Hello again and welcome to Changing Me!

My first Kid/Law fiction... Rather PWP, really. Not too bad, though.

I'll upload weekly, every Wednesday around midnight CET.

Story is after the timeskip. So new outfits and lovely scars and arm...

Disclaimer: Oda owns the hotties, I own the idea!


He wasn't used to this. Not. At. All!

He didn't give a flying fuck about anyone and for sure not another pirate. And that guy was not even in his crew. Oh, yeah right. And he was male. Male!

Frustrated he let his head fall on the table and closed his eyes. Sighing was not his style, but he really felt like it. His first mate fell into a chair beside him. "How long do you plan to keep the foul mood up?"

The captain didn't even bother to open his eyes. "Hmpf…" His first mate chuckled. "Do you want me to make a guess or would you prefer to just spill it out?" Again, no reply. The other male sighed, seemingly very disappointed by his captain's manners. Not that it wasn't the expected reaction. Besides it was more fun this way, so he wasn't going to complain.

"Hmm… Now what could be bothering you so much? Could it have something to do with a certain someone we met two years ago?" His captain's head snapped up and he finally looked at his second in command. Behind the blue-white mask, a broad grin spread across Killer's features. Jackpot!

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Kid snarled. He didn't want to admit it, of course. But his first mate knew him too well. There was not a single secret save from him. Nevertheless, the captain was determined to keep at least this one little thing away from everyone.

The other man hummed lightly, giving away his unbearably good mood. May Davy Jones have mercy on me, Kid thought. This wouldn't be easy. Then Killer spoke again and the captain's blood ran cold. "It seems the fact that he has entered the new world now is bothering you quite a bit."

He tried not to let out a too relived breath and asked, an angry tone edging in his voice. "What do I care about the stupid Strawhat boy?" His first mate laughed. "Who said I was talking about the rubber kid?" Damn! Kid let his head fall onto the table again and went back to ignore his nakama. "Oh, come on, captain. This is getting ridiculous."

The red-haired pirate looked up once more and just barely managed to suppress a sigh. Jeez, there was something seriously wrong today. Killer put a newspaper in front of his nose and said: "It's publicly known that the Surgeon of Death entered the New World only a few months after Strawhat Luffy did."

Trafalgar Law had used his short time in the New World well. Only there for a few weeks he had already messed with some rather big fish. His bounty went up impressively and earned him a nice headliner on the front page. Now a rather pissed Law stared at them from the paper, his new bounty prominent below.

"He's just a weakling." Kid said with a cold smirk. "He'll not survive long…" The sting of worry he deliberately ignored. His first mate wasn't so kind. "You're not worried about him, right..?" Slowly Killer started to be a little concerned about his captain's state of mind. He could read the other man like an open book. And this was more than unusual for the red head. Or could it be… The first mate burst out laughing. "Kid, don't tell me you're hot for him?"

Killer couldn't really believe it, but his captain blushed; heavily. "How is it possible that I never noticed? Since when… Saboady Archipelago?" His captain shrunk with every word, hiding in his coat, looking more like a scolded child than like an infamous pirate. Slowly calming down, Killer leaned over to Kid and whispered.

"And now… What do we do? Go and check if he manages to survive on his own?" Kid knew that he shouldn't answer. He knew he shouldn't react to it. He knew that Killer was only trying to anger him with his comments. But hell, he had to say something to this. "Why should we? He's old enough to know what he's doing."

His second in command gave him an evil grin, hidden behind the mask. Reaching out his hand, he lightly touched the deep scars on his captain's cheek. "We did too." A pained look flashed over Kid's face, not because of his scars or what happened that day… It was pure fear that something might happen to Law. "Stop this, Killer. Or I'll really give order to turn around."

His first mate's expression softened and his caressing got more affectionate. It was a side of him only his captain knew, and they both did their best to keep it secret. Kid's cold and aggressive image would suffer great damage if anyone else could see him now. Killer's as well, by the way.

The captain looked over to his second in command and met the other man's gaze. Some things only applied for the relationship between captain and first mate. Their connection went deeper than any other the nakamas had to their captain. Sailing together from moment one was different. Killer knew his captain well, with all his strengths and weaknesses. Because of this, there was no secret Kid could keep from his first mate.

Approaching footsteps forced Killer to bring more distance between them. The moment of simple comfort was gone, so quickly that it left a hallow feeling in Kid. Being a badassed psycho captain had a few disadvantages. He had seen how close the Mugiwara crew was. Beside Killer, he had no nakama that he let come so close – emotionally. To tell the truth, there was no one he wanted to. Well, maybe one…

Shit! Since when was he such a pansy? He answered the question himself while he listened halfheartedly to his navigator's report; something about an island and a yellow submarine… Kid snapped out of his thoughtful state and stared at his nakama.

Killer had been waiting for his captain to realize what they were talking about. Trafalgar Law was fast! Not facing the standard obstacles a travel over sea brought gave him a tremendous advantage. The only thing he really had to face were the currents under water and the waiting time on the individual islands.

Apparently he had covered the same distance within a few weeks they had managed to put back within more than two years. Maybe he had found an Eternal Pose… To be fair, they had faced a few big issues, including the healing process for Kid's injuries that had cost them more than three month. Additionally the captain had insisted on a lot of training after the almost deadly incident.

And now they were heading for the same island as Trafalgar Law. What an unfortunate coincidence. Well, Killer thought by looking at his captain, maybe they could solve a certain issue Kid had with the other pirate.

A few hours later they arrived at the little island. They had spotted the stupid submarine somewhere a few miles away from their embarkation point. Kid had paled at the sight of it. And his second in command wasn't quite sure yet why this was so.

He had coaxed his captain to come to town with him. A task that had cost him a good half an hour. They had been talking about a weapon upgrade (if they found one) and Killer was determined to get one! A few hours were left until sunset and they might actually find something. If they ever made it into town, of course.

Besides Killer really hoped to find Trafalgar. Not that he was really interested in confronting the other pirate. The Surgeon of Death was a rather unhealthy fellow if you were standing on the other side of the table. And matter of fact, they were on the other side; being pirates and all. But hell, he was fed up with his captain's foul mood. This could either get better or much worse and then slowly start to heal.

Killer had to admit that he was quite curious about the progress the other had made in the last years. He had seen him fight on Saboady Archipelago. Despite the lower bounty, he had been a good fighter already then. And of course there was the thing his captain had for the other.

They strode along the main road, scaring the hell out of various poor people. This still surprised Killer a little. He would have guessed that the inhabitants of the New World were rather used to the presence of pirates. But apparently a pirate with a bounty higher than 300'000'000 Beli was still unusual enough. Or maybe it was just because they were both known as bloodthirsty bastards…

Trafalgar Law was just leaving a chemist's store when he spotted the red haired pirate and his first mate. With a muttered curse he hid in the next dark alley and retreated to his submarine. Bepo sensed his foul mood the moment he arrived at the ship and shooed the rest of the crew out of the way.

The bear lie down on the main deck and let Law lean against his huge form. Law sighed and placed his shopping bags at the railing before he sat down. "What's wrong, captain?" The black haired shook his head and started talking in a low voice. "Kid's on the island. Any idea how long the Lock Pose will need?"

Bepo murmured some incoherent sentences, adding a sorry. Law suppressed a sigh and stared at the darkening sky blankly. He had wanted to see the other captain again. Eustass 'Captain' Kid had never once left his mind after they met on Saboady Archipelago. His flaming red hair and the rather unusual appearance were enough to keep his mind on him for a while. But it were the red eyes that kept his thoughts lingering on the other pirate every once in a while.

Yes, he had wanted to meet Kid again. But he knew well that without some proper training, he wouldn't last long in the New World. And so he spent a long, long time with it. Law knew that his submarine had a tremendous advantage when it came to traveling. Spending your time below the surface was not always fun and for Law there were times when it was downright horrible. But escaping storms and Marine ships was really easy when you could just sink under water.

And then Fortuna had been on their side. That bastard he had killed on the second island they approached had an Eternal Pose, leading to an island far away from the Red Line. And here he was now, waiting for his Log Pose to charge for the first time in three month. With another sigh the captain of the Heart pirates stood up and walked over to his navigator to ask the people there how long it would take. The investigation didn't bring any good news. They were stuck on the island for at least another week. Somehow this had to be bad karma or something.

Law shook his head again and walked back off board, determined to find a secluded bar where he could drink himself into oblivion before any of his nakama had a chance to prevent it. He wasn't even sure why he wanted to get sloshed so desperately. But he just wanted to. And so he would get it. The bar was easily found and the first glass was already half empty when someone else decided to pay the very same bar a visit.

The Surgeon of Death didn't really care who stepped into the bar behind him. He just wanted to get drunk. But when he heard a surprised gasp and the footsteps stopped dead, he had the bad feeling that he knew very well who was standing in the doorframe. Hoping he was wrong, he turned around slowly.

Kid hadn't found a single interesting piece of garment that he would spend the money they wanted for it on. Not even a piece of metal that he could use. Frustrated and pretty pissed he had decided that going for a long and strong drink. Or two or more or… whatever.

Killer had found them a secluded bar in no time and coming to think about it, maybe it wasn't luck only that his second in command had found a fitting place right around the next corner. Killer knew his captain well enough. When he was already pissed and then got drunk he didn't need a reason to go on a rampage. If they stayed in some small pub, the damage was not as big. And bearing in mind how long they had to say on that stupid island, Killer preferred not to get into trouble on their first day. Life was much easier when the townsfolk was cooperative, or at least not completely against them.

So he had pointed Kid to one of the smaller bars in an even smaller street and said he would follow together with the rest. Babbling something about bringing the bought material to the ship first, he had disappeared.

Kid knew something was wrong. He knew it. But he didn't know what it would be. Upon entering the bar, he suddenly knew exactly what was wrong. He would kill his second in command the moment he would get his hands on him. There he was, object de desire, not in his trademark hoodie anymore but in a nice fitting black shirt.

O damn… This was getting worse by the minute. The barkeeper shot him a wary look and filled another glass. Kid shrugged and thought that now he was here he could also start drinking. He was pretty sure he could stomach more than Trafalgar.

He let himself drop on a chair beside the other pirate and grabbed his glass. "I'd say it's a surprise but your submarine is not a common sight, not even in the New World." Trafalgar looked at him, smirking. "Nice to see you too, Eustass-ya. What happened to your face? Thought you were the toughest of us."

"A not so nice meeting with another pirate. I can promise you that he looked worse." "I'm rather sure of that." They ordered a new round of sake. For a few minutes they just sat there drinking. Law fixed his gaze on the glass and gave Kid the chance to study his appearance.

The Surgeon of Dead hadn't changed too much, more muscular though. His clothing was different, but still hugged the other's body very tightly, leaving only little room for speculation. Damn, that man was hot… "You're done now?" Kid's gaze flew from Law's thighs to his eyes. The other captain gave him an amused look while raising an eyebrow.

With a lot of self-control, Eustass 'Captain' Kid managed not to blush. He had been caught while checking Law out. Damn… But the Surgeon of Death didn't seem too interested in his actions and just ordered another round.

To his surprise, Kid found Law to be pretty resistant to the booze. And after a while he didn't know how many glasses they had had already. But somehow only he got drunk. "How're ya doin' it?" The dark haired asked. The smile, or smirk rather, that he got in answer was the creepiest thing he'd ever seen. And he was taking a look in the mirror from time to time!

This was the moment when the barkeeper placed another glass in front of him and he decided to worry about the malice grin the next morning. Technically it was already morning, but he decided that he would think about it when he woke up the next time. Where was Killer? The stupid guy had said he would follow shortly hours ago.

He vaguely remembered that Law paid and led him out of the bar. "Why're ya not… drunk?" Another of those smirks and something about not drinking alcohol anymore since the fifth round. Kid had to think very intensive about why this was bad. Then he realized three things. He was roaring drunk. Law was not. If the other was up to harm him, he was so screwed.

"Where's my ship..?" "I've got no clue, Eustass-ya" O bloody hell! He was so fucking screwed, though he didn't know exactly why. The booze had slowed his though process down, reducing anything that didn't say 'bed', 'sleep' or 'sex' to nothingness. But he had this bad feeling in his gut that he was in grave danger at the moment. When his eyes focused on the yellow submarine it dawned on him, that Law planned to bring him to his ship. "Wait, I… Oh shit."

Yanking free he bent over and puked into the next bush he could find. Behind him Trafalgar chuckled lowly. "Thanks god you got that over with before you got onto my ship." "Bastard…" The black haired didn't say anything to this.

He grabbed the wavering pirate by the coat and dragged him to the ship. Law ignored the questioning looks of the men on watch and brought Kid down to his cabin. He placed the nearly unconscious Kid in his bed, a bucket close by. Then he grabbed an additional blanket and rolled up on his carpet.

Briefly he wondered how it happened that his rather stupid and obvious plan had worked out so well. Another interesting question: Why didn't he go through with his the whole plan? He looked over to the sleeping pirate and sighed.

When he had seen Kid in town he had been too shocked to do anything about it. He knew the other pirate would be stuck on the island for a while. And his first thought was escape! Law didn't even know why. So he had retreated to his ship and hoped that they could make an easy exit by just going to the next island.

When later on he had met Kid in the bar again, things were a little different. He hadn't expected to meet the other pirate all alone, let alone in a good mood. And then his little plan had formed in his evil mind. He had Kid where he wanted him, but the redhead was so smashed that there was no chance to get anything tonight. "Maybe tomorrow…"

And with this the dark-haired male closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

Fist chapter done, what do you think?

I try to keep them IC... I think in the beginning, Kid was quite ok...

Law was a little OoC in the end.

Read & Review, please - thanks!