Outtake 1: Leah and Kaleb's Wedding

"Jacob!" Alice squealed. "I need to see you! Right! Now!"

Nessie and I were curled up on the couch together watching some romantic flick called the Notebook. I was enjoying Nessie's body next to mine more than the movie, which seemed to be narrated mostly by some old dude to an Alzheimer patient. What is it with chicks and romantic tragedies?

"Jacob!" Alice yelled again.

"If you don't go she'll eventually come to take you by force…" Nessie murmured.

I groaned and rolled myself off the couch.

"I don't suppose you already know what she wants?"

Nessie shrugged. "Something about the wedding I'm sure…"

The wedding. It was all anyone could talk about.


It was all Alice could talk about.

I slowly climbed the stairs to Alice and Jasper's bedroom slash fashion studio. I pushed open the door and froze. Their bed had been shoved into a corner and covered with yards of fabric. That explained why Jasper was so sour.

The dude wasn't getting any.

The floor space was dominated by three mannequins wearing dresses; one of which was tipped over and from the looks of things, Alice had put her fist through its face at some point. There was a sewing table, baskets of thread, lace and other trimmings. And of course, there was Alice, rocking on the floor like a panicked child, her knees pulled up to her chin and her arms tightly locked around her legs.

"Shorty? Is everything okay?"

"No Jacob, no! Everything is not okay! I kept putting off Leah's dress fitting because I thought she'd hate the dress! But now there isn't enough time to make a new dress if she does hate it!"

I looked at the dress. The top was form fitting, the bottom was ruffled but not poofy. The red sash around the waist separated the two pieces. I frowned. I could see why Alice was worried, to be honest. The dress was beautiful, but bridal wear was always nice. The dress was also mildly plain and considering the designer, that was odd. I'm sure Leah had asked for no extra volume because she was hoping for something that would flatter her lean figure, but even she wasn't such a bitch as to not appreciate how hard Alice had worked to keep her enthusiasm at an all time low.

"It's not bad, Alice. Leah will appreciate how… controlled you were."

"Controlled? You call that controlled?" Alice's voice was filled with disbelief.

I looked at her and realized she wasn't pointing at the pretty, but slightly average wedding dress. She was pointing at the bright red dress beside it.

"That's Leah's wedding dress!" I blurted in shock. "I thought that was a ball gown!"

"A ball gown? For who? Jesus, Jacob, who in this family besides Leah, has the legs to pull off that dress?"

"Then what's the white thing?"

"A bridesmaid-"

"What! Alice, there is no way in hell I'm wearing a dress! What kind of sick-"

"Will you relax?" She cut me off, bounding to her feet. "It was just incase Leah changed her mind and wanted a woman up there with her! I've already got your suit hanging in the closet!"

I relaxed for a moment and looked at the bright dress.

Now I really saw Alice's problem.

I could be wrong, but something told me that when Leah mentioned color, she didn't mean that much color. And the gown would indeed enhance Leah's figure, but the problem was it almost would enhance it too much. This dress was more along the lines of something that would be seen strolling down a red carpet award ceremony than something that would be walking down an aisle to organ music.

There was plenty of white fabric, but it was all under bright red satin draping that split open in the front. The white that could be seen, belonged to ruffles of some expensive flowery lace that was tinged with a champagne glimmer along the edges. The red silk had detailing; around the waistline Alice had hand embroidered silver thread and pearl beads to create a floral look similar to the lace. It was bright, it was sexy, and it was not a traditional wedding dress.

"Alice… This is insane…" I whispered.

"I know!" she groaned. "It's so over the top! But look! Look I started with this one…"

Alice picked up the broken mannequin in a more traditional dress. Alice had sewn some kind of red foil into the fabric, but the overall impression was very white. The shape was fine, but the color added nothing.

"So…you went from too little to too much?"

"See! It's bad isn't it? It isn't just me! If Leah wears this dress she'll look so… boring. She's a bride Jacob! No bride wants to be remembered as boring! But if she wears that one…"

It certainly wasn't boring.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"Well, you know her better than me. Will she like it? If not can you convince her to wear it anyway?"

I stared at the bright dress quietly because the truth was I had no idea if Leah would like it. But I did know if Leah hated it, no power on this planet would put her in it.

"You guys better figure it out because she just pulled in the drive!" Nessie called from the living room.

There was nothing left to do but wait for Leah. Alice was right, there was no time left. Leah didn't wait for an invite. She walked in the door, up the stairs, down the hall… I think Alice stopped breathing. Leah flung open the door with a big stupid grin on her face.

Then she froze.

Her face showed confusion as she looked at me standing all awkward and out of place, then more confusion as she looked at the dresses.

"Which one?" she asked.

Alice rocked on her heals and then pointed at the non-wedding dress, wedding dress.

Leah stared at the gown for a moment and then approached it slowly like it might bite her. She frowned at it and then carefully spun the mannequin to see the back. And then she spun it again to see the front. She backed away with a thoughtful frown on her face.

"This is your idea of good behavior?" Leah asked not daring to look at Alice who in turn couldn't bring herself to look at Leah.

Another second of awkward silence and then Leah said, "It's more red than I wanted."

I started backing slowly toward the door. One of these females was about to have a meltdown I was sure of it. There were some things I did not want to witness.

"And it's so… glamorous." Leah said.

Alice broke first. "I know, I know, it's more than you wanted! Look I can do some quick fixes, subtract a few beads, I can cut the seam and try to replace-"

"Don't you dare," Leah growled.

I froze inches from the door.

Escape was near.

"I kind of love it, Alice."

"What?" Alice asked.

"Yeah… What?" I repeated.

"I mean the color is out of control and it's so… sexy. I mean it's bordering on scandalous. But I almost think that makes it better. It is our family we're talking about and when are we not scandalous?" She laughed. "Jacob, get out! I want to try this on!"

I was so shocked I forgot how to move my feet.

I was just sitting down on the sofa when I heard Leah shriek with something I hoped was delight.

"Holy shit!" she yelled. "It's beautiful! And I look fuck hot!"

Nessie giggled. "I hope Alice is that good with my dress."

"Nessie, if Alice makes you a dress like that, I'm not ashamed to say you won't be making it off that altar with your clothes on. Kaleb's in deep trouble."

She stared at the movie for a few more seconds then leapt off the couch.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Upstairs. This movie blows and I want to get a look at this monster."

I waited until I heard Alice's bedroom door open and then I changed the channel. I tried to reduce the squealing and giggling to white noise and tried not to worry about what would happen when Alice sunk her fangs into my wedding.

Theme wedding.

Even as a guy, I know that a theme wedding is the most dreaded wedding in history. As an honorary Cullen, I know only Alice could make a themed wedding exquisite. It wasn't planned to be a themed wedding. But after Leah's outrageous dress was discovered, Alice and Leah conspired to make a few last minute changes to help soften the shock on the guests. The end result was a Seasonal Winter Wonderland effect.

We rented out a local Bed & Breakfast; some enormous Victorian farmhouse surrounded by acres of snow. The Inn keeper was hesitant at first; he liked to rent out rooms to city born tourists looking to connect with nature and artists seeking seclusion and silence. Luckily for us, Alice wrote him a number that was more than fair. He cleared out his guests and stepped back to watch Alice transform his house into a fairytale setting.

Step one was clearing out the dining hall. It was a long room with a high ceiling, perfect for the ceremony itself. Step two was clearing out the rec room which consisted of a billiards table, a couple of couches, and a TV, among a handful of other furniture that would just get in the way. The rec room was square and wide with a glass panel wall that gave a broad view of the farmland and the scenic mountains behind it.

After Alice had personally seen the furniture safely to a storage facility, she began re-decorating to a theme of winter whimsy. First came the obvious items. She laid out a white carpet from one end of the dining room to the other; the aisle. Alice grinned impishly as she set up the white chairs, which of course made Leah suspicious that Alice was keeping secrets.

Then the accents arrived. The entire aisle was lined with artificial, bejeweled, frosted, bare trees. They loomed into the center creating an almost, but not quite, arch for Leah to walk under. Alice removed the electrified candelabra and replaced it with an elaborate crystal chandelier that looked like a cluster of icicles hanging from the ceiling. She covered up the hard wood walls with lace canvas to add to the feeling of being stuck in a world of snow and ice.

I hovered behind her as she plugged wires into some kind of switch board.

"What's with all the wires?" I asked.

"Finishing touches. I just want to make sure they work…" she muttered.

"Make sure what works?" What finishing touches could she possibly add?

She looked up at me and frowned.

"Go," she pointed to the entrance of the hall. "Be Leah."


"You heard me. Go pretend like you're about to walk down the aisle."

I sighed with exasperation and did as she asked. Don't get me wrong. I loved Alice. But did she have to make a spectacle of everything?

I walked around the corner and out of sight.

"Tell me when," I called.

"Wait for it. Wait… Ah hah!" There was a moment and then she called, "Now."

I came back and froze in the entry in shock.

That little sneak.

All the trees had their own lighting. As did the aisle and walls. As I entered the room Alice switched off the inn's lighting and switched on the pale LED bulbs that bathed the room in a dim pale glow. The atmosphere made me shiver with imagined cold.

"March, Jacob! I need to see…" Alice ordered.

I took a step into the room and nothing happened. Another step and then the lighting changed again.

The lights switched from the white to pale blue; suddenly it felt like an evening stroll through the woods. Only the lights lining the aisle stayed white; so Leah wouldn't miss her marks no doubt. But I noticed how the pale blue changed the coloring in the room; everything white was the same blue as the lights and I imagined that the bright red of Leah's dress would look purple. I walked down past the empty chairs that would soon be filled with family and friends all the way to the altar. When I stepped up, the lighting on the altar shifted back in pale white, while the audience was still cloaked in blue; putting a subtle spotlight on the happy couple.

Alice giggled with glee.

Leah would shock everyone who stood to watch her enter; standing in the doorway with her bright dress. Then she'd awe them as the gown turned to shimmering purple; under the colored lights. And then back to the red as she joined with Kaleb at the front of the room. I doubted Leah knew about the lighting, but I didn't think she'd mind it.

"Alice." I called her name sternly.

Her face fell.

"Too much?" she asked.

"You're a genius." I told her, grinning.

She grinned ear to ear.

"Excellent," Alice said. "Help me finish up with the reception hall."

The reception hall had more warmth because the lighting had not been swapped for colored bulbs and the wooden walls had not been hidden by drapes. But the winter theme was evident. The tables were draped in silver and white linens. The centerpieces were poinsettia candle-wreaths with thick silver candles at the center. The wreaths had been lightly frosted to look like they'd endured a snow flurry; all the glassware had been frosted to resemble ice. And of course one only had to look out the window wall to see the panoramic snow covered farmland outside.

"Alice," I said, as she ran her hands over the table clothes flattening wrinkles. "I think it's done."

"I think you're right," she said stepping into the center of the room - the dance floor- and spinning gracefully.

"You don't think this floor is too waxy? I don't want anyone to slip…"

"The floor is fine, Alice."

She looked at me with a serious expression on her face.

"I need this to be perfect, Jacob. I need this to go off without a hitch."

"Well, that's a shame," I joked, "because I'm pretty sure Leah and Kaleb intend to get hitched."

"That's not funny!" she snapped.

I jumped in surprise at her anger.

Alice looked at her hands in an uncharacteristically timid way.

"Jacob, Leah was hurting for so long. And then she joined our family and never joined our family. She said it was her distaste for vampires that kept her distant over the years but you know that's not the full truth. It added to her pain to see everyone else so happy, when she wasn't. Now Leah's found her soul mate. And if all I can give her is the perfect wedding, I will. I have too. She has to know she's loved."

"Alice, she knows. And if there is any doubt, it won't remain when she walks into this place and sees the effort behind it," I told her.

Alice's forehead scrunched in consternation and I walked over to her and wrapped an arm around her tiny shoulder tucking her to my side.

"Don't worry, little sister," I said and leading her out of the room and toward the kitchen. "Now I know the caterers have already brought the cake. Give me a little peak. Please?"

"Dad!" Bella shrieked; I turned to see her blur of movement to the door.

He had more wrinkles than I remembered. He had less hair; the few clumps that stubbornly clung to his scalp were graying fast. His moustache was still impressive as ever; Sue never could get him to shave it. But it was unmistakably Charlie Swan entering the inn. He didn't look surprised or upset that his daughter hadn't changed over the years. He swept her up in his arms and held her tight.

Sue hovered politely behind his shoulder. She was older too. Her body looked a little thinner, a little more fragile, but she still emitted the strength of her ancestors with her straight back and stern face. She stepped in to give Bella a quick hug and an affectionate kiss on the cheek.

"So where is our new son-in-law to be?" she asked, her eyes roving curiously over all the young strangers milling around. Her eyes landed on me and recognition flashed in her face.

"Jacob!" Charlie and Sue called out at the same time.

I hugged them both, but it was Sue who put a firm hand on my shoulder and pushed me back. I shifted as here eagle eyes evaluated me.

"Well, something's different," she said.

I frowned and looked down. Aside from the fact that I was in a suit for once, I was still the same old Jacob.

Charlie hmm'd in his throat and I looked up to see a smirk on his face. "He looks… The way Edward did after Bella said yes. If I go looking for my granddaughter will I find a ring on her finger?"

"I thought you wanted to meet your new son-in-law before he says, I do?" I changed the subject.

Sue laughed. "Well, go get him!"

I wandered around to the kitchen where Kaleb was standing in a white tux with a red vest and tie underneath, talking to his parents. It was clever really; mirroring Leah and Kaleb. Leah would have the red with the white trim and Kaleb would be white with red.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt," I said, causing them to look.

"Jacob, what do you think about this?" Kaleb asked nervously gesturing to his suit. "I don't know…"

"No, but Alice does," I answered with a laugh. "Just be thankful you're not paying for all this."

"Well, I think you look spectacular," said his mom, straightening the lapels of his jacket.

"Leah's mother and step-father are both here and hoping to get a few words with you before the ceremony."

Kaleb looked relieved to have a reason to escaping his fussing mother. He stepped up beside me and walked, but I noticed right away when his feet started to drag.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing. I am marrying the woman of my dreams. What could be wrong?" he babbled nervously.

I laughed.

"Look, try something old-fashioned. When I introduce you, just keep it simple. Hello, I'm Kaleb… The wedding will be starting in a few minutes; they'll have the rest of their lives to interrogate you…"

He repeated, "Simple."

Charlie kept the meeting dignified. He stepped forward to shake Kaleb's hand; he congratulated the young man on capturing Leah's heart. Sue ignored Kaleb's outstretched hand; she wrapped her arms around his brawny frame and cried taking care to keep her running makeup from his bright tux. Then she declared her love for her new son.

"People!" Alice screamed bringing the mingling to a standstill. "When I left this room, you were all ushered and seated! Where the hell is my officiator?"

I blinked in surprise.

Where was Billy?

Angry shouting from the door caused me to turn.

"Put me down, you beast!"

My father voice shouted angrily as Rosalie swung the door open. Emmett, with a hand on each wheel of the chair, carried my father into the house.

"Look what we found parked in a snow drift!" Emmett announced.

"Good!" shouted Alice drawing attention back to herself. "Now get to your places or I'll tie you to them!"

Everyone was re-ushered back to their seats except for the smart few who had remembered their place and couldn't be bothered with the ceremony of a guide.

Alice knelt down and cleaned the slush and salt residue from Billy's tires before allowing him to roll off toward his place.

Leah had gone with a violinist instead of a pianist; Alice had gone with a quartet instead of a violinist. When the music started, Leah looked more amused than annoyed; I was glad that she was in love because she was really going to need that amusement when she caught the light show.

Kaleb's groomsmen, Tom and Mike, were already positioned beside him.

Claire Young stood at the center of the procession with her basket of flower petals; she was a small ten year old, but she was sharp as a tack. Leah had been delighted when Quil agreed to her wedding invitation and even more so when he asked Claire if she'd like to be Leah's flower girl. She looked pretty in a gown of ice blue snowflakes and a sash tied with a poinsettia clip, but now as it was her job to start the procession she looked sick.

I knelt down out of sight of the guests but in her line of vision and whispered, "What's wrong?"

"What if I mess up? They'll all see me."

"So what?" I told her, trying to think of something that would ease her stage fright. "You think Leah intended to fall in love with a bear? Today is all about celebrating beautiful mistakes."

Claire nodded and inhaled.

She stepped out of one room and into the other; I heard her gasp as she saw the winter decorations. I peaked around the corner waiting for her to hit her mark. She never did. She stumbled as her short heel caught the rug and some pale petals spilled out of the basket. She froze, as family on one side and strangers on the other, stared at her. She hesitated; the outgoing girl from La Push disappearing in the chaos of blush colored petals on white carpet.

I mouthed sorry to Alice who was mouthing something about the time lapse.

I stepped out behind Claire and offered my arm to her.

"Together then?" I asked; she nodded reaching up to grab my arm.

I wound up walking down the aisle ahead of schedule, but guessing from the sappy looks from the guests, the grateful look on Quil's face, and the intrigued smile on Nessie's face, nobody minded the change in plans. Claire managed to spread out the remaining petals successfully as we made our way to the front.

I took my place and turned to watch Embry make his way down the aisle. He looked more nervous than Claire and I resisted the urge to laugh. He glanced up at the lighted trees lining the aisle with a question in his eyes. When he took his place next to me, he leaned in and whispered.

"Did Leah really sign off on all of this? It looks like Alice raided Lady Gaga's greenhouse," Embry joked.

"Shut up," I hissed as the music changed.

Seth stood arm in arm with Leah.

And Leah looked breathtaking in her gown. The way it looked hanging on that mannequin couldn't compare with the way it was on her. The white and champagne ruffles flared with every step she took; the pearl details shimmered like snow in the special lighting. She walked past the first invisible marker and when the lights switched to blue, her dress came to life the way a shadow has life; undulating around her body like an extension. The bouquet was very simple; white Nerine Lilies looked delicate as snowflakes and stood out against the backdrop of her red dress.

Her eyes widened in surprise at the lighting change, but she'd seen Kaleb waiting with his big love struck grin and she wasn't paying attention to much else. As they neared the altar, the lights switched again and I heard Alice smother an excited giggle.

Seth squeezed Leah's hand and leaned in to whisper something in her ear that made a tear trickle down a high cheekbone. Then he put her hand in Kaleb's and took his place.

Billy cleared his throat.

"Love isn't a decision. It's a feeling. If we could decide who we loved, it would be much simpler, but much less magical."

I recognized the quote at once. Leah didn't notice, but I sent a glare at Nessie and Emmett. Renesmee's brown eyes widened with faux innocence and Emmett turned his head to chuckle into Rosalie's neck. I focused on the moment at hand; I'd talk to them later and hoped no one ever had the balls to tell Leah that when Billy went fishing for quotes on love, Emmett and Nessie gave him one from South Park.

"Today we gather here to witness a miracle. The magic of two people we hold so dear, Leah Suzette Clearwater and Kaleb Tristan Dupont, finding love. Declaring their bond, pledging to spend their lives in an eternal partnership, that neither time nor distance can destroy."

He paused.

"Now I do believe that they've written their own vows for this occasion. Leah, beloved daughter and sister, speak."

And Leah did speak and there wasn't a person in the room who was left unmoved by her words.

"Kaleb, for the longest time, I thought I was destined to be alone. Always on the periphery of love, looking in, but never experiencing it for myself. Then one night you stumbled into my life and in a heartbeat I knew everything had changed." Tears began to slide down her cheeks as she stared deep into Kaleb's eyes. "I knew I would never have to be alone again." Her voice broke with the strength of her emotion and she paused to take a steadying breath. When she continued on her voice was stronger. "In a heartbeat I knew I would never let you be alone again either. I promise to cherish you, support you, protect you, respect you, and above all love you, for the rest of our lives together. Kaleb Dupont, I love you more than anything and I am now and forever will be yours."

"Kaleb, beloved son and brother, speak."

What Kaleb said was unexpected…and possibly the most I'd ever heard him say at one time. But mostly it was beautiful.

"The night I met you, Leah, my heart broke. My heart broke because your heart was broken. I could hear how you hurt and I hurt for you. My heart broke because I couldn't understand how an angel could be left standing alone. My heart broke because I felt shamed… Shamed because I didn't know that I'd been looking for you my whole life. It seems like something I should have known. That there was an angel in this world hurting and waiting. I should have found you so much sooner." He paused and in his silence I could hear female sobs among the witnesses, but I couldn't tear my eyes from the union before me to find who was breaking from the sentiment.

"I promise, no matter what happens and no matter where life takes us, I will never leave you waiting again. I won't ever cause you hurt and I will never let you be lonely again, my angel, my Leah. I love you."

I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry… I chanted to myself as I felt my manhood try to shrink a couple of sizes.

"Rings, please?" Billy prompted.

I handed Leah her ring as Tom hand Kaleb his.

The wedding rings were probably the only this simple and traditional about this wedding. They were simple gold bands with carved leaves tracing the outside surface, while the inside had been engraved with love.

Kaleb slid his band onto Leah's finger. She slid hers onto his.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Kaleb smiled softly but moved fast. One had landed on Leah's hip, pulling her close while the other fit the curve of her cheek, pulling her lips to his.

"Excuse me!" Alice called from the tiny stage where she'd set up a bored looking DJ - otherwise known as Emmett - with a mike in her hand. She smiled politely as she captured everyone's attention and I couldn't help but notice how relaxed she looked now that everything was going according to plan. "I hope everyone's enjoyed the meal, but I do believe its time for the bride and groom to cut the cake!"

Right on cue, a caterer came into the room pushing a large cake on a trolley. I knew from the night before that the cake was red velvet with butter-cream frosting. But this was my first time seeing the cake with its floral finishing touches and the personalized cake-topper where mini-Leah and mini-Kaleb stood arm in arm. Each tier of cake was raised up, seemingly supported by a wreath of poinsettias. I had wondered about that; why the tiers had been raised instead of stacked. The cake had looked… sad, with all its big empty spaces. But now it looked happy… if you could tie emotion to a pastry.

I felt a set of warm fingers wrap around my own. I glanced at the chair next to me and Renesmee was watching me closely.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked.

I shrugged. "The cake looks happy."

She gave an unladylike snort of humor. She glanced at the cake and then at the Leah and Kaleb.

"I think the people cutting the cake look happy."

"Yeah," I agreed.

I was trying to think of the last time I'd seen Leah smile so big. The sad truth was I couldn't remember.

"You think she'll be okay now?" Nessie asked.

I swear sometimes that girl could read my mind. I wasn't the psychic in the family - she was hiding under the cake table trying to instruct Leah and Kaleb how to cut around the wreath - but I certainly hoped Leah's future was much happier than her past.

"When did Alice slip under the table cloth?" I asked.

"Dunno," she giggled. "I learned to stop noticing that sort of thing."

They managed just fine and piloted the slices of cake past each others lips. Kaleb grabbed Leah's wrist and he put her frosting covered finger tips to his lips in a romantic gesture that incited a couple of cat calls.

I'm smushing it in your face, Nessie's voice echoed in my head.

"Not if I smush it in yours first," I whispered.

And what about us? She asked, but I didn't quite follow the question.

"What about us?" I asked.

Will we be okay?

I looked over at her. Her face was so serious I couldn't help but smile. For someone so brilliant, she had a tendency to be so silly.

I leaned in and whispered, "We're going to be perfect."

Sure, sure, she answered and smiled.

I looked at her soft lips, admired the gentle way they curved… And I wanted to feel them again. I leaned in and stole a kiss.

We were perfect.

"Yo!" Emmett's voice boomed over the microphone. "The wedding planner has instructed me not to start this party until the toasts have been given. So I say let's move this thing along!"

There were a few chuckles from the onlooker but most had their mouths stuffed with the cake that tasted like it'd been baked by God himself. If I didn't love Nessie so much… Whoever wound up married to the baker would be a very lucky man indeed. I noticed Nessie staring at me. It was times like these her sharp mind had me worried. The accusatory glare she was sending me told me I might be enjoying another woman's cake a little too much.

"Leah's best man, get front and center."

Thank you, Emmett.

I swallowed down my cake and stood; Renesmee stopped my by reaching out to straighten my tie. She smiled sweetly and let me go… I bet she was imagining strangling me with it. She and Edward had a lot more than hair color in common.

I crossed the room and took the mike in one hand and reached in my pocket for my note cards. I froze. I felt my other pocket. They were both empty. It was surprisingly easy to figure out what had happened.


I shot a glare at Renesmee who gave away nothing.

I could wing it.

"I'm sorry for the hesitation, it seems I dropped my speech somewhere…" I cleared my throat nervously. "I know it's usual to open with a joke; but I couldn't find anything to make fun of. The fact is this day is as unfunny as it gets." That was a lie, I thought. I had a joke… I just couldn't remember it on the fly. "My sister, Leah, has been looking for a very long time for the man of her dreams. Many people go their whole lives without finding their other half and wind up, settling. Leah would not settle. And I admit, everyday I saw her sadness and I worried. But today I watched something miraculous; Leah did not settle. She found who she was looking for. She found her other half.

"And I've never been happier or prouder to call another man, my brother. So if it hasn't been said already, welcome to the family, Kaleb. I wish you and my sister, both a long and happy life together."

Emmett took the mike back and covered the head with his hand.

"That wasn't the speech you rehearsed?" he asked.

"No. Your niece stole my speech," I hissed.

He nodded his head like it all made perfect sense although I'm pretty sure he had no clue.


Tom walked up, pulling out his notes as he did, the lucky SOB.

I sat back down in my chair and leaned in to Nessie.

"I'll get you for that," I threatened.

Renesmee just smirked and said, "No, you won't."

She gave the appearance of listening intently to the toast and I wondered if she had any idea what she was doing to me. The sad reality was that she was right; I'd never get back at her.

"Let's get our newlyweds to the dance floor!" Emmett hollered. "Everyone with a partner, get up and get a good look! This could be you in a few years!"

I laughed into my champagne. Emmett loved his DJ duties. Barking out orders like a confused drill sergeant at a rock concert, he made formalities a hell of a lot less formal.

"The bride and groom need a moment more of rubbing in their wedded bliss! But I'm told you're welcome to join them when you feel they've had enough!"

I admit I was curious about the opening dance number; it was the one detail I hadn't overheard. I was surprised to hear piano coming from the speakers, followed by a deep voice…

"I'm making this one special evening… Taking a chance in my life…"

"Michael Bublé," Nessie leaned in to whisper. "Love At First Sight."

"Hoping you feel the same way as I do tonight…"

I took her arm and stood up edging closer to the dance floor. Something else besides the song choice surprised me. Leah and Kaleb were dancing like they fell out of Dancing With The Stars or something. No, they were dancing better than those people; those people stumbled.

"Oh, just try… and look into my eyes…"

Leah and Kaleb glided around the dance floor effortlessly. With complex moves that matched the music; slowing down and speeding up as the piano and saxophone demanded. He held her so close you would have thought it was impossible for them to not misstep on the other's toes.

"Don't be scared… of what you might see there…"

"Mmmf…" I looked over at Embry who was eating… Mini-Kaleb?

"Embry, is that part of the centerpiece?" I asked.

"Yup, the baker made it out of sugar," he said though a mouthful of waxy, sugary, groom doll. "Need a hand?" He asked plucking an arm off and offering it to me.

I wrinkled my nose in distaste and he popped it in his own mouth.

"The first time… I saw you…I knew love at first sight must be true… so true... Oh so true…"

"Embry, be honest," I asked turning back to the spectacle on the dance floor. "Am I the only one in the family who can't dance?"

"Nah," he said, nodding toward my dad. "Billy can't dance. Of course he does have a reason…"

"And now… I just have to explain… why I feel this way…"

"Will the parents get out to the dance floor?" boomed Emmett.

Nessie giggled. "I think Emmett's found his calling."

"I feel joy, I feel pain…"

Kaleb's parents, Gale and Dahlia, drifted out, looking a bit nervous. In hindsight, they had a right to be; they were expected to accept vampires as in-laws after spending so many years hating the enemy species… And considering they hadn't been given much time to accept the new arrangements they were handling things pretty well. Sue had to drag Charlie out; he wasn't much for dancing, but he couldn't say no to her.

"You're in my heart… and it's tearing me apart…"

A few more couples drifted out on to the floor, dancing respectfully around the outer fringes of the moment. I didn't blame them for being hesitant; for all the people in the room not one person missed the way Kaleb held Leah or the way she looked at him. It felt like we were witnessing some half-forbidden intimacy best left behind closed doors for their knowledge only.

"…'Cause I love you…I love you… I love you…" As Michael Bublé crooned his last endearment, Nessie squeezed my arm.

I wasn't sure who pulled who out onto the dance floor; but I was suddenly very aware of her warm body in my arms.

So this is why chicks like weddings… Romance is contagious.

Nessie projected a memory; the last sentence of the song played back for me to re-experience. "…'Cause I love you…I love you… I love you…" She also showed me how I looked tonight; in her eyes at the very least.

I saw myself standing tall and strong in a frost colored suit, smiling down at a nervous little girl and leading her down the aisle. I saw myself standing nervously at the head of the room, reciting a heartfelt speech, that she had unsuccessfully tried to sabotage. I saw myself moving confidently across a crowded dance floor, holding my love safely, securely in my arms, staring at her as if she were the only important thing in the world… And let's face it, to me, Nessie was the only important thing in my world.

Most importantly, as I danced with Renesmee, I saw myself loved.

There are extras on my blog.


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