AN: Another piece for Annabeth inspired by a picture on Deviantart. Very short.

Here is the link: .com/?qh=§ion=&global=1&q=Percy+Annabeth+Spiders#/d25a0r3

Enjoy this, as I have! 3

Annabeth was a pretty tough cookie as was observed by anyone who knew her longer than a day. She was intelligent, and charming. Sarcastic, but caring. She ran into battle, with bravery that rivaled a grown man. But no one could figure out why today she seemed extremely jumpy. She twitched with agitation, and Percy had long given up trying to have a spar with her.

"Wise Girl what's wrong?" Percy asked, getting seriously concerned for his good friend. It was after they'd both held up the sky, so they had matching streaks of gray in their hair.

"What? I'm fine Seaweed Brain. You know what, though. I'm kind bushed I'll just go take a walk or something? You wanna come with?" she asked. To passerby this was normal they were always talking to each other and were everywhere together. Though around the camp, children of Athena were jumping, and a few of the younger ones crying. Percy didn't notice and paid attention to the child of Athena that mattered most to him. Suddenly though, she let out a cry and leaped away backing into Percy who was several paces behind her.

"Annabeth! What's wrong?" he asked alarmed. He didn't notice any kind of master, and he was confused. It brought up a memory though, it was vague, and he couldn't think of it.

"S-s-sp-spider!" she moaned backing away. He nearly smacked himself! Of course! Spiders! How could he have forgotten? He looked down and frowned. It was a big spider. Even someone who wasn't remotely afraid, like him, would be disturbed. It was as big as his palm, after all, and it was scuttling in the most frightening way moving closer to Annabeth. He could understand why Annabeth would be so afraid since they were her greatest fear.

"Annabeth, take a deep breath. Step closer to me alright?" he told her making his voice soothing. She glanced up at him and her eyes made her look insane.

"Why? Why would I go to you? You're right next to it! You come over here!" she wailed dancing on her tiptoes to keep the little monsters away from her. He turned toward the monster. He heard her moving around, not daring to move away from her savior. He moved toward the spider forcing it to back away or be crushed.

"Annabeth, look, it's gone, see? Come see for yourself." He'd barely turned when she screamed and leapt onto his back, her screams getting louder.

"Percy! There's another, and it touched me!" she cried moving around and trying to get higher on his back. He grunted when her foot hit his rib.

"Annabeth, calm down-" She wailed again, this time she grabbed onto his hair.

"Perseus Jackson, don't you dare tell me to calm down! There are three of them!" she screamed maneuvering, until she was awkwardly perched on his shoulders like a deranged owl. The thought made Percy smile a little.

"Annabeth, could you please get down?"

"No!" she yelled. She gripped his hair. "Carry me back to my cabin, no not there! They'll have already gone there." she murmured. Percy had to admit that Annabeth was lighter than the sky, but he was no Hercules. He couldn't carry her like this for long.

"Look, Just climb down so I can carry you better, or you'll fall." he negotiated. She debated it silently, and scrambled own to his arms, and she was tense, as he held her on his back. She was nearly strangling him to be honest. He carried her all the way to the Big House, and passed by other Children of Athena who were falling apart similarly to Annabeth. He even saw one girl who seemed to be pulling her hair out. He came across Chiron who was smiling very faintly.

"Ah, I see the spiders are making a mass visit." he said good-naturedly. Percy only nodded.

"Yeah, she's been like this for about ten minutes now." Percy explained. She'd been murmuring prayers the entire time they'd been walking. He couldn't understand why she was so scared now. He remembered those big metal spiders they'd encountered. Maybe it was the fact that these were real, and that she wasn't expecting much danger here.

"Percy. Are they gone?" she whimpered. Percy shrugged though covered it up.

"Yep, all gone. We killed all of them. They won't be coming anytime soon." he said cheerfully. She eyes him and stepped own. She stared at the ground before she blushed crimson.

"Right," she coughed. "Thanks Percy. I'll uh, go draw blueprints now." she said frantically moving toward her cabin. Percy let out a breath and turned to Chiron and began to walk towards his own cabin. However he got about three paces before Annabeth screamed once more.

"Ahhhh! No, please! Peeerrrrrccyyyyy!" she wailed, he could hear vague tears in her voice. He jogged back to her and sighed. She was surrounded by tiny spiders, though they seemed to be growing bigger. When he was close enough she jumped into his arms and he grunted from the impact. He was now carrying her bridal style and glanced around. He was hoping none of the children of Athena would see the army of eight-legged creatures. No such luck. It was pandemonium. He carried her away and she turned and looked at the spiders.

"Sp-spiders!" she whimpered. Percy smiled. She was kind of adorable.

"Yes, Annabeth, spiders." the day dragged on much like that, and Percy was surprised to find that he couldn't complain.