Hello! For those of you, who are new to my stories, welcome. For the angry mob who is telling me to work on my other stories… sorry? Anyway, this plot bunny came and bit me, so I wrote it. I will return to my other stories, but I don't know when… It might be a while; I'm having trouble with finding some ideas to continue them. For now, enjoy this little thing!

Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or Metallica. Written for enjoyment.

Creativity Incarnate

P.S. Check out my profile page, vote on my poll, and look at the story called "The Experiment". It features our supernatural buddies in a normal world, as scientists. I am the founder, but RogueStorm84 is the writer. Thank you BTW.


Tricked, With Love

Chapter 1: Breaking Binds

"If you walk out that door, don't you ever come back!" John growled. Dean looked at his father, stunned.

"Fine." Sam said, gathering his belongings.

"Wha? Sam! Sammy, c'mon man," Dean began.

"No, Dean. I'm done. I'm getting out." Sam didn't look at his brother while he spoke. If he had, he would have lost his resolve.

"Dad! C'mon guys, hang on, let's talk about this…" Dean tried.

"Be quiet Dean. If your brother wants to leave, then let him go." John said.

"Sorry, Dean. The time for talking is done. I, uh, I love ya, bro." Sam said just before he walked out the door. Its closing click had an odd note of finality. Dean looked between the door and his father, not believing what had just happened.

"He's coming back, right?" Dean asked. And it was excusable if his voice was a little higher than normal with emotion.

"… Go to bed, Dean. We've got an early morning." John commented, turning away from his son to shuffle through his travel bag. Dean stared for a second more before flopping on to his (and what used to be Sammy's) bed. He kept his back to his father, flinching a little when a hand rested on his shoulder briefly. John sighed, and then went into the motel bathroom. A lone tear ran down Dean's cheek, as he realized his baby brother was gone.

Outside, Sam was walking down the street. His duffel bag was over his shoulder. Sam hadn't wanted to leave, and found himself missing his older brother. But their dad… Sam sighed, and decided not to think about that any more. He just continued his way to the bus stop, subconsciously humming a familiar tune. He didn't realize it was Dean's favorite Metallica song, "Wherever I May Roam".

I adapt to the unknown

Under wandering stars I've grown

By myself but not alone

I ask no one

And my ties are severed clean

Less I have the more I gain

Off the beaten path I reign

So there it is! This is not a song fic, by the way. And see the italicized words there? Yeah, totally some of the lyrics from "Wherever I May Roam" by Metallica. You can tell me I'm awesome in a review. Just click the little button…

Creativity Incarnate