Note: Apologies for the long wait for this chapter; I've been struggling to fit all the little bits I wanted to happen together.

Arthur was not happy when the guards told him the prisoners were gone, Merlin was as usual trying his best to calm the prince, but try as he might he couldn't figure out how.

"Merlin, what if they never return" Arthur was pacing the throne room.

"They will, I know it" Merlin lied, hadn't the Doctor said it would be no time till they returned, it had been hours, Arthur had refused to follow Merlin back to where the machine had vanished so Merlin hoped that The Doctor would find his way here.

There was a short awkward silence before the sound of the great door opening broke it, Sir Leon strode in accompanied by a number of fellow knights, he knelt before Arthur before standing again, "Prince Arthur" he said, a tired look in his eyes "there is no sign of this doctor or his companions"

"My Father, Gwen" asked the prince and Leon shook his head "Keep looking then" Arthur ordered.

Leon nodded and retreated with his men.

Merlin coughed and Arthur glared at him "yes Merlin, do you have something to say" he said.

"Well I think ..." Merlin began

Arthur groaned and turned away from Merlin walking towards the edge of the room and one of its windows.

"I just think you should be patient, that's all, this Doctor seemed trustworthy, I think he'll return"

"If he doesn't, I will tear this kingdom apart to find him and save her" Arthur yelled before catching what he'd said "to save him, save father" he said.

Merlin nodded, and tried to hide his smile.

The Doctor groaned and slammed the controls of the TARDIS as few more times as it threw him across the control room. Landing in 21st century Britain was like riding a bike to him now, Camelot now that was a challenge.

"Can I help" yelled Donna from a side corridor, she fought against the rocking spaceship and made it to the centre console where she gripped onto a handle as the whole room began to spin.

"No, no, I got it" replied the doctor pulling on a wire and kicking a lever at the same time, the TARDIS shuddered and calmed down again, Donna could have sworn it sounded like the ship was sighing.

"So are we here?" Donna asked

"We're getting there" The Doctor replied, "How are our guests"

"Strapped to beds in the sick-bay" she answered with a chuckle "we should really get them home before the drugs wear off"

The Doctor nodded "usually I'd be all against this sort of thing, but I feel this is one part of history we shouldn't mess with".

"Uther scares you, doesn't he" Donna stated,

"Just a little, reminds me of a head teacher I met once"


"Krillitane" the doctor answered, but before he could elaborate the familiar squeaking of the TARDIS landing stopped him "I'll tell you that one later" he said "let's get these two home".

Gwen felt rather sick, she felt a swaying feeling in her stomach and was jerked awake by the feeling she was about to be ill.

"Gwen" she looked up to see Merlin grinning down at her.

"Merlin?" she asked

The boy grinned and yelled for Gaius who ran over to her

"How are you feeling my dear" he asked in his grandfatherly tone.

"Dizzy" she replied "where have I been"

"We don't know said Merlin, Leon found you and the king in the forest about a mile from here, completely unconscious. Don't you remember where you were?"

Gwen shook her head "the last thing I remember is Morgana sending me to fetch some water" she swung her legs of the bench "I should see to her"

"Later" said Gaius "for now you need rest and I need to see to the King", he wandered away leaving her and Merlin alone.

"Do you remember a Doctor" Merlin asked her, Gwen shook her head.

Merlin sighed; as usual there was nobody who'd believe him about what really had happened.

Donna felt the familiar shudder as the TARDIS landed.

"Now do you want to see what those two kids will become" the Doctor grinned

"You mean King Arthur?" Donna gasped in a sarcastic way, "I hope he has matured a bit since our last meeting"

"Oh yes, Uther is dead, Merlin is King Arthurs most trusted council and Gwendolyn his Queen, wanna see"

"Go on then Martian boy" she grinned stepping towards the door "but if we end up in those cells again I will kill you"

To be continued in The Doctor and The King. Coming mid 2012...

(Okay so I kinda lost it with this story, although I loved the set up I couldn't really think of a conflict exactly, I'm going to plan out the next one though, so hopefully it'll be better)