.

Jace frowned slightly as he sat next to me, "What do you mean?"

I leant back in my seat with a resigned sigh, "Last I remember Clary and being told not to go into a fight, especially when that fight involved you, did not go well together."

Jace grinned, "I convinced her. We waiting for Izzy?"

"Of course," I sniffed.

There were a few minutes of silence, filled with the soft snick-snick of the sword Jace took out to play with.

I finally said what I thought I ought to, "You seem happy Jace."

He glanced to me, gold eyes glinting with an unreadable sign, "Well, I presume you can guess what happened last night."

I rolled my eyes, surprised by myself that I wasn't stuttering with embarrassment, "That's not what I meant. Usually there's something bothering you. But you're in love, I can tell, and it isn't the angst kind of love, or the bored so I'm going to pretend love, or even the 'love doesn't really exist' love."

Jace didn't say anything for awhile, but he finally replied, his expression completely serious, "I am happy."

There, random short story over and done with.

WeirdlyFreaky, follow me bitches!

(A/N on ze A/N, I'm hyper, leave me alone!)