Chapter 9:

Gooseflesh broke out on Eriol's skin. Did he come to past just to watch x-rated scenes in which, Clow was to bang Tomoyo Daidouji look-alike?

The moment he realized what was coming up next, he turned his chair total 180 degrees and slammed his hands hard on his ears. He risked a side way glance at Clow Reed. If he was enjoying the scene playing before him, it was clearly hidden behind his poker face. What must he be thinking? That, my dear, is the biggest mystery. Eriol withered, feeling helpless and despised himself for coming to Clow.

Clow could have skipped that x-rated part, but he didn't. As his agitation grew, Eriol couldn't vacate the room any faster as he snatched the coke and dashed to the door. Everything was dark outside. How much time has passed since his arrival? He knew that on the other side of that painting the change in time is infinitesimally small. So how much time would it take for the dude to finish off?

There is only one case where you turn away from watching love making and that is, if the people going at it are your own parents. It would creep the hell out of Eriol too. Clow might not be his father, still! Who would ever imagine the greatest sorcerer of east, the mature, magnificent and glorious Clow Reed in action? A real sleazy person would and Eriol is definitely not a sleaze.

His head was throbbing and he needed something thick and dark. Coffee, yes he needed coffee, not coke. They were hanging between two dimensions of past and present. For the first time he noticed his surroundings as he aimlessly walked around. This place was much too familiar. This is the same Reed mansion in London which, he vacated eight years ago in the angst, very much acquainted to him. Now he headed towards kitchen hoping that there would be some coffee powder.

As he cradled the mug containing hot black coffee, he let his lungs fill with its aroma. He looked at the all too familiar kitchen and thought about what he witnessed today. Some unknown facts might have surfaced up, but that didn't explain what his assignment would be. Tomoyo's face materialised before him. Miu Ishikawa! That explained why he always felt suffocation in her vicinity. He had been mean to her at the lake, but he wouldn't let him bother with such trivial thing, still it had. She was just a mirror image of Miu Ishikawa and nothing more, but he has grown to hate her for some reason.

He had reasons all right, but nothing real enough to hate another person as much as he did about Tomoyo Daidouji. For the starter, she's a rich kid who has no idea what the value of money is. Truthfully speaking, he has met more than dozen of heiresses like that, but didn't hate anyone of them. And there is this gleam in her eyes that said she is intelligent. Like hell! Her mother might have protected her from all the devils of the true world, so what does she know? What does he know to assume so? He has grounds ok! And what might they be? Rich girlfriends he dated. They were all brainless, level headed brats who didn't know anything about sweating from hard work.

Only indoor women could have such pale skin and body, that met sun very rarely, can look so deliciously pale and shiny. Probably maids waited on hand and foot for her with she giving orders for everything. She has fashion sense all right, nothing impossible for a woman grazed with all the designer wears throughout her life. Does she have even single hard working bone in that tantalizing body of hers? He seriously doubted that. Probably mommy did everything for her. Her degree, did she really finish it or again mommy bought it for her? Not a problem with so much for a bank balance and influence. Her arrogance amused him first when she defended Ella. Too late he recognised where that arrogance came from, 'Heiress of Daidouji Co. Ltd.'

His annoyance grew as he rationalised that these facts are barely justifiable for his hatred. She has a loving parent and caring relatives. If that is the case, then he should resent every other person that he met or would meet.

She has a good heart, he would give her that. He has observed the way she cared for her friends. She's neither a snob nor a bitch, then what is it about her that turned him mean just being with her? He has noticed the way she looked at him when she thought no one was watching her. Almost all women are irresistible to his looks and Daidouji san was no exception. More than few times he wanted to snap at her not to gape at him.

He realized he wasted enough time in brooding on this matter. He should probably return but he grimaced at the idea of watching Clow Reed making love. He didn't know how much time he stayed out but hoped that particular scene would be over by the time he reached the room.

To his relief, the scene of Clow sleeping and Miu sitting near a lamp and writing something enfolded as he settled in his chair.

When she jumped off the cliff, she didn't make any sound, only a falling bundle of cloths. Eriol released his breath in a hiss. She's strong enough to face death but too weak to embrace life and its hardship. The scene stopped again, but Eriol was tactful to keep his mouth shut as he watched Clow's retreat. Neither one spoke for few minutes.

Eriol cleared his throat. He glanced at Clow, who was leaning back in his chair, eyes closed behind those well rimmed glasses and fingers clasped in his lap. "Are you... " He cleared his throat again. "Are you feeling ok?" He sounded edgy to his own ears.

Clow didn't respond. Eriol cleared his throat again. He rose from his chair and tentatively tapped on Clow's shoulder. "What?" Clow bristled. Eriol arched one sharp eyebrow. "Nothing. I was worried."

"I was offering my condolence."

"You were what... to your own lose?" Eriol was irritated with himself for even being surprised. I didn't know ghosts could do that too.

Few more minutes passed before either of them spoke.

"If you are done, can we just... umm... move forward?" Eriol said, hoping he didn't sound selfish.

"See, that is the problem with your generation! You don't know to feel compassion, to express empathy at someone's loss." Clow bellowed. He looked furious!

Oh he knew compassion and empathy all right, but to feel for Clow, it's a different story all together. He was a ghost and made Eriol's life miserable! At the same time Eriol managed to keep his mouth shut from stating the obvious. This is the first time Clow looked out of sorts and lost his temper.

"I'm not very enthusiastic to witness further, but as much as I hate it, I can't put you in dark." Clow said in a rusty voice.

Damn right you can't if it involves my future.

Scene started playing again.


(The past)

Clow woke up the next day, a satisfied smile plastered on his face and content with himself. As he stretched his hand, he found the place beside him empty. Miu might have gone to bring some tea. He thought as he scrambled up and dressed himself.

That was when he heard, the faint, dull, sad voice. "Sayonara Clow. If we get a chance, I'll be with you in another life."

Hair at the back of his head stood up in alert. He tried to reach her aura, but hers was so faint that it's hard to reach; still it could be reached if it was with in the vicinity of his house. When he realised she's not in the house only then did his eyes fell on the small folded paper near the lone lamp in his room.

As he finished reading the letter, his hands were clammy. He reread it again and again. All the blood drained from his head as he realized he was too late. She's left him. SHE LEFT HIM! His hand crushed the paper as he let dark fury consume him. Couldn't she have had even a pinch of faith in him? That he would do everything right in their life. That he would marry her and protect her from all the evil. Did she think he was incapable of keeping her safe and happy? He loved her dammit, couldn't she have faith in their love?

He searched through his mind, trying to locate the places she could possibly visit. She has nowhere to go, for she was a maid in his chamber who never stepped out, then where had she gone? What if she was targeted again? His worst fears surfaced up and he cursed himself. Why hadn't he watched her better? She was too fragile for this life, too trusting. God, don't let anything happen to her.

Yue and Cerberus came in as he was about to step out of his room. Immediately he ordered them to fly in different directions in search of her. If anyone found her, they should contact the other two by telepathy.

Cerberus was the one to spot her. Clow and Yue came at light speed to his side. "She used to come here few times when she was free from her work and when you were out of the town. She liked this place. She told me that this calm and serene surroundings resembled you and gave her the feeling of being near you." Cerberus sounded as soft as a beastly feline could.

Clow took in the vista spread before him with tired and bleak eyes and asked, "Where is she?"

Cerberus hesitated, and then nodded his heavy and furry head in the direction of the valley below. Yue quickly spread his white feathered wings and dived down. He surfaced up within seconds and his hands carried a figure covered in dirty ragged white robs.

Deathlike stillness came over Clow. "No!" It was a low, muffled one wrenched out from his constricting throat. All the blood drained from his head and he collapsed on his knees. Much needed air seemed to be struggling to get into his closed lungs. He hadn't let himself consider the possibility of her death. He had been praying and wishing she would be safe somewhere alive.

Yue lowered her to the ground and placed a cold finger in front of her nostrils. "Master! She is still alive."

Clow crawled to her side immediately and gathered her into his arms. Her body was covered in blood from all the cuts, small twigs clung to her hair, thorns sticking into her skin. A soft sob escaped from his thin lips. "Miu." He slapped her cold, pale and swollen cheeks to bring her to consciousness. "Miu wake up. Please wake up."

She chocked and gasped, breathing heavily as she came alive in his arms. Her eyes flickered and lips began to form words. "Clow..." She voiced his name in a broken throaty whisper and raised her limp hand to trace his cheek.

"Don't talk love. Hang in there, I'll save you. I'll transfer my energy into you to retrieve some of your body's strength. Then we can go for medication." He clasped her both hands in his and closing his eyes, he concentrated, tears trickling down his trembling chin.

"No." She blocked out his energy with all her might, breaking free of her hands from his.

"Please love, allow me." He snatched her hands again and clasped them in an iron grip. No use. She had closed herself in an invisible shield. "Clow... don't... cry..." Her voice came is pants. She locked her eyes with his; they were full of love and bleak with pain.


(The Present.

In Reed's mansion after Eriol learnt all the truth. With Clow Reed gone, the background swivelled back to the dusty surroundings.)

Eriol walked through the narrow corridor which would take him back to the real world, his face red with fury, jaw clenched, eyes unfocused. His stride emitting rage which he was trying very hard to contain in him. Why was life so unattainable to him? Why can't he be someone else, someone common; who has control on his life, who can make his own decisions and carve his future on his own. Is the past ever gonna leave him alone?

It took him two days to cool off and think clearly. After that he came up with such a fool proof plan in his mind that he felt much laid back. He flew back to Tomoeda two weeks later and he called Sonomi the previous day to have her permission. As of now, his hand slipped into his trousers pocket to touch the tiny velvet box, which was burning holes into his thigh through his grey trousers, as he waited in his brand new pearl grey Aston Martin Vanquish for the imposing heavy electric gates of Daidouji mansion to open.

His plan was simple. He would sweep the Daidouji heiress off of her feet with his marriage proposal. Surely he can woo her, as a matter of fact, it's his cup of tea. Once she's fallen for him, he would start involving himself more in her life, obviously to protect her. Or else who would want a dominating, arrogant, adamant and wilful bitch in his life!? The moment the obscenity lapsed in his head, he reined control over his thoughts and started checking his plan again.

No dangers have knocked their door yet but, why take a chance? Surely the enemies would come wielding their swords and magic wands, once they get the whiff of his marriage with Daidouji san's. If he played his cards well, then everything would turn out just fine and he can even have his life back.

As that thought settled in his mind, he found his muscles relaxing and tension leaving his body. He found himself in his element again and drove through the electric gates.

"I thought I asked you to take me to film director Mitsubishi san's office, Iwaki san?!" Tomoyo asked her elderly driver, when she saw where she was being delivered.

"Yes, but I was instructed by the madam to usher you home as soon as possible." Iwaki san said, tipping his cap with his fingers and giving her an apologetic smile.

Why would her mother want her to be at home at this hour of day? She wondered.

As Tomoyo entered the house in a hurry she stopped dead at the threshold. There he was, all dressed up in an immaculately tailored grey suit, exuding raw masculinity as he stood casually studying the large painting adorned on the wall. Was she thinking of him so much that she started to hallucinate about him? She didn't dare move an inch until her mother's soft voice drifted towards her as Sonomi approached her.

" There's a slight change in your schedule dear." Tomoyo dragged her eyes from the tower of masculinity and glued them to her mother. "What's going on here?" Her voice came out in a hushed tone, which might be due to the surprise attack her voice suffered in the presence of the said tower.

Tomoyo didn't miss the gleam in her mother's eyes before she was pulled by her into a bear hug and she realized that she's gonna be a part of her mother's crazy schemes again. 'Help me Kami sama.' She sent a silent prayer towards her only refuge at times like this.

Eriol turned around and was about to greet her, but before he could voice anything Sonomi pulled Tomoyo towards the staircase that lead to her room. "Now, I expect you to wear the dress I chose for you and come down as quickly as possible." Sonomi nudged her lightly and turned on her heels before Tomoyo had a chance to voice her enquiry.

Tomoyo sighed as she dragged her feet, climbing the steps with legs that felt numb. Numb because, though she was intrigued by Eriol's presence at her house and having a clear idea where it was going, she didn't like how her schedule was rearranged for his benefit. She didn't make a fuss of such a small thing and entered her room to find a beautiful peach coloured dress lying on her bed.

It was of chiffon cloth in soft peach and quite predictably not as simple as it looked. It was an off shoulder strapless dress that ended four inches well above her knees in the front and almost touched the floor in the back. A slim golden chain was fastened loosely around the waist, not as a support but to draw attention to the slender waist Tomoyo has. The dress didn't support any bra so she put it on without one.

Tomoyo noticed that the bust region was designed in two big scallops, covering her bust decently but their juncture was cut low making her cleavage prominent, all the more alluring and giving an enticing view to the onlookers to enjoy.

Her mother, as it turned out, chose not only her dress but accessories and footwear in addition with two hair dressers. Tomoyo slid her foot into the open toe, black plump stilettos with gold leather piping; her peach coloured fingernails playing peek-a-boo from the opening. The bracelet that adorned her left hand was golden cuff of three inches in length with some Egyptian inscription all over its surface. She gave a light touch-up make-up with blush on her milky fair cheeks, peach lip colour and Kohl to accentuate her amethyst eyes. Ear rings dangling from her ears came in a set with a thin gold chain sporting a matching pendant. The interesting fact was that the thin chain encased her neck and the pendant nestled cozily at the very tip of her cleavage, blatantly seeking gazes to the showcased creamy soft skin.

Tomoyo's cheeks burned red with embarrassment as she realized for whose delight these preparations were being made. Her hair was curled and made into half princess bun at the back of her head, a single curl let loose over her temple.

As soon as she descended the stairs, she was ushered into the study room. Tomoyo knew to put two and two together and as she remembered her reflection in the mirror from her room, she reddened. She was getting herself into another of her mother's match making sessions and this time the candidate was none other than Eriol Hiiragizawa. As Tomoyo reached that conclusion, her heart raced. Gaining control over her fast beating heart, she entered the study room with measured slow steps.

A desk was sitting to her right on which her mother worked till late hours of night. A series of wooden racks stood to the left, holding books of different genres giving it an image of a small in-built library. Wood burned in the fireplace that sat straight ahead in the centre of opposite wall. A picture of Tomoyo as a child sitting on the lap of her mother as Sonomi lounged leisurely on a big ornate chair graced the wall's upper surface above the hearth. It was taken when Tomoyo was merely four and her mother loved it so much that she turned it into a large portrait and hung it over the wall almost covering all the area above the fire place. A couch and a pair of chairs sat in the middle of the room with an oval shaped glass topped coffee table set in front of the couch.

Eriol was sitting in one of the chairs with his back presented to her as Tomoyo walked in. Sonomi cleared her throat and stood from the couch and extended her hand to her approaching daughter.

Eriol stood and turned to face her. He took her in from head to toe and his breathing audibly shook. That was good because she was getting a little sick of being the only one out of breath every time they met. Tomoyo looked more confident and composed, betraying no fluttering she was actually experiencing in her stomach.

"I don't think that I have to go along with the introductions as I'm aware of the fact that you both are working together." Sonomi spoke in her cool and even voice; no feelings betrayed what so ever she felt. "But let's do it anyway. Mr Eriol Hiiragizawa, I present proudly my daughter Tomoyo Daidouji, new generation fashion designer who won the best designer of the year award consistently since three years solely based on her own merits, and dear, this is Eriol Hiiragizawa, owner of the company Air voice, which has its roots in London and spread its branches all over Europe. He intends to broaden his horizons here in East. We are already partners in business, though that's not the reason for his presence in our house."

'Now we get to the core of it' Thought Tomoyo, though she was surprised to learn that he was already partner in business with her mother. She looked at the only male present in the room with slow and slight upturn of her curly lashes and realised with a shock that he was staring at her in an unashamed direct appraisal. This time his gaze was, although intense, melted her bones. She acknowledged that it's not the reaction she experienced before under his scrutiny, but this one was a fresh experience for he was looking at her as a woman for the first time. There was something carnal in those crystal blue crusade eyes.

The encounter at the lake flashed in her mind. At that time too his eyes took in her bare body parts that she failed to conceal and his gaze turned something very akin to this but accompanied with cynicism and mockery in them as if letting her know that she would be nothing but another in the long list of brainless women, lusting after him, begging for his attention, affection and would go to any lengths to capture him.

On contrary, his eyes weren't holding any judgement, merely taking in her beauty for the first time. His gaze was nothing different from other men who tried to approach her and seduce her and whom she could resist and shake them off without any problem.

She quickly averted her eyes from him and focused on what Sonomi was saying. "Isn't it interesting how he approached me for your hand than directly going after you?" Her mother was saying. Tomoyo took in the news without a flicker of emotion betraying her face, though her mind was reeling from the shock of it. Eriol Hiiragizawa approached her mother? Not the other way around as she thought? That's something to ponder about later.

"It's so refreshing, especially since no one considers the parent's consent these days. Also, keeping in mind his status, reputation and looks, I never expected this gesture coming from Hiiragizawa san." Her mother looked at him and was praising his virtues. 'Of course it is refreshing' Thought Tomoyo, feeling a little dull. 'He's reincarnate of the great Clow sama, who belonged to the era where people approached a girl's parents for her hand in marriage. Oh lord, just my luck! Why do I have to go and fall for an old fashioned guy with Clow sama's principles and scruples?' Not that she was criticising Clow Reed's principled life. Goodness gracious, she didn't know anything about Clow sama to even consider chalking up anything against him.

Looking at nowhere but her mother Tomoyo spoke with a straight face and a polite smile. "That's very thoughtful of him Okaa sama." Sonomi's smile widened and she patted her daughter's head.

"Well then, I'll give you people a wide breath. Why don't you show Hiiragizawa san around dear?" Sonomi suggested while she whispered in her daughter's ear that she was free to reject him if she didn't like him. She exited the hall but as she reached the door, she turned back and gave Tomoyo a thumbs up. Tomoyo rolled her eyes at her mother then shook her head in resignation and smiled to herself.

The room was filled with utter silence and none of them tried to alter it.

Eriol found himself thunderstruck and dumbstruck. His mouth went dry from the sheer beauty that hit him hard in the face. Was he blinded all these days or Miss Tomoyo Daidouji turned beautiful in those ten days? He remembered telling her that she wasn't that beautiful; what a lousy liar he was? His hand twitched to tug at his tie and he suppressed the urge blaming it on anxiety because he hated any signs of anxiety as that's what he felt. "Let's have a seat." He offered her his hand, calling him all kinds of stupid for he couldn't come up with anything more than that lame opening line. Again, he blamed it on the stupid part of the brain that's a vessel to Clow's memories.

She touched his hand but snatched it back quickly. A bolt of current sizzled through her hand from the contact and she looked at him to find that he was equally startled. He pulled back his hand and with an awkward smile on his lips he let her precede him to the couch. He braced his heart and cursed his mind 'Get a hold damn it!' He put his hands in his pocket then pulled them out, shook them a little and took a deep breath before walking to the couch and sitting beside her. He wasn't nervous; he told himself that he was experiencing the old rebellious self: his heart opposing to dance to Clow's drill but his rational side demanding him to get it over with. He willed his mind to get a hold for it kept flashing all the pictures of Clow and Miu together and their romantic moments. Gosh! He was sick of this. He needed fresh air.

"On another note, why don't we take up on your mother's suggestion and make a tour of the house, starting at the garden." He suggested, letting a tinge of laziness slip in his voice, not showing how much suffocation he felt. He noticed that she was almost lowering herself on the couch but straightened and nodded her head, a small smile dancing at the corners of her eyes and again he cursed low under his breath at his tactlessness.

Clenching his teeth, he turned on his heel, faltered in his steps upon reaching the threshold and waited for the very epitome of beauty to walk past him. Once in the open air, he barely paid attention to their surroundings as he tried to take deep breaths while trying to put his mind and heart at ease again. 'Give the ring, speak of harmonious life and seal the deal with a kiss. That shouldn't be hard. Darn it should be as easy as the dive he made from the cliff at Ponte Brollo.'

Silence stretched between them like the sand dunes in Sahara desert, but Tomoyo contributed little to change it. She studied him from under her lashes.

With the ice cold gaze in his eyes, taut skin stretched on those chiselled cheek bones and the beautiful blue black front locks ruffled by the light breeze, he didn't look the slightest bit perturbed to find himself on the bed of roses. Surprisingly, his masculinity seemed only to be more eminent. Tomoyo pursed her lips. Begrudgingly she admired his confidence emitting from his stance.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he finally managed to put a lid on his rebellious self. He regarded the striking surroundings with detached interest. He was standing in between different types of rose plantation and he noticed that the garden wasn't limited to roses. There were different sections and each divided by thick gardenia bushes. Everywhere they walked, fresh green grass covered the ground.

There were white daisies planted in a love shaped pattern and with a gap of three feet surrounded by pink daisies which in turn were surrounded by orange then purple and red in the same love shaped pattern with a thickness of one meter. Tulips were planted same as daisies except in a square pattern and this too ranged from yellow, white, red, pink, orange and few were mixed coloured. Hydrangea (Ajisan in Japanese) were planted in circular manner and instead of a different coloured assortment they were of only two colours. White made first circle surrounded by purple hydrangeas and the loop curved into six circles one circling over the other. He looked at her, one inquisitive eyebrow raised and she smiled in embarrassment.

She replied as if she read his thoughts, "My mother says that they remind her of me as the colour matches my eyes." The boundary walls were lined up with pine, fir, cedar and cherry blossom (white and pink) trees.

The most captivating was the section of bonsai and stone garden. Grassy stone paver directed the path with boulders covered in moss, laid irregularly while granite gravel of varied colours spread out in patterns and bonsai trees were placed on boulders with flat surface. Victorian bronze coloured birdbath fountain stood in the middle with small white, silver and dark grey pebbles lying at its base. Streams of water flew through this section, bordered with flank stones curved into circles around the boulders and few eights covering more than one boulder.

With his encouragement, she directed him towards an inbuilt pond at the back of her house. It was square with constant in and out flow of water, surrounded by pebbles and bonsai trees. Mimic of moss covered parts of the rocks which were levelled up at a height of half meter at one side of the pond and water cascaded through the tiny gaps between the rocks. The water bed was filled with white silvery sand and lotus leaves floated on the surface. A bridge made of cedar planks hovered above the pond on the other side of the moss rocks in a cross. At the juncture of the cross a gazebo was lifted with an umbrella shaped barn red roof, chocolate brown pillars adorned with ivory curtains. Wooden Ottoman chairs with ivory upholstery occupied the centre and sitting there, they could see small fishes swimming around in a swarm in the fresh water.

Quipped notes of appreciation flew from his lips as he took in the creative work. "It is quite a fascinating assortment Daudouji san. It's like entering into a different world." He beamed at her. "It's designed in such a way that, anyone who walks into this garden would immediately be entrapped in its beauty and would forget about all his/her worries and anxieties. A clever design indeed."

"Thank you." Tomoyo's voice came out a little husky. It was the first time he smiled so genuinely in her presence that she was taken aback. Tomoyo led him through the back door to the saloon that held a wide collection of art. All the while, they spoke of incoherent stuff: the beauty of the garden, about the species it contained, the oil paints hanging off the walls in the saloon and the artists who worked on them.

Eriol touched lightly on Tomoyo's hand to bring her to a stop when he realised that they almost reached the end of the saloon. She looked up at him with those big amethyst eyes and a polite, inquisitive smile. He cleared his throat. Now is the time he finally did what he came for. But he didn't quite plan what he said next.

"You have an unusually beautiful eyes Daidouji san and I know I'm not the first person admiring their beauty." He touched her cheek with his left hand, his fingers trailing down her delicate jaw line and nudged her chin up. She looked up at him in surprise, startled at the sudden change in subject. "I'd like to grow old looking into them."

He felt her sharp intake of breath, only then did it sink in his head what he just said. Why was he making lifetime promises when he didn't plan to do any such thing? He planned to stay married to her to protect her from any dangers she might get into from Clow's past, then he would go on his separate ways and she hers.

She looked at him expectantly without responding. "I will have my privacy and you yours. We can have a harmonious relation."

Tomoyo narrowed her eyes at the mention of privacy. "Isn't marriage about bringing two people together making them one?"

He regarded her quizzically so she continued. "Privacy means you get to do whatever you like and however you like and the other person doesn't have any say in it?"

She's sharp as a tick and he realised his mistake. "If fidelity is what concerns you then don't worry, I'll be faithful to you."

"Privacy?" She pressed.

"I have a long past carrying with me and I would appreciate it if you don't push me about it."

"Past about your exs?"

He met her eyes square. "No. Past about Clow Reed. It has a sour taste on my tongue and I would very much like to keep it untouched."

She seemed to think about it and he realised he was losing her in another direction so he held her hands in his and tilted her chin up. "You are an amazing woman Tomoyo Daidouji san and I would like to marry you." It didn't account much for a proposal but he didn't want to give her more than that. So before she could voice any questions, he dipped his head and touched her lips with his. Her lips quivered and parted tentatively. Her innocent response was infinitely exciting.

One hand glided along her spine and settled on her hips, tugging her to his body as another caressed her slender neck. Her soft curves crushed to his strong wall of masculine chest in his strong embrace, he drew her even closer.

Tomoyo sighed as she felt Eriol's soft and gentle kiss. His tongue pried open her lips and licked at the inner curve of her lower lip. The movement was so erotic that heat of desire started to unfurl inside her body and she wanted more so she opened her mouth.

He took his time invading her and when he did, his kiss was deep and full. She responded with fervour as the explosion of sensational waves of passion hit her. He lifted his head to look into dazed purple eyes.

He reached into his pocket and drew the box that's been burning hole in his pocket for so long and held it to her. "Will you do me the honour of being my wife Miss Tomoyo Daidouji?"

"Yes." She whispered; her mind still in the pink fog of daze.

He slid the solitaire ring on her finger then released her and led her to the hall where Sonomi was waiting for them. After they had an early dinner, Sonomi and Eriol met in the library to work out the proceedings while Tomoyo went to her room to get changed.

That night Tomoyo sat in front of her dressing table combing her long and thick greyish violet hair while she made a mental recap of that day's events. She went over and over Eriol's proposal and tried to recall if she missed the L word. Did he actually say the L word? No sir, no such words escaped his lips. She ran her fingers tentatively on her lower lip and felt the colour rising up her cheeks, remembering the way he kissed and she responded. He may not have used the L word but he definitely conveyed more with that kiss.

If anything the dinner proved to quench all her doubts. She had hard time keeping her eyes from drinking his handsome features but every time she raised her eyes to look at him, she clashed with crystal blue eyes unashamedly admiring her. Few times he deliberately slid his eyes below her neck, lingering on the sweet upper curve of her breasts and then raising them to meet hers with appreciation etched there. Hot colour rouse high on her cheeks when she understood what he thought as clearly as if he stated them aloud and hurriedly looked away.

All the while he teased and tormented her with those hungry looks, he made all the right responses to whatever her mother was saying. Tomoyo hardly contributed to the conversation as the words flew over her head: not because she didn't understand them but because a certain someone was making her breathing hard. She found it hard to keep her throat from constriction (not in a negative sense), let alone form the words to speak.

By the time she made it downstairs after changing, Eriol was about to leave. He was at the door, apparently waiting for her to bid her farewell which was brief. He informed her that he would be very busy with work for the next couple of weeks and that if she wanted to contact him she could do that on his personal number which he jotted down on a card and handed it to her.

Would it be too obvious to send a message to that number? Tomoyo wondered, placing the comb back and picking up the card with his number. Though it being her prerogative as they were engaged should she blindly go with it and use it? Should she be fussing about the rights and its perquisites? With all the questions tumbling down her mind, she got more confused. She was so new to the feelings she was experiencing that she was already feeling drained out. Sakura chan would help her understand.

She dropped the idea of phoning Eriol that very instant and dialled for Sakura. She was her best friend, besides her mother, and closest thing to a sister so sharing her happiness and all the other feelings with Sakura became a regular practice.

Sakura literally squealed with joy for her. "I'm so happy for you Tomoyo chan. I knew it was a case of true love." True love?

"True... love Sakura chan?" Tomoyo asked wondering.

"What not with him looking at you when he thought no one noticed him. His eyes would turn the midnight ocean's stormy blue." Sakura said in her usual chirpy tone. Tomoyo was not in for that surprising news and felt the emotional uplift from the uncertainty which she didn't realise lurked at the back of her mind. "Yours would be true love match. I already knew you had hots for him."

"Shush Sakura chan!" Tomoyo exclaimed feeling hot colour flooding her cheeks and registered Sakura's giggles belatedly. "You are becoming naughty day by day Sakura chan." She reprimanded and smiled slyly as she added, "I couldn't complain with Syaoran being your boyfriend I guess." she could literally see Sakura blushing to the roots of her hair in her mind's eye.

Sakura recovered quickly. "Spit out everything. No wait, let me add Mei chan in conference."

Tomoyo spilled every detail from the moment she entered the house till his exit. She felt herself living again through the moments and blushed when Meilin hooted at the mention of the kiss. And so, the night was long for the friends and it was well into the night when Tomoyo finally fell asleep.

Finally the much anticipated day of the Daidouji Heiress's wedding came after two weeks of her engagement with Eriol and the entire household buzzed with liveliness. Tomoyo stood in front of the huge glass while Sakura and Meilin helped her into the gown.

It was such a pretty dress in pearl white. It wasn't a virginal white saving her the embarrassment: it would be like making everyone known of the fact that she was still a virgin at the age of twenty four, which would make her look like a prude. So basically it saved her from the mortification, but how did Hiiragizawa san contrived it, for it was the dress he selected and flown in from Paris.

The gown was an A-line, strapless sweetheart neck Taffeta dress with asymmetric corset bodice and a flowing skirt with pick-ups just below her waist, a frilly flower made of the same fabric accentuated at the left side on her waist. The dress train fanned out in a chapel style with an intrinsic pattern woven in sparkling diamonds.

Her hair was braided in a way that resembled Repunzal's in Tangled. Her make-up was subtle with flirty pink applied on lips with nude gloss. Kohl lined her lower lids and faint blush on her cheeks. A corsage made of two white rose blossoms and leaves beaded with pearls covered her wrists.

Nakuru bustled in with a box wrapped in gift wrapper in her hands. "Tomoyo chan congratulations. Master sent you this." She extended the box, her face features contorted in disapproval.

Tomoyo took the box with a quizzical smile. She opened the box to find two different velvet covered boxes. First box had a label stuck on it, a note written on it in careless scribble. This reminded me of you, it read. She opened the box and smiled. It contained a Tudor Elizabethan inspired platinum choker with three amethyst stones the size of one yen coin. Apparently it became a common joke between them about the amethyst colour. It came with similar designed ear drops. Inside was another card. It read: For the most sensually slender neck.

Meilin snatched the card and hooted upon reading the text while she passed the card to Sakura. Tomoyo blushed furiously and snatched back the card. She lifted the other box and Nakuru sighed heavily and pouted her lips in sulk. "Nani?" Tomoyo asked looking up at Nakuru as she opened it. It contained a tiara, artistically simple yet fantastic design. It was a single band tiara patterned like vines: platinum leaves and small diamonds beaded like buds.

That was the moment Nakuru decided to complain. "I chose a better on but Eriol sama cancelled that and chose this one for you. I have a picture of it, see." She extended her phone and Tomoyo sent a thank you note mentally to Eriol. Nakuru's choice was too ostentatious for Tomoyo's taste. But she treasured the idea that Eriol put in that much effort for her. Isn't it a good notion that they had similar tastes?

As that thought registered in her mind, she too sighed and turned her eyes towards her reflection in the glass. She looked... bewitching, but that didn't soothe her nerves. A flicker of uncertainty crossed her face and was lost as soon as it appeared for she didn't wanted to share her doubts with her friends. The trail of thoughts was going erratic in her head.

Sonomi swept in and breathed in husky undertone as her mother overcame with emotions. "Darling you look so gorgeous. Hiiragizawa san is a lucky man." Tomoyo curved her lips into an affectionate smile at her mother as Sonomi bent her head to drop a kiss on her daughter's head. Did her mother evade her eyes just now?

"As discussed earlier, Kinomoto san will accompany you to the altar." Sonomi pronounced frostily. Seemingly, her mother still hated Sakura's father for stealing away her cousin Nadeshiko. Tomoyo reached for her mother's hand and squeezed it and Sonomi reciprocated the gesture. To Tomoyo's utter shock, tears glistened in her ever so composed mother's eyes. She rose from her sitting position in front of her mirror and hugged her mother.

"Look at me. Crying like a baby who lost her toy at mere thought of you living far away from me." Sonomi wrinkled her nose as she dabbed the corners of her eyes with a tissue.

Tomoyo smiled in reply. Her mother was being melodramatic again. Distance was never a problem for Sonomi. Just at her whim, everything could be arranged and Sonomi would reach her daughter within a fortnight.

"I'll go and see if I have anything to deal with outside." Sonomi said heaving a heavy sigh.

"We will go check on your groom." Twinkled Meilin and walked out hand in hand with Nakuru.

Eventually one by one everyone left. Sakura excused herself saying something about checking on her brother and Syaoran kun.

Tomoyo sat before the glass, staring at her reflection and trying to calm her jumpy nerves. She wasn't so certain now about Eriol being in love with her. If anything last two weeks only added fuel to the growing suspicion. In the last ten days, not even once did Eriol try to contact her. Neither did she but she was tired to bones every day, working night and day to finish her projects, trying to find a replacement for Rika and finishing Rika's wedding gown.

Eriol informed her before leaving Japan that he would be sending her wedding gown, so she was relieved from that extra task. All the same the detachment from his side started to gnaw at the bright view she had about their relation. She tried to reason most of the times that he too was kept busy with work like her. However, not even a single call?

During nights she thought about his request to keep his past buried, but wasn't that an unfair request? Any normal person would be curious. Wouldn't one be jumping with questions if an alien appeared? Sorcery was no less fascinating a topic and she was a mystery lover. Wasn't that how she got involved into accompanying Sakura chan in capturing the Clow cards in the first place? Filming Sakura chan and having a chance to spend more time with her beloved cousin was one reason and living the adventures was another.

As the days progressed, her questions about her career and future became a cause to worry. She had to speak to Eriol about them. One can't simply enter into a marriage without discussing their possible future together! He came to Japan on Midas project work! So were they going to stay in Japan till he wrapped his work here or would they take off to his London house after the wedding? If they stayed here, how much time did she had to work on her projects in Japan? Coming to more personal matters, would there be a honeymoon? There were so many question unanswered and she lied awake night after night thinking even in the grip of exhaustion.

And so she put aside the concept of waiting and called him on his personal number. Unfortunately, in her haste, she made a grave mistake of forgetting the time difference. He answered the call and growled into the phone demanding in English who it was dim-witted enough to disturb his sleep. She gritted her teeth at that rebuke and identified herself in Japanese. He cooled a bit and asked her groggily what time it was. That was when it struck her and she apologized for disturbing his sleep. He replied in a not so courteous tone that he was tired as hell and sleep deprived and was not in a condition to have a tete-a-teta with her. Face burning hot with mortification, she apologized fervently and ended the call. Later that evening she received a small basket containing two small and fluffy white rabbits and a card of apology from Eriol. The message read that he was a bit of a beast when disturbed from his sleep and it was not a way to respond towards his future wife.

After that incident, Eriol made an arrangement such that Nakuru stayed in touch with her and thus she knew his whereabouts and his busy schedule. However, her questions remained unanswered and for the first time in her life she was faced with uncertainty this intense.

She stared at her reflection in the mirror and pondered on. She was sure of what she felt for him. She wanted to spend more time with him, to know him more on personal basis, the Eriol Hiiragizawa no one in the world knows. She corrected mentally that no one excluding his guardians. She wanted to know what his likes and dislikes were and what made him moody, cranky or happy. What undoes him?

She sighed and slumped her shoulders wondering. Wouldn't it be easy to first date each other? That way they would be able to see if they were compatible and would it work between them. She cursed the work that kept them busy and apart from each other.

Sakura walked in with bouquet of white roses, peony, orchids and lily with fern cascading, towed with Fujitaka Kinomoto. Handing her the bouquet, Sakura smiled at her friend. "Ready?" She asked.

"Not at all." Tomoyo replied laughing and passing it off as a joke. Only, she could never in her dreams have been prepared for the nightmare her wedding became.

Author's note: Finally after two years I was able to redo all my chapters and add a new chapter too. Hope this will be as interesting as my previous chapter.