Hey all! I'm still here!

Sorry for being so long without saying anything. I have a writer's block and it's really frustrating… Anyway, I'm sorry for writing this here; just thought this was the best way to inform people that follow this story and still want to read it.

Important: Thought I should inform everyone or the ones that still haven't noticed that I have the new Connected I: The Beginning (remake of this one) already uploaded for a long while now. It only has one chapter unfortunately, yet… which means I won't be uploading chapters here but there instead! How do you find this new story in case you didn't notice it? You just have to go to my profile and there it is! Connect I: New Beginning or you can scroll through its category (Movies - Aliens/Predator) in FanFiction until you find it.

So, to be honest, the writer's block bug only bites me harder when I'm trying to write the second chapter of Connected I: The Beginning, I thought that maybe you guys could help me out a bit and give me some ideas for the second chapter, like what would you like to see next or what you think it happens next. I really think that would help me out a bit. I find it strange that I can't go through the second chapter since I already know in my head all the main events of all the story that are going to happen ahead, but nope… Not in the second chapter. Is this weird? Haha

But no worries, as I said before the story will be like this one, just with better writing (I hope) and with a story that makes more logic? (The best logic I can put though… Haha). I know some people wonder: "What's that "I" doing there?" Well… Spoiler alert: It might happen that in the long future will have a "II" and "III" sequels. Who knows? -whistling-

Also! I have a poll on my profile called: "What story do you want to see more from me?" It has a list of some things that I have in mind; I would appreciate so much if you guys could just take a bit and click to vote the ones you're more interested in.

I also have on my profile a link to my Ask if you guys want to make any questions about Connected and such.

Sorry for this long post thingy, but I thought this was the best way to just tell everyone that follows the story and thank you so so so much for the support I still have! It means so much to mean, I'm really grateful. That's why I won't be giving up!

Hope everyone has awesome day/night!

PS: Noticed my new Username? Hehe