Never Leave Me

Author's Note: Okay, so I've gotten a betta reader! YEAH! Phoenix Grayson has agreed to Beta read this story! :) so my readers, please read through and let me know if this is better! :) I'm so excited, BTW I've gotten out of the hospital but I might have to go back, hopefully not but we'll see.

Draco Malfoy hastily packed his trunks. He had been hoping he could stall his father until at least after school ended, but with no such luck. Today he had received a letter from his dear old Father, informing him of his summoning to the Dark Lord. Tomorrow night would be his ceremony and if he wasn't there, ready to do his duty, then he would be disowned.

He was out of time.

He had just dragged his trunk out of the Slytherin common room, when he heard a noise down the hall. He glanced up, but no one was there so he proceeded to make his way down the hallway that would lead to the Grand Staircase. It was just as he was preparing to step onto the first step that he was hit with a spell from behind and, instantly, his whole world went dark.

When he started to come to, he instantly started to panic. This was not because someone had thrown a spell at him, because that was quite common, but because he had woken up, bound and spread eagle on a bed he had never seen before. He tried to scream, but whoever did this must have put a silencing spell on him long before he woke up. Once he realized he couldn't scream he started struggling, doing everything he could think of to get his hands free. The metal cuffs on his arms and legs didn't give an inch, and only dug into his skin, but he wasn't done trying.

It was when his struggles actually began to break the skin around his wrists that his captor finally came into the room and said, "You're not going to escape." Draco's eyes widened as Harry Potter stepped into the dim light.

Harry smiled a sad little smile and said, "Did you know Dumbledore has been reading all the mail that comes in and out of Hogwarts? He told me word for word what your father's letter said, and ever since I've been keeping my eye on you. I had hoped that maybe you didn't want to take the mark; I had hoped you would ask Dumbledore or at the very least Snape for help, but it appears you plan to actually take the mark. I'm afraid I can't allow that."

The whole time he had been talking, Harry had slowly been approaching the bed. Every muscle in Draco's body stiffened, and if he could have spoken he would have screamed at Harry to stay away from him; because whatever Harry had planned, it involved him naked and tied to a bed.

Harry lifted his hand, and reached out to touch Draco's cheek, and Draco jerked as far away from the touch as he could; which, in turn, caused his wrists to bleed from the force behind the jerk.

Harry gave another, sad little half-smile and said, "If you behave, I'll be gentle and try to make this as painless as possible." Harry then reached across the extra distance and grabbed Draco's chin in a tight grip, as he added, "But if you continue to try and fight me, if you try to resist me in any way, I'll make sure I make this as painful as possible."

Draco stopped fighting to get free of Harry's grip at those words. He couldn't handle pain, and the venom with which Harry said those words rivalled even his father at his angriest. Harry relaxed his tight grip on Draco's chin once he had stopped struggling. Harry's thumb gently rubbed over Draco's mouth and Draco closed his eyes, because he didn't want to see the other hand reaching down and grabbing his soft cock. He didn't want to see, and he didn't want Harry to see how his eyes were watering; because it's obvious Harry's going to do whatever he wants and he can't do anything to stop him.

Harry begins to gently stroke him, and if he could make any sound it would be a sob for even though he doesn't want this, his body is reacting; betraying him. He's slow and gentle, and Draco's trying not to struggle, because he doesn't like pain, but then the hand that was touching his face is suddenly down there, too. Draco had guessed that something of this nature probably would happen to him, the second he woke up naked and tied to a bed, but he can't just sit back and let it happen. He thrashes wildly and opens his mouth to scream, but no sound comes out, and Harry's still pumping his cock as his fingerslowly pushes inside.

Draco bites his lip, something he used to do all the time as a child until his father had told him not to. He normally wouldn't do it, but he thinks it's the only thing he can do to keep from crying, because Malfoy's don't cry. He thrashes some more, but all he gets for his efforts is more blood spilling from his wrists. He opened his mouth to scream when Harry puts a second finger in, and it's obvious that Harry is trying to be gentle but his fingers are dry and Draco's never even touched down there before. Harry doubles his efforts on his slightly softened cock, and Draco realizes that pain wilted his erection. So Draco thrashes and does everything he can to fight, because the pain from his wrists and from Harry's fingers is enough to wilt his erection even more.

Harry pauses in his ministrations and says, "Stop fighting or I'll cast Immobulus on you."

Draco drops back to the bed, and stops struggling. He's sweating, panting, and if he could make sounds he would be sobbing. He's clenching his eyes closed to keep from crying, which only works till Harry replaces his fingers with his cock. It hurts enough that his erection wilts until it's almost as soft as when he first awoke. He tries to turn his head so Harry can't see his tears, but the hands that are suddenly on his face, tell him it was a bad attempt. He won't open his eyes; he doesn't want to see this.

Harry stills, his cock only in to the head, and his thumbs swipe away the few tears that made it past Draco's closed lids. Harry says in a sad voice, "I'm sorry, but I won't let you go to him. I won't let you become a death eater."

That just makes Draco cry harder, his mouth opening for the sobs that can't come. Harry leans forward and gently kisses him and when Draco tries to turn his head away, to stop this too intimate act, Harry's hands in his hair force him to be still. Harry gently pushes his tongue in, and Draco can't take it, so he bites down as hard as he can, forcing Harry's tongue to retreat. Suddenly he's slamming in, burying himself to the hilt. Draco opens his mouth and he can feel his throat muscles tense as he silently screams from the pain. It hurts so much, and when Harry pulls out only to shove violently back in, his vision goes black sending him into blessed unconsciousness.

When he comes to, again, it's to the sound of faint sobs. For a second he thinks he's making the sounds, but when he opens his eyes he can see at the edge of the bed, a shadowy figure, hunching; its body wracked with sobs.

It takes a moment for Draco's memory of the night before to come back, and when his body tenses with remembered terror, he realizes a couple of things; he's no longer bound to the bed; the metal cuffs are nowhere to be found; the silencing spell had been lifted; and he was wearing his boxers. Draco winced as he sat up. He hurts all over, his wrists are still bleeding and he's a little worried Harry ripped him open from the inside out. He frowns when he realizes that the worst pain is radiating from his shoulder, and when he looks down he's too stunned by the bloody teeth mark to make a sound. He shifts closer to the edge of the bed, away from the shadowy figure that has to be Harry, but freezes up in terror when said figure turns tear-filled emerald orbs on him.

Harry rubs the tears away with the back of his hand as he stands and says, "I'll take you down to the infirmary."

Draco shied away in terror from the hand reaching towards him and Harry let out a sound like a kicked puppy and said, "I promise, I won't hurt you."

Draco snarled, "It's a little late for that now, isn't it?"

Harry flinched and said in a low voice, "I couldn't let you go to him!"

Draco moved farther away from Harry, towards the other end of the bed, but when he attempted to stand up, the pain caused him to collapse to the floor. Harry moved as if to catch him but Draco snarled at him, "Don't touch me! Stay away from me! I'd rather bleed to death then let you touch me."

Again Harry flinched, and made that kicked puppy whine, before he said, "I understand, I'll send for someone, but you're going to have to get used to me being around." At Draco's confused look Harry added, "We're officially mated."

Draco felt his eyes widen and his hand reached up to touch the bite mark, as he gasped out "No! You're lying!"

Harry crossed his arms and said, "I'm one quarter, Dark Veela. I came into my inheritance over the summer. Since you just had your birthday and are of age, when we had intercourse, I was able to mark you and we…bonded."

Draco felt his eyes prickle, and he bit his lip in a bid to stop the tears. He knew all too well about forced bonding, he'd seen it first hand with his parents after all. That thought was all it took to wrench a sobbed "No!" from his poor throat.

Harry said, "It's no use trying to deny it, I'll get one of the house elves to come take you to the infirmary and give you some time to yourself, but in a few hours if you don't start to accept the mate bond…"

Draco snarled, "I know!"

Harry raised an eyebrow, but didn't make a comment as he left the room. A few minutes later a slightly familiar Elf, wearing brightly coloured mismatching socks, popped in next to him. The Elf bowed and said, "Master Draco sir, Dobby is to take you to the infirmary."