Dean sighed and rolled over opening his eyes to see blue ones staring at him.

"I am used to a puppy sleeping by my side"

"It was always me" he murmured softly as Dean nodded in agreement pulling him into a kiss.

"I am not used to that" Castiel murmured when they parted for air.

Dean raised an eyebrow and smirked as he sat up and stretched.

"Where is Sam?"

"Downstairs with Marianna"

Dean nodded as he pulled on his top and stood up considering something. "I wonder how she'll be today"

"Distressed and maybe even a little depressed"

"How the hell do you know that?"

"I am good at reading people" he answered when Dean half smiled.

"I know, still up for…" he said trailing off when he nodded quickly.

"I'll get them out of the house" he promised hastily.

Dean took a deep breath as he walked down the stairs to see Sam and Marianna in deep discussion.

"Hey" he cried when she looked up at him.

"Ever wake up and for that first 10 seconds you forget everything, you are happy and then realisation and reality hits you?"

"All the time" he murmured when she nodded and looked down to her cup of coffee.

"I killed my own sisters"

"No you didn't" Sam said pressing a hand over hers.

"How didn't I?"

"Dean killed Lizzie, Clara killed herself and well…you did kill Harriet"

"I still killed them all in my mind, I have no one left! Clara is gone…I lost my love for Harriet and Lizzie when they took over"

"Where are your parents?" Dean asked curious as he perched on the arm of the chair.

"My mother died in child birth, she gave birth to Julia and died, our father is gone and all I had was my sisters…Harriet and Lizzie turned to dark magic in grief while me and Clara raised Julia" she said and swallowed hard looking down.

Castiel joined them as he stood at Dean's shoulder and listened intently to her story.

"I have no one else in the world now"

"You are never truly alone"

"You have family, Dean, a man who loves you" she said nodding to Castiel. "Who do I have? Who would want to be with a witch?"

Dean looked away from her and up to Castiel who looked down at him.

"Maybe you are blind to what is and was in front of you"

"I have no one" Marianna mumbled dropping the coffee in her hands down and turning over on the couch.

Castiel did something unexpected as he stroked his fingers down the back of his neck; he stiffened and shivered looking up to him as he gave him a look.

"Sam, come here a minute" he hissed looking to Cas who watched them for a moment before turning away.

"I need you to take Marianna and get her a coffee or something!" he hissed.

"What? Why?"

"I need time with Cas"

Sam frowned and then it dropped when Dean gave him the look.

"Oh! Yeah, sure…but what about Bobby?"

"Shit!" he muttered.

"What about me?" Bobby said coming up behind him.

"Dean here needs time with Cas" he said looking to Bobby as he stood for a moment working out what he was talking about.

"In my house?" he said when it clicked.

Dean cringed a little and nodded when Bobby sighed deeply.

"I'll go the library, get more information on a case I found"

"We'll be right on it, go on then" he said pushing Sam forward.

Sam looked to Castiel who gave his best expressionless face when he frowned and crouched down next to her.

"Look I know right now isn't the best…"

"Coffee? Sure, I heard all your thoughts before" Marianna said rolling over with a small smirk. "Dean, I never knew you were so honourable, keeping a promise?"

"What?" Sam said turning to Dean who looked sheepishly away.

"We'll give you a few hours, I want good coffee" she said tugging on Sam and dragging him out. "Use protection!"

"Bitch" Dean murmured when the door slammed and silence echoed around them.

He turned towards him and was startled when he appeared in front of him. The tension and nerves of the "first time" for both of them hovering over their heads, Dean shifted closer to him and sighed.

"Okay" Dean murmured breathing out nervously. "This is first for everything right?"


"Then you need everything" Dean whispered hovering over his mouth before pressing down and kissing him softly. "We have kiss sorted"

He cupped the back of his neck as it deepened; Dean stroked his tongue into his mouth and gasped slightly when Castiel responded. They parted more for Dean's sake as he drew in a large breath.

"Where did you learn to do that?" he said reeling.

"Don't mistake my virginity for innocence, Dean" he murmured softly.

"Oh really?"

He smiled slowly as moved down his jaw and latched onto his neck, tilting it and biting down softly. Castiel gasped grasping the back of his hair as he sucked on the bite gently; he pulled back and admired his work.


"Do it again" he whispered pressing a hand to the tender spot.

Dean kissed slowly across his throat as he moved across to the red mark and placed another, Cas' gasping under him as he tasted the saltiness and sweet flavour of his skin.

"This is nothing, believe me" he whispered kissing him hard.

"It's everything" he gasped out.

Dean could see him unravelling in front of him as his eyes grew dark in need.


A moment passed and Dean looked around as they were suddenly in the bedroom.

"Would have been easier walking"

"Why waste time?" Cas murmured pulling him down to kiss him.

"We are going to need less clothes for this to work" Dean murmured and felt the nerves kick in.

"You are nervous?"

"Yeah, bit of a big deal here, Cas"

"We don't have to do this"

Dean carded a hand through his hair gently and shook his head slowly. "It's fine"

"Are you sure?"

"Cas, shut up" he muttered shoving him back till he hit the opposite wall.

He brought him closer to him and pushed off the trench coat and dropping it to the ground as he undressed him completely. Dean looked down to the bare chest tracing over the scar on his chest and moved down his chest to kiss it softly. Castiel threw back his head with a low moan as he stroked a tongue across a nipple.

"Little freckle here I never knew you had" Dean murmured stroking his thumb across it and looking up to him. He stared at him for a long moment before bringing him up and kissing him again.

"I want more" Cas said in a low voice.

Dean shrugged off his top and smirked a little when Castiel stared at him in awe as he traced along his chest and glanced up at him. Dean glanced towards the bed, Castiel following his eye line and nodded. Dean shoved him off the wall and pushed him down onto the bed and kneeling over him.

"Okay" he whispered capturing him in a hard kiss as he responded with enthusiasm. It grew heated and passionate as Dean felt his erection press into his thigh and gasped into his mouth and pulling away.

"You need to let me breathe!" he muttered when he pulled him down again trailing his hands over his shoulders and halting when he saw the white faded hand print.

"What?" Dean said glancing towards it when he ghosted his hand over it and pressed down on it, Dean gasped as it felt like electricity flowing through his veins and felt something kick-start inside him as he moved down kissing him desperately.

Castiel pressed down harder moaning into his mouth as Dean hand moved down to his belt and opened it pushing down his and opening his own till they were fully naked. Castiel removed his hand and stared up at him in wonder.

"I don't know what that was but it did the trick" he murmured in surprise when he looked down to them both.

"I think I might know"

"Explain later" Dean whispered silencing him as he kissed him. "Move up"

Castiel moved up and moaned a little when Dean shifted opening his thighs and settling between them.

"Are you 100% sure?"

"Are you giving me an "out", Dean?"

"Kinda" he whispered running a hand through his damp hair.

"I want you, Dean; I have for a long time"

Dean licked his bottom lip gently and took a deep breath as he moved down to kiss over the hickeys. He moved up him and pulled open the drawer.

"What is that?"

"Something I picked up late last night, because it might hurt you"

Castiel watched as he tore it open with his teeth and felt a wave of desire as he trailed his nails down his inner thigh watching him squirm a little and coat his fingers.

"How do you know how to do this, Dean?"


"Research?" he mumbled confused but was silenced as he kissed him and gasped a little when he bit down on his lip. All train of thought was pushed back for both of them as Dean kissed him pushing his tongue and exploring his mouth as he gently positioned his fingers and looked down to him as he pushed one inside him.

Cas froze and closed his eyes with a groan as he pushed in a second scissoring his fingers to widen him.

"You okay?"

Castiel nodded slowly with a moan as he thrusted onto his fingers.

"Dean, please"

Dean removed his fingers as he writhed underneath him as he positioned the head near his entrance and with one swift thrust, he pushed himself inside him and gasped at the tightness and the heat surrounding his cock. Castiel mouth was in a silent gasp as Dean waited for to adjust to him as he moved down looking into his glazed eyes and kissing him softly.

He thrusted slowly into him as Castiel wrapped his legs around his waist and gasped when he moved faster into him. He lost control of himself as moaned loudly arching up against him, Dean relishing the sound of being able to make him cry out like that. Castiel gripped him harder making him hiss at how strong he was but he pushed it back as he thrusted harder into him hitting the prostrate and creating a high keening sound.

Sweat beaded and slid down his collarbone, Castiel bringing him down as he mimicked Dean and moved up to kiss his neck. He moaned at the friction between them as Dean could feel the ache inside him as he got closer and gasped loudly when he felt Castiel bite him and climaxed hard into him, Castiel following soon after as the friction between them rubbed against his own and he cummed on to their stomachs

He dropped into his shoulder breathing hard as he came down from the high; he looked up at him and brushing back his sweaty hair.

"Promise fulfilled" he whispered kissing him gently.

"That is sex?"

Dean chuckled softly and nodded. "Yeah, that is sex well with a man"

Dean went to pull out when Castiel held fast and kept him in place.

"Can we go again?"

"You serious?"

Castiel nodded quickly as Dean rolled his eyes and moved into him again for their second round.


Dean groaned pulling out of him and closing his eyes panting hard.

"That is four times, no more!" he warned feeling the ache as he felt the tug of sleep.

Castiel nodded and moved into his arms as he held him close and fell asleep. He watched him sleep for a long moment hearing nothing in the house as he lay there, it passed an hour when boredom hit and he fidgeted feeling that new spark of desire running through his veins when Dean brushed against him and he hardened under his touch.

"Dean" he murmured pushing himself up on his elbow trailing a finger down his face and across his neck. Dean moaned and shifted in his sleep as he settled again snoring gently.

"Dean" he said poking him hard causing him to jump awake and blink up to him.

"What?" he grumbled closing his eyes.

"I feel it again"

"No, no, I need sleep, give me sleep" he moaned turning away from him.

Castiel looked at the length of his back and moved towards the warm skin as he kissed up his spine gently, Dean moaned biting down on his lip.

"Cas, stop it"

"Please" he whispered moving up and kissing down on his cheek.

"No, go walk or something" he muttered turning his cheek away.

He sighed and rolled away from him when he heard a bang downstairs.

"Just making ourselves known!" Marianna shouted up the stairs and laughed loudly as she walked away into the study.

"I don't think I want to know what's upstairs" Sam muttered with a grimace.

"Thank you for the coffee"

"Sure" Sam muttered sitting down at Bobby's desk looking through his notes.

"Dean…Dean!" Castiel muttered into his ear.

"Cas!" he cried turning over to him annoyed.

"I don't want that, Sam is back and you have a case"

"Oh right" he murmured rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and sitting up with a low groan.

"You are too much for me"

Dean watched a ghost of a smile appear on his lips.

"I don't get tired, Dean"

"I gathered and no, give me a few hours before you start pestering me again" he warned when Castiel knelt up kissing him softly.


They dressed quickly and walked down to see Marianna flash them a smirk.

"Oh looks like someone had their virginity took big time, you two reek of sex" she muttered with a giggle.

"Shut up!" he warned walking over to Sam.

"How are you feeling?" Castiel said coming over to speak with her.

Dean sat down and hissed a little at the pain causing Sam to look over.

"Do I want to know?"

"Oh I don't know first thing we did was…"

"No!" Sam said covering his ears when Dean chuckled gently looking over to him.



"Remember when you had your virginity took?"

"It was a long time ago but yeah"

"And what happened afterwards?"

Sam frowned thinking when it dawned on him and he repressed a chuckle.

"Oh! He just wants…"

"Yeah, an angel who doesn't get tired either"

Sam grimaced for his sake and patted his arm laughing as Castiel and Marianna came over.

"I think my job is done, turning you two into puppies worked really well" she said with a wink.

"You're leaving?"

"Yes, better be going and making a life for myself…but just one thing" she said staring at Dean as she murmured under her breath. A bright light bloomed and all 3 of them were now looking at a shocked Dean in puppy form.

He barked angrily looking around as Sam laughed loudly sitting back while Castiel moved closer to him and stroked the top of his head gently, Dean blinking as he leaned into it and turned towards him huffing angrily.

"Why-why did you do that?" Sam croaked as he calmed down.

"Give him a taste of what it was like" she said smugly.

Dean turned towards her and approached her growling.

"You continue and I'll keep you like that!"

Castiel moved forward scooping him up into his arms and stroking down his back.

"Change him back"

Marianna frowned crossing her arms and he narrowed his eyes.

"Fine" she shouted when he placed him on the floor. She murmured the reversal and Dean appeared back in front of them breathing hard.


"Oh come on! You enjoyed that!" she cried with a cruel smirk.

Dean was held back by Castiel as he went to hurt her, not caring she was a girl or a witch.

"It was different, I guess" he said when he calmed down and looked to Castiel. "Now I know how it was for you, I kinda miss having a puppy looking out for me"

"You guys make me sick and equally jealous" she muttered shaking her head.

"You should stick with us, you have no one and you could be a great help"

"Yeah, when Cas annoys me I know what to do" he cried and faltered when he glared at him.

"Hanging around with hunters who kill my kind?"

"I guess" Dean murmured but got shot down with two glares. "What? She is right!"

"Please, Marianna?" Sam said when she sighed and looked away from them.

"Okay, for a little while"

Bobby walked back in looking around to them all.

"You lovebirds done?"

Dean blushed and nodded looking to Castiel who was staring at him as always.

"We got a case" Bobby said slamming the paper down.

"So all back to normal?" Sam said looking around to them all.

"As normal as we can be, just little changes" Dean cried looking to Marianna who leaned on the desk winking at Sam and to Castiel as he slid his hand down to his and linked them together hidden from view.

"But with a little magic to change you into puppies" Marianna said. "It does wonders"

Dean looked to Castiel and nodded.

"My little puppy" he murmured and kissed him before he could get a scolding for using the term.

Marianna grinned to herself proud of what she had achieved with them, finding a new home but still in the grief of her sisters. She looked towards them and to Sam who smiled up at him for a moment before going into deep discussion with Bobby, magic could do wonders.

The End

A.N: Oh wow. I can't believe I have done all this, I think I write far too quick! Anyway, thank you for all the reviews! Review this one? Thank you again!