A/N: Short wrap up for you. Looooove you all.

Reviews are love.

Thirteen .

Rachel hated being home. She hated it.

She hated sleeping without Finn. She woke up every night screaming. She hated going to school, and she hated that she had to go to a memorial for Mr. Schuester today.

She hated Lima now.

64 days until Blaine's birthday.

"Rach?" Finn called from the hallway and Rachel opened her bedroom door to reveal her in her black underwear.

"Rachel? Why aren't you dressed?"

She threw herself on her bed, "I can't find anything to wear." She motioned to the piles of clothes on the floor.

"What about what you wore to Sue's sisters funeral?" Finn asked, sitting next to her.

Rachel nodded, "I'll look for it." She frowned, "I can't think, Finn. I can't think because I can't sleep and I can't sleep because I'm so scared."

Finn frowned and pulled her into a bear hug, "Don't be scared."

"I wouldn't be. Not if you were here."

Finn sighed out a large breath, "Honey, you know I can't."

"No!" Rachel argued quickly, "I don't know. I can't. I can't do it anymore. I can't. I am breaking. I am broken. I am-"

"Rachel Berry."


"You're Rachel Berry, baby. You can do this. You can. It's just 60 some odd days."

"64" Rachel corrected, sadly.

Finn couldn't help but chuckle, taking her into his arms, "Get dressed." He whispered in her ear, "I will brain storm about how we can make it work."

Rachel looked up at him with watery eyes and grinned. "Okay…" She said standing looking for her dress.

Finn couldn't help but admire her partially naked figure as she bent over to look through a pile of clothes, "God Damn, my baby is hot." Finn laid back on her bed and Rachel stood up, laughing, throwing a cardigan at him.

"You're not helping my emotional breakdown." Rachel notes as she continues to look.

"I'm just appreciating beauty, babe."

Rachel rolled her eyes, "Is Puckerman feeding you words, Finn? You sound ridiculous." Rachel told him, not sounding nearly as irritated as she meant to.

"Puckerman? I didn't call myself a Finnasarus or something ridiculous."

Rachel stopped in her tracks and fell back on the bed in laughter, "Oh… my… god." She breathed through her giggles.

There's my girl, Finn thought as he watched her laugh. "Noah is such a little weirdo."

Finn laughed, "Well yeah, but that's why we love him."

Rachel nodded softly and leaned up to kiss Finn's cheek and went back to finding her dress.

62 Days left.

Kurt frowned as he looked into the choir room, walking past it slowly.

Glee club had disbanded for all intents and purposes. They all still got together at the same time, but now it was in the commons area. They talked about music, and still sometimes sang, but they never talked about competing.

Rachel frowned more then she used to, but Finn made her smile as much as he could. Puck and Quinn were always locked hand in hand and Puck had decided against growing his Mohawk back. Kurt and Blaine were happy together and miserable apart and Santana and Brittany were the same, or what looked to be the same from the outside, but Rachel noticed the difference. Brittany wasn't her same happy self, she didn't believe in magic anymore and she only ever talked about realistic things. It broke her heart. It broke everyone's heart.

Artie was a mess, he missed Tina and Mike. He missed everyone because, well, he was lucky that he wasn't with them but unlucky because no one really felt like he was part of their tight knit group any longer, with the exception of Brittany. They still spoke, and Brittany would go over to his house and they would cry together.

Kurt made his way to the common area and saw Miss Pillsbury talking to Rachel. They hugged briefly and Miss Pillsbury walked away, sniffling.

"She's quitting." Rachel told everyone after she was out of sight.

"How come?" Brittany asked half-heartedly.

"The same reason we're leaving." Blaine told her.

Everyone nodded and looked at their hands, Quinn put her arm around Rachel and hugged her tightly, "You doing better?" Puck asked her and patted her back.

Finn took the liberty to answer for her, "I've been sleeping there and sneaking out at 5am." He told the group, "She's finally sleeping."

Rachel looked at Finn, thankful for him, "You're my hero."

"Anything for you." He said nonchalantly. Because it wasn't even a question, of course he would do anything for her.

Rachel grinned up at him and nuzzled into his neck.

34 Days to go.

"I hate this place." Puck threw his book on the table during their FRIENDS CLUB meeting that Brittany insisted on calling it.

"Why can't we all just go?" Quinn groaned.

"Rachel and Blaine." Santana reminded.

Finn and Rachel exchanged a glance, "Why don't you four go? We'll meet up with you."

"If we go, your parents will be watching you like a hawk." Quinn reasoned.

Rachel bit her lip, "Just another month." She told them and everyone nodded and attempted to change the subject.

11 Days to go.

Rachel packed a little bit every day and helped Finn do the same, she wanted to be ready. The day after Blaine was 18 she was leaving. She wouldn't turn back. She couldn't.

1 Day to go.

"Everyone packed?" Finn asked the group as they sat at Breadstix, Rachel's head on his shoulder, falling asleep into him.

Everyone nodded and Finn was thrilled. They had done it, they had gotten through it. They would be okay.

Rachel threw her bag in the back of the van and Finn kissed her cheek lightly, "Look at that." He whispered, pointing to the sunrise. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"It's a perfect start to a perfect day." Rachel beamed.

Finn nodded, "It really is."