Coffee And Polar Bears

Two days after Alfred had picked up Mattie he stood in her doorway watching her sleep. She was fitful, tossing and turning relentlessly.

'At this rate she will be as tired as had been when she went to sleep. She almost looks like that zombie boss from that video game Kiku lent me. I know she misses Gilbert, even if she won't admit it... But why she misses him... I can't even fathom why.'

He sighed walking into the kitchen turning on the coffee pot and sitting down at the kitchen table. 'I suppose though, I would miss my Lizzie, but she'd never leave me... I'm her hero! But that is totally beside the point.'

He stood to get the cups down, and pour the coffee. He was putting sugar in his when Mattie walked sluggishly into the kitchen yawning.

"Good morning Alfred."

"Morn' Matts"

"Is there coffee-"

"Already done, maple syrup and everything."

She smiled, "You're the best."

"I know."

After a while Alfred looked up. "Hey Matts?"


"I was wondering if you would like to go somewhere today, so you could get out of the house."

Surprised Mattie looked at him.

"You can pick anywhere, it'll be my treat."

"Well... there was a new exhibit at the museum I wanted to see, about polar bears and the Arctic. Gilbert was going to take me but..."

"You sure then?"

"Yes, it sounded really interesting."

Alfred smiled. "The museum it is then! You go get ready okay Matts? We'll get breakfast on the way there."

She smiled slightly. "I'll be back down soon," she said walking up the stairs.

A/N: Well the next chapter is up. I finally got it typed. Anyway what did you think? Also I changed the first page with the character list to a prologue, so you may want to check it out... Thanks for reading!

(And if you get a chance check out the new poll on my profile, It will help me decide what setting for my next few stories! Thanks)