When I woke up on Thursday morning I did not expect that my whole life would change before third morning started like any other. I woke up at six thirty to my alarm going off. I got up and went to the bathroom and took a shower. I let the warm water run down my face. It felt so good. I didn't want to get out. But i could smell bacon so I got out of the shower and got dressed in my jean cut off shorts and blue half sleve tee. I pulled my dirty blond hair up into a messy pony and put my make up on. My mom had just got me some new eye shadow. It was a dark blue shade. My mom said it complemented my green eyes. My mom told me I have the same color of eyes as my dad, my real dad. I've never met him but my mom said we'er exactly alike. After I was born my mom got married to Phil. He's raised me like his own and he's my little sisters dad so I treat him like my dad. I walked out to the kitchen where the smell was comming from. My mom and step dad were sitting at the table reading the paper. Kim was in the kitchen dishing up her plate. "Mom, Mrs. Holms wants to know if I can babysit tonight?" "Sure Jamie, just get your homework done first." I heard the bus comming down the street. "Oh Kim hurry the bus is here." I kissed my mom and dad on the tops of there heads. "Bye" I said as I was walking out the door.

Kim and I walking onto the bus and sat together on a seat towards the back. I pluged in my earbuds and turned up my music. After about ten minutes the bus stoped. We were about five minutes late so I hurried to my English class. I peeked my head in the door and Mr. Reed's back was turned so I hurried and took my seat. "Nice of you to join us Miss Henderson. Did you have a nice walk to class?" "Sorry Mr. Reed my bus was-" He cut me off. "I don't want excuses, just take your seat and take out you book. I sat down and pulled out my text book. I turned to the page on the board. "Would you like to start us off Miss Henderson?" Ever sence I could remember I've been dislexic and haven't been able to read.(Thats why mom always used to buy me books on tape. Although I never listened.) "Jamie, would you start us off?" "Uh I can't tell what it says." I said feeling ashamed. "Fine would anyone else like to start us off?" James, the teachers pet raised his hand. Mr. Reed called on him. James cleared his voice in a preppy manner and began reading. I got bored so I looked out the window and tuned out his voice. There wasn't much movement outside until a bird came into view. It landed on a tree and started pecking at it. I looked away for no more then one minute and when I looked back there was a man eating the bird! I gasped in horror. I mean seriously who eat's birds? Normal people don't. Then man finished his meal and looked in my direction. He saw me and started smileing. Like a creepy smile. He started walking toward the window when the bell rung. I practicly ran to my next class.

When I got to art I was the first student to class. A few minutes later everyone else arrived. put on a cartoon for the class to watch. About five minutes into the movie I got a horrible headache. I asked if I could go to the restroom and Mrs. Brown told me I could. I walked down the hall to the restroom and headed straight for the sink. I splashed water on my face and instantly felt better. I walked out of the bathroom and and started walking back to class when the bird eating man appeared in front of me. Now that I got a closer look at him I noticed that he had yellow crazed eyes, really sharp teeth, and-claws? "You know it's not polite to stare." He said. I didn't know what to do so I did the only thing I could think of. I kicked him in the shin and ran.

I ran down the whole two hundred hall and into the cafiteria. I ran into the pool room and ran to a corner. Crap! I forgot theres only one way in.. And out. The man was now five feet infront of me. I knew I had nowhere to run so I sat down in the corner. Not knowing what to expect I closed my eyes just waiting for him to get it over with. Then next thing I heard was a loud scream. I looked up and saw two teenagers standing in the door way. One was a boy prob around nighteen wearing a orange tee shirt and and jean pants. There was a girl standing next to him also in a orange tee shirt and jean pants. They were both prob around the same age. The boy was focasing on the man and then a wave erupted from the pool and drowned the man. After his body floated back to the surface the girl pulled a knife from her belt and stabed the man. As soon as her knife hit his skin he turned to dust. I closed my eyes. I must be going crazy. I heard foot steps. I looked up and the boy and girl were standing in front of me. "Can you stand?" I didn't answer. "Were not going to hurt you. Im Annabeth and thats Percy. We need to leave now." With that I started standing up but as soon as I was up my legs began to buckle and then everything went black.