I don't know how I got the idea for this story, but I hope you enjoy it:)

Disclamer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter Characters, they belong to JK. However, I own Elisabeth (Els) Vinyal, she's my character, if you want to use her, send me a PM so I know;)

Elisabeth opened her eyes, in the first moment every thing was blurry, but then her surrounding became clear. I left my bed and hit something, 'I almost forgot that I'll be going back to Hogwarts again', I muttered.

'Els, are you already awake!', my mother shouted from downstairs, 'It's Monday morning, and we have to leave in half an hour, otherwise we will be too late at King's Cross.'

While picking up my jeans and a shirt I shouted, '5 minutes mum, almost finished!' I quickly changed and ran downstairs to have breakfast.

When I run into the kitchen I saw my father waiting, 'Are you finished packing?', he asked, I nodded, 'Then I'll get your trunk downstairs so you can eat your breakfast, then we are ready to leave for King's Cross.' Dad walked out of the kitchen and I heard him upstairs moving my trunk, I quickly put some cereal in a bowl, together with the milk.

In a couple of bites I finished my breakfast and went outside. Both my parents were already waiting by the car. Mum hugged me tightly and said, 'I'll see you again with Christmas love, enjoy your term.'

Dad cleared his throat and mum let me go, 'Love you mum, see you in a couple of months' I said kissing her on the cheek. Then I sat down in the passenger seat. I opened the window and waved to my mother until we turned around the corner, then I closed the window and stared to the passing houses.


My name is Elisabeth Vinyal, but everybody calls me Els. I have a secret, and nobody is allowed to know. The only person I've told about it is Professor Dumbledore and he swore to me he would never tell it to a single soul.

Everybody knows me as Elisabeth Vinyal, but the truth is, it's not my real name, at least not the name my parents gave me, that's Lily Evans.

Sixteen years ago, when You-Know-Who tried to kill my son Harry, and I gave my life to protect him, something strange happened. The moment You-Know-Who hit me with the Killing Curse, my soul was ripped out of my body, and somehow found it's way to the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vinyal. They told me, while I was growing up I almost died just after my birth, and I think that's the moment my soul went into the body of their daughter.

I was brought up as their daughter (I never told them the truth) and waited until I received my letter from Hogwarts. I was glad to get back to Hogwarts, the place where I had spent so much time with my friends, and after a couple of weeks I went to Professor Dumbledore, and told him everything.

I was shocked by one thing, as first years I was sorted into Gryffindor (not that I expected something else), and that evening I saw my son for the first time. I recognized him immediately, even though he looked so much like James, it was his eyes that gave him away, my eyes, well the eyes I used to have.

I was glad to know he was doing fine, he looked happy with his friends Ron and Hermione. I shared the dorm with Ginny Weasley, so I could talk to him, and get to know him better. Who could ever thought that my son would be my senior and friend through my time in Hogwarts.

I felt someone nudging in my ribs and snapped out of my daydreaming, 'Dad', I looked up. 'We're almost there Els, you'd better stay awake now', he told me as we turned of the highway into London.

It took only a couple of minutes before we got to Kings Cross. As soon as we found a place to park the car, I got outside to get my trunk and James out of the boot. James shook his head at the light and bit the cage, 'easy boy', I mumbled to him, 'as soon as we are on the Hogwarts express you can get out, just keep silence for now.' James stared at me, but remained silent. I put my trunk on the trolley, and sat James on top of it.


As soon as I walked into Kings Cross, I spotted a bunch of ginger haired people, the Weasley's, I smiled towards them. Mrs. Weasley was the first one to see me and waved, I waved back to her and a moment later I felt two arms around me, 'Hi Gin', I giggled, 'How was your holiday?'

Ginny giggled also and said, 'Great as ever!' The next moment I saw Harry and Ron behind the rest of the Weasley's, and my heart stopped for a moment, Harry looked exactly like James when I fell in love with him! I waved at them, 'good to see you guys!' They both nodded, 'it has been a while, Els, did you have a good holiday?' I nodded, 'yeh, but it's nice to go back to Hogwarts again.'

We walked to the gate and soon we arrived at platform 9 ¾, the red Hogwarts express revealing itself through the mist and the people on the platform. We heard a scream, then someone runned towards us, Hermione Granger, ''Hi guys, Els, Ginny, good to see you.'

When she saw me, she pointed to the badge on my chest, 'You made prefect Elisabeth, congratulations.' I blushed, 'well, you became Head Girl, so they were one prefect short, but I am happy they asked me.'

Somewhere a whistle sounded, and Mrs Weasley said, 'hurry up, the Express will leave any minute!' Dad helped me to get my trunk onto the train, then I hugged him. 'See you at Christmas dad', I mumbled to his chest, he kissed me on top of my head and said, 'Have a good year Els.'

I stepped into the Hogwarts Express and closed the door. Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione already found a coupe when I found them and as I placed my trunk in the luggage area, I saw my father and Mrs Weasley waving at us when the train started to move, I waved back to them until they were out of our sight.

I nudged Ron between his ribs and said, 'We better go to the prefects coupe for some information', I waved to Harry, Ginny and Hermione, as I pulled Ron through the small hallway to the prefects area in the first coupe.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter:) I'll try to upload the next chapter soon!

I promise, the next chapter will be better;)