
To my great displeasure, I am discontinuing this fanfiction. For the time-being, I have been so caught up with school and life that I have lost all interest in this fanfiction… and I kind of lost a large portion of my next chapter as I had to get a new computer… Please forgive me. However I am thinking of writing a rewrite or creating an entirely new fanfiction, so stay tuned for that.

Once again, I am sorry for this. This was the plot in the story and some of the backround to some of the events that would've been explained in the story.

-Naruto meets the Akatsuki, in which isn't the 'evil' organization that it was. The Akatsuki was created by Nagato for a common goal of peace between the villages. Their first goal was to gather the Jinchuriki from the villages so that no village is stronger than another in terms of Biju. Madara was originally part of the Akatsuki, using his backstory as a way of covering up his true goal, which was the "Eye of the Moon" plan. They discovered his treachery when he attacked Miashi and Minato during Naruto's birth and causing the release of the Kyuubi. Madara planned to destroy Konoha before returning to his original plans; however the sealing of it into Naruto as well as the damage he received from Minato delayed that course of action. So, he conveyed rumors directly to some of the spy's that Jiraya had in his arsenal about the Akatsuki, as well as rejoining it as Tobi. As disguising as Tobi, he secretly conspired with Orochimaru who had distastes about the organization. With a little 'persuasion' of the Uchiha clan head, the coup d'etat was set in motion. Orochimaru gave Fugaku the cursed seal in that he would provide a suitable vessel. This was originally Sasuke. The change in behavior led to Itachi report to the Third, and eventually led to the Uchiha massacre.

-When Naruto left the village along with the Akatsuki, Tobi was estatic that the Jinchuriki was tagging along. Tobi used his connections with Orochimaru to allow the two into the organization. When they joined, not so long after, Orochimaru attempted to steal Itachi's body, and the same thing in canon happens. With one less member, Naruto truly joined the ranks. Soon, a new member joins the ranks as well, on recommendation of Nagato, which I planned on that person being Kushina, who became Kisame's partner. Much of the canon stuff happens, especially the Invasion and the Tsunade arc, however instead of Naruto, it's Umi. The Sasuke's abandonment arc occurs in much of the same way, except some of the battles were easier fought by the Konoha team. The fight was quite one ended with Umi dominating most of the fight, until Sasuke uses the Cursed Seal, and leads to the incapacitation of Umi, much in the same way of Naruto except the Chidori in the heart. Naruto witnessed much of what happened, and only by the reassurance of Itachi was he able to control his temper. Then Jiraya comes to train Umi for the time-skip. Which finally leads into the Shippuden time-line, however it was 7 years instead of three.

-The Rescue arc continues in which Naruto and Itachi lead the capture of the Kazekage, who is Gaara. Naruto, during the training trip met Gaara as he was a child, and led to the eventual removal of the Crazed Monk inside the seal. When the two meet for the first time in nine years, emotions spiral out of control and a fight between the two shake of Suna. Naruto eventually wins but with exhaustion. Itachi picks the two up as he heads back towards the base. Team 7 with Sai, Sakura and Umi led by Kakashi head towards the two. Naruto finally rested, meets Umi, who compliments that she has grown quite well. Sakura however takes a more violent approach and attacks on sight, which Naruto knocks out quite quickly. Sai is impassive with a different goal in mind. Naruto grabs Gaara, and begins running, leaving Itachi and Kakashi alone. Umi runs after Naruto. They fight, eventually causing Itachi to exhaust Kakashi. He leaves when he sees this.

-Umi eventually meets up with Naruto who has been waiting for her. They embrace eachother as Umi releases pent up emotions. Naruto comforts her and tells the Akatsuki's real plans for the Jinchuriki. After a little bit, they part ways, and made it look like Umi was defeated. Five days later, the canon starts as Sasori is defeated. Finally in the story, The canon ways of capturing the Jinchuriki occurs without the extracting and the Hachibi. Tobi finally shows his true colors as he kills Nagato in cold blood and detains the Jinchuriki. Using his new Rinnegan eyes he summons the Gedo Mezo and extracts them himself, albeit in a very long time period. He conspires with Kabuto which then leads onto whatever happens next in the Canon…

That's about it, I wasn't really expecting myself to get this far for a while, so I decided to plan ahead. Sorry again for disappointing you guys. Finally thanks for the reviews and favorites. Good bye and have a nice day.