All Izaya could remember was leaving the warehouse room. But when he woke up, he was back in his apartment in Shinjuku.

He sat up, feeling pain wince in his shoulder and leg. Then…the memories came flooding back to him.

The fight. The shot. The surrender…

The kiss…

"Glad your up and moving Izaya-kun." Shinra said when he walked in to greet the raven, holding a clipboard in his hands. "Hmm, everything seems stable now, so I guess the only thing I can say is get plenty of rest, and don't strain your muscles too much. I'll come sometime next week to check up on you again."

"So, your leaving me alone for the time I'm desperately hurt and rendered immobile? Tsk, Shinra, I may end up docking your tip a bit for this trip here." Izaya smirked lightly.

Shinra just laughed, and took off his glasses, shaking his head. "No, Izaya. Someone's going to be staying with you."

"Who then, hmm~? Namie? Please," Izaya snickered, "She'll probably just throw me out the window or something."

Shinra sighed lightly, a smile still on his face, "No, no. Not Namie. It's Shizuo."

Izaya's mask faltered. It crumpled at those words. He just turned his head away, "Why did you ask him? He'll kill me too…"

"Doesn't seem that way. And besides," he walked to the door and turned to face his childhood friend, "He volunteered." and with that, the underground doctor left the room, leaving the raven in complete silence…

…That was until the blonde himself decided to walk in.

Izaya looked up at him, a pleasant smirk on his face, "You really do fascinate me, Shizu-chan. If you didn't have the courage to kill me when I was defenseless, do you really have the courage to kill me now?'

Shizuo just sighed, "It wouldn't have been fair, and I don't want to kill you when there is no real fight involved." The blonde brute moved over and sat next to Izaya on the bed.

"Figures you would have to be 'noble' and do that. However, I say it was merely foolish." Izaya looked at Shizuo with eyes sparkling of pure enjoyment, "Then again, what else do we expect from the protozoan himself?"

Shizuo smirked in return, "Ya know, louse. I'm not as dumb as you may think I am."

Izaya held his hands up in surrender, "Oh yes yes. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. How does that sound?"

"Much better than you thinking I'm a complete airhead."

"I call them as I see them, and I'm very accurate, am I not?"

Shizuo stared long into those piercing crimson eyes before speaking, "No, your not. If you were, you would have suspected those guys before they kidnapped us."

"Shizu-chan, don't doubt my observation skills. I was very much aware of the plan, and how it would be executed. Why else you think I gave Namie that gang for information. I knew she would plan something to get me back for everything I caused her, and I knew she would want you as well, which also worked out in my benefit." Izaya's smirk was now pure of bliss and glee, his eyes closed as he laid his head against the headboard.

Shizuo just blinked, "Wait… so you planned this whole thing?" His eyes narrowed, "Why in hell would you do that?"

"To test a little theory I had, and what do you know? It worked." Izaya opened his eyes and turned back towards Shizuo.

"So you dragged me and even yourself through hell, just to prove a point? What the fuck is wrong with you?" Shizuo yelled, his body starting to fill with rage.

Izaya just spoke calmly, "Shizu-chan… the only thing that made this 'hell' was the fact that you were worried about me, instead of yourself."

Shizuo's rage quickly dissolved, and he just looked at Izaya.

"Is that not true, Shizu-chan?"

"….Is that what you were trying to prove?"

Izaya sighed, feeling an explanation needed. "Well, to put it simply, yes. I wanted to know if you had true legitimate feelings towards or if you were simply fooling around. Now, don't mistake me. I had no clue of these speculations until after the Slasher attack."

"That's why you pulled the suicide stunt, and fooled Shinra into thinking something was wrong with you." Shizuo interrupted.

"Basically, yes. And then the kind gang we met up with earlier sent a request on information for you. I heard from a fellow colleague of mine that he, Takamoshi-san, also has some grudge against me. So, I decided I wanted one last test. I gave the information to Namie and told her to handle it. And considering she despises me, I knew she would go along with it."

Shizuo just took a moment of silence, to let all the information sink in. "So, did you plan this too?" He asked solemnly, gesturing to the bandaged leg.

"Ahh~, this, I must admit, took me for a shock. I wasn't expecting him to have enough courage to shot me. However, it all worked out for the better, I suppose."

"And why you say that?"

Izaya looked at him, and smirked. "Because, now we actually have a mutual relationship, which I don't seem to mind." He lifted himself up and kissed him lightly, before going back to laying down.

Shizuo pondered it this for a moment. "No… I don't think I'd call it 'mutual.'"

"Hmmm~ How about," Izaya thought for a moment, "we call it just a 'love-hate' relationship?"

Shizuo smirked at him, and just shook his head, "I say we just call it complicated."


My first completed fan fiction~! Yay~! See, I told you "IZAYA KNOWS EVERYTHING!" Little Trollzaya~ ;3;

Anyways~ I do apologize for the long wait on both of my fics, things just been rough.

Thanks to those who have reviewed, favorited, and all that such~!

I love you guys~!