The haunted theme park

Chapter 1

-In this story Valkyrie is 14-

Valkyrie Cain sat down for breakfast table and read the newspaper. She didn't usually do all the boring stuff, usually it was her reflection, but Skulduggery had been sent to help the English Sanctuary along with Tanith and Ghastly so unfortunately she had to stay behind.

"Why does normal life have to be so boring?" She muttered to herself.

"What was that dear," Her mum turned around from cleaning the dishes.

"Nothing, just talking to myself"

"You know what they say about that first sign of madness."

"Dad talks to himself all the time."

"I've told you before that's only because no one listens to him."

Valkyries Dad was at work. He usually left early to miss the traffic and to make sure he had everything. One time he left for work without his trousers. Valkyrie went back to reading the newspaper. She only read the headlines for something interesting to read about. She didn't get far when she found a headline reading: 'Ghost forces Dublin's theme park to close!' Valkyrie just couldn't resist.

"I'm just going out mum."

"Where do you think you're going Stephanie?" She shot a stern look at Valkyrie.

"To Tanith's house."

"I'm sure she's about 20 Stephanie. Your way too young to be hanging around with her."

Thank god she doesn't know her real age Valkyrie thought.

"Bye mum" she said stepping up from the table and she made for the door.

"Stephanie!" Her mum shouted but she was already gone.

Outside Valkyrie took out her mobile and called China. Valkyrie told China about the newspaper article and China promised to meet her at the theme park. She promised herself she would prove that she and China can be as good at solving mysteries as Tanith, Ghastly and Skulduggery.