A/N: Hey everyone this is my new story. Hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own so don't sue okay bub?

"Class this is our new student, please introduce yourself." stated the teacher to the second year middle school class.

The girl nodded and comfortably and confidently waved, "Hey! I'm Carmen Vey and I'm from the United States. I just moved here to Japan a week ago so I still have some jet-lag so sorry if I seem a little out of it. Oh and I'm really glad to meet all of you! Huh sorry I started rambling it seems to happen quite a lot. People always tell me so also they say I stall to much. I mean really how does one stall exactly? Do they just talk on and on or is it more like bombarding one with questions? Still I don't think I do it too often do I? I hope not! I wouldn't like to be annoying or anything but then again I probably won't give a thought to most of your opinions if you would be so rude to jude me so quickly also I won't put up with bullying so don't even think about it. Oh and another thing-"

The teacher sighed and sarcastically stated, "How charming. Please sit down my dear."

Then she mumbled under her breath, "My word she's almost as bad as Aya." Then she whimpered, "Oh lord please not that again!"

Carmen merrily made her way to her seat while all the other kids looked at her as though she was crazy. Which was an attribute she quite enjoyed about herself none the less. She was just weird and she was ok with that because she knew she wasn't the only one.

After she sat down she sighed as the teacher began teaching something or other about math. Carmen was a very bright girl and had already taught herself all this and had taken so many advanced classes she might as well be enrolled in college or at least high school. Her father refused though saying she wasn't mature enough for that sort of thing so here she was stuck in this boring class room with nothing to do.

With nothing better to do she got out her notebook that she composed poems and short stories in and started on an amusing poem about a young boy and girl playing together. The thought almost made her cry.

"That's really good." a voice whispered. Carmen looked over at the girl sitting next to her. She had light brown hair tinted orange and big brown eyes. Her voice came out as though she was frightened at the outcome of even speaking.

A boy behind them scoffed, "Huh what would you know what's good freak."

The girl cowered and whimpered as more students joined in and agreed.

Carmen jaw was open awestruck at the malicious behavior of her very peers. Even though the teacher was in the middle of a lecture she stood and glared icily at her fellow classmates.

The teacher looked like she was about to cry as she though to herself, "This is going to be another one of those years!"

Carmen stared into the eyes of her fellow peers, "I am ashamed. I am ashamed and disgusted, by all of you. How much better do you think you are than her huh? Is it because of her clothes or hair or color of her eyes? How dare you to all judge a person you don't know! To be so cruel you cause a human being so much suffering out of the meet sport. It makes me sick to think that dirt like you are culturing up our world and suppressing the beauty of this young bud that is bursting to bloom. How dare you outcast her so fast you don't even take a moment to acknowledge her. And this is why I loathe you yet pity you for people like you will never have true friendships or know the magic of a person that cares. I hope you all look in the mirror and like what you see because if I were any of you I certainly wouldn't."

The teacher stated, "I've had it with you Miss Vey and it has only been five minutes." She then epicly pointed to the door, "Go to the principal's office!"

Carmen proudly marched out of the room with out a glance to any of the students who were staring at her in pure shock.

The girl she had stood up for couldn't believe it either and tears welled up in her eyes as she lept up and followed the strange new girl out of the room.

She latched onto Carmen's arm crying, "Thank you!"

Carmen laughed, "It was no trouble at all! Just promise me you won't listen to those jerks their just jealous and rightly so. You are SO pretty! Oh where are my manners! I forgot to thank you on that wonderful compliment! Your so nice. I really hope we become great friends. Maybe even best friends! Unless you all ready have one of course! I would love to meet her! Or him! Oh and don't worry I'm willing to share as long as were friends it doesn't matter to me. Oh goodness you mist think I'm a loon with me babbling on this way. I do apologize my tongue tends to go a mile a minute plus sometimes my brain isn't attached to my mouth so I will apologize in advance for my foolishness."

The girl just smiled, "I don't mind. I quite like how much you talk and I don't have a best friend. My names Kisa Sohma."

Carmen put her arm around Kisa's shoulders, "Well Kisa you do now! Oh goodness this will be so much fun! We will never be separated and hang out every day and go to the park or movies. I promise Kisa I won't ever leave your side, betray you or hurt you in any way. I want to be friends always and forever!"

Kisa stared at Carmen wide-eyed, "You-you really like me that much?"

Carmen laughed and hugged her, "Oh Kisa I love you!"

And for the first time in a long while Kisa smiled and saw that maybe going back to school hadn't been such a bad idea after all.