A/N: Hey TT fans. :) I'm sorry about not writing a TT fic in a while, and actually, I've been so busy that I haven't been able to write much of anything. But I'll try to get back on that.

This is a little different than my usual TT things, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.


Little Guy collapsed into his office chair and sighed. He and Dr. Kimishima had just come back from a crime scene—that just so happened to be on a beach. It had been windy as they inspected the scene, causing evidence to fly every which way, and Little Guy's face burned red with embarrassment when Dr. Kimishima ordered him to go fetch it.

Just thinking about it again made his cheeks flush.

As he and Dr. Kimishima crouched next to each other, dropping things into evidence bags, the wind drifted past them, Dr. Kimishima's cherry blossom perfume wafting up his nose and making him slightly lightheaded. Her hair blew across her face and made her scowl, handing Little Guy her notes so that she could tie up her hair properly. He watched her out of the corner of his eye—the way her delicate hands swiped up pieces of her beautiful silvery hair and pinned them back, the way the wrinkles in her shirt disappeared when she moved, the way her piercing blue eyes continued to scan the evidence as she fixed her hair—Little Guy couldn't help but stare.

"Agent," she said softly, dropping her arms to her sides once her hair was no longer interfering with her work. The FBI agent's heartbeat spiked—had she noticed him staring at her?

"Yes Doctor," he answered hesitantly, his eyes slowly moving up to meet hers.

"Please don't forget to send these to the lab once we get back." She stood up and dusted small bits of sand from her slacks. Little Guy swallowed hard and let out a soft sigh of relief.

"Of course Doctor."

Little Guy ran a hand through his messy blonde locks, his hand getting caught in the snarls. He scowled and reached his other hand to his hair to attempt to untangle his other.

"Need some help Little Guy?" He jumped, startled, when he heard Dr. Kimishima's voice behind him. With a smile on her face, though Little Guy couldn't see it, she began to unknot his fingers from his hair. The FBI agent let his free hand drop as he allowed his boss to help.

As soon as Little Guy had been appointed as Dr. Kimishima's liaison, he felt something was different. During his Delphi days, he was the boss, and she was the one following his orders. She was just 'that doctor' that always followed him around, and nothing more.

Now things were different.

Every time he was around her, his heart would pound in his chest so hard, he thought that it might break right through his rib cage. His palms would get sweaty, he would stutter slightly, and he nearly passed out when he caught the wonderful scent of her cherry blossom perfume.

And more than anything, he wanted to tell her how he felt. He wanted to be able to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her close and press his lips to hers—he wanted to show her how much he loved her.

Unfortunately, his nerves would never allow him to do that.

"What did you do Agent? Put glue in your hair?" She chuckled quietly to herself and his cheeks tinted pink.

"N-no, of course not." He winced slightly as she tugged on his blonde locks a bit harder, murmuring an apology afterwards. After another five minutes, she finally got his hand dislodged from his hair and he breathed a sigh of relief—his arm was starting to get sore.

"You're welcome Little Guy." He turned in his chair to face Dr. Kimishima, who was sitting on the small couch in his office, her legs crossed and a slight smile on her face.

"Thank you," he muttered, his eyes flickering up to meet hers. She gave him a small nod in return and the room fell into silence once again. Unable to continue looking at the beautiful woman in front of him without doing something stupid, Little Guy's eyes dropped to his lap, his lips pressed tightly together. He could feel Dr. Kimishima's steady gaze on him, and he willed his cheeks not to heat up.

"Did you send the evidence to the lab?" Her voice filled the room and he looked up at her, an eyebrow raised.

"Hm? Oh, yes. I did." She stood up and walked over to him, leaning down and kissing his cheek, her lips lingering close to his ear.

"Thank you," she murmured, her warm breath on his neck. Little Guy swallowed hard and nodded, afraid of what he might say if he spoke. Dr. Kimishima straightened up and headed for the door, her liaison's eyes watching her all the while.

"Oh, and one more thing Little Guy." She stopped in the doorway, leaning against the frame, her head resting against it.


"Alyssa wants you to come over this evening. She wants you to be there for our Friday movie night." Little Guy blinked a few times, his eyebrows pinned together. Was he imagining this? "You will be there, won't you?" He looked up at his boss, his hands shaking in his lap, and nodded, a goofy grin slowly spreading across his face. Dr. Kimishima smiled softly back at him, her normally piercing blue eyes calm and gentle.

"Seven pm sharp. And Alyssa likes Skittles as her movie snack." And with that, she turned on her heel and walked down the hall, leaving Little Guy alone once again. He breathed out a sigh and held up his shaking hands, staring at them.

Damn his nerves.

Leave me a review letting me know what you think. Also, I may write a few more chapters if you guys want. :)