A/N: Hey guys! Back again! I apologize for the long break in my postings. I've been very busy with school, college applications, and National Novel Writing Month. I'll try to write a little bit more, but I can't guarantee anything.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this!


Chapter 2

Little Guy stood in front of the shelves of multi-flavored and multi-colored candies, his eyes slightly narrowed and his eyebrows pinned together as he browsed them. Dr. Kimishima said that Alyssa like Skittles for her movie snack, but he couldn't show up without something for Dr. Kimishima as well.

Was she more of a chocolate candy or fruity candy person? His eyes settled on a pack of Starbursts and he tried to imagine her eating some of those.

No, definitely not. Chocolate it was. His eyes moved over to the shelf section with the chocolate, and again, he was faced with a decision. Milk chocolate? Dark chocolate? Chewy chocolate? White chocolate? Chocolate with peanut butter? He had never realized how difficult buying candy could get.

Little Guy ended up deciding on the dark chocolate—it seemed to fit her personality the best. Little Guy made his way towards the front of the grocery store, running into someone as he examined the nutritional facts on the back of the candies.

"Oh, sorry." He apologized, looking up at the person he had just bumped into—who happened to be Gabe.

"Well, what do you know?" Gabe commented with an eyebrow arched. "It's FBI guy. What are you doing here?" Little Guy held up the candy.

"Just…ah, satisfying my sweet tooth." Gabe eyed the movie box of Skittles and king sized bar of dark Hershey's chocolate.

"I never took you for a dark chocolate kind of guy."

"Learn something new every day, huh?" Little Guy gave him a small smile, but Gabe continued to look at him suspiciously. The FBI Agent was pretty sure that Gabe knew about his 'thing' for Dr. Kimishima—which is why he didn't tell him that he was having a movie 'date' with her and Alyssa. Gabe would never let him hear the end of it.

"What are you up to?" Little Guy asked, turning the attention away from himself.

"Smokes." Gabe answered simply as the two made their way up to an empty check-out line.

"Ah." Little Guy watched as Gabe pointed to a box of Camel's and pulled some bills out of his wallet, handing them to the cashier. The man behind the counter handed him his box of cigarettes and nodded a thanks, turning back to Little Guy.

"Well, enjoy your…candy."

"Uh…thanks." Gabe mumbled a half-hearted goodbye and the FBI Agent's eyes followed him as he left the store. He handed the candy to the cashier, tugging his leather wallet from his pocket.

Well, at least he hadn't run into Dr. Kimishima.

Little Guy rang the doorbell to Dr. Kimishima's house with the Skittles and Hershey bar clenched tightly between his partially frostbitten fingers. He heard Alyssa's excited voice on the other end and the door swung open, Alyssa immediately bounding forward and enveloping Little Guy in a hug.

"Little Guy!" She squealed happily, her cheek pressed to his clothed abs.

"Hi Alyssa." He hugged her back, laughing. "Where's Doctor…" He trailed off when he glanced up and Dr. Kimishima came into view. He had never seen her in anything but her usual work attire, so when she stood in the doorway wearing dark skinny jeans(which flattered her curves very nicely) and a tight, white partial sleeved shirt, he didn't know what to say.

"Um, hello Dr. Kimishima." He said after clearing his throat. Alyssa finally released him and tugged him inside, leaning all her weight against the front door to close it. He finally pulled his eyes away from his boss and knelt down to Alyssa's level. "I brought you something," he said, holding out the box of candy.
"Oo!" Alyssa cried, her eyes wide. "My favorite! Thank you!" She threw her arms around Little Guy's neck, hugging him, before taking the candy from his hands. "Hurry, the movie's about to start." And with that, she disappeared into the living room.

Little Guy stood up and smiled at Dr. Kimishima. "I also brought you something." He handed her the dark chocolate bar and she took it, a warm smile on her face.

"Thank you Agent. How did you know this was my favorite?" Little Guy shrugged, his hands shoved deep into his pockets.

"Lucky guess."

"Come on," she said, tapping his upper arm with the chocolate bar. "Alyssa picked The Incredibles and she'll rewind back to the very beginning if we miss one part."

Little Guy wasn't paying attention to most of the movie to be honest. Nearly the entire time, he was trying to gather the courage to tell Dr. Kimishima how he felt. And of course, thinking about this made him nervous, and his palms started to sweat—wiping them on his pants did him no good.

When the family entered action mode and the screen faded to black, names beginning to scroll across the screen, the FBI Agent decided that he would do it.

"I like you Dr. Kimishima." He blurted, his cheeks tinting pink. He directed his eyes to his shaking hands in his lap as he continued. "I don't know exactly when I started to have feelings for you, but you're an amazing woman. You're beautiful, smart, and you know how to take charge. And I…I just want to know if the way I'm feeling is mutual." He took a deep breath and exhaled, closing his eyes and waiting for her response. After a few moments, she still hadn't responded.

"Dr. Kimishima?" He looked over at her, and his mouth fell open a bit, his lips curling into a smile. Both Alyssa and Dr. Kimishima had fallen asleep, the older woman's arms wrapped around the eight year old who was sitting in her lap. Alyssa was leaned back against her adoptive mother's chest, and Dr. Kimishima's head was resting on her own shoulder.

Little Guy got up as quietly as he could and turned off the television, making his way over to the coat closet near the door, where he had seen a blanket stored at the top when he hung his coat up. Shaking it out, he draped it over the two sleeping females and smiled softly to himself. He left the living room again and as soon as he reached the front door, his legs gave out on him and he collapsed to the floor, his nerves finally catching up. He ran his shaking hands through his hair and tugged at the roots.

Maybe he was better off just keeping his feelings to himself.

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