wow. just... wow. i know i was all super pumped and shit over the summer... and so i wrote like three chapter and i was all like 'yeah, i can do this!' and what not...

but then something really bad happened to my poor baby cherry and i had to delete aallll of my stories... including what i just wrote...

and so thats what happened. i couldnt bring myself to rewrite it because i loved the original sooooo much DD':

but if its any consultation, i actually like this version better :33

in case you were wondering, yes. this chapter does make more sense with some background knowledge on the song len wrote. you should probably listen to it while you read. it really does help, i prooomise :33 btw i just now figured out that i cant make hearts. and i keep on forgetting and making them anyway... or maybe now i can...


i guess well see XP

vocaloids not mine, the sky is blue, fanfiction is for FANS, edward elric is super awesome, and reviewing fanfictions makes everybody happier :DD

Len breathed hard, a huge smile on his face despite the sweat clinging to his skin. The zone he had finally melted into broke the moment World is Mine ended... and the realization settled in. He gulped hard and shared a nervous glance with Miku.

He had to hand it to her for being able to stand up there and sing to so... sooooo... many people... So... many... Ohgodandnowhewasthinkingaboutit-

"Thank-you, that was World is Mine!" Miku called out, her smile on full blast. "And now we have a most specialful song, created by this little mastermind over here, Len Kagamine!"

When the crowd turned to the blonde and began cheering, it took all of his energy to grin, wave, and not run away screaming.

"Please listen, to Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder."

Then Miku began.

'A purple butterfly on your right shoulder,
We kissed in the corner of that room.
I learned what it's like to feel heart broken,
An echoing piano...'

Len licked his lips and met Miku's encouraging eyes before leaning into the microphone and blessing the entire auditorium with his voice.

'Spins inside my head!'

The blonde pressed in further, his eyes folding blissfully closed on the audience and into the world of the music he created, his voice slipping and skipping beautifully up the scales. As he reached up into a near scream, he could feel only the perfection in the harmony as his voice mixed with Miku's, not the awed gazes of his classmates and family.

His eyes snapped open to the lights before he dug into the chorus.

'A purple butterfly on your right shoulder,
We kissed in the corner of that room!
I learned what it's like to feel heart broken,
And echoing piano spins inside my head!'

'If I'm having a bad dream, then hurry and wake me up.
What happens at the beginning are trivial, right?
Even if you ask me what feels right, I won't be able to answer.
I've lost my way because the beautiful night deluded me.'

The blonde stepped back a bit and let Miku dominate the next line, not daring to look into the crowd.

'My lashes longer, eyes curved with liner, I wear a glossed lip!'

With a nervous smile and a simple prayer, Len meshed their voices again.

'A purple butterfly on your right shoulder,
We kissed in the corner of that room!
I learned what it's like to feel heart broken,
And echoing piano spins inside my head!'

Len and Miku pulled back for a small break in the music, both gasping for breath, and let the music wash over them. The bassist lifted his head, eyes clouded with worry and heart beating fast, and looked out into the audience for the first time.

And he felt he world sway.

The bright lights and pounding beat may have had an affect on the smiling faces, cheering lips, waving hands, and swaying hips, but there was not. One. Way. That Len could have mistaken the tears in his mother's eyes. His felt his heart slow down then crush, only to bounce back again at full speed.

Because his disturbed mother was crying with joy. His erotic boyfriend was smiling so hard it looked painful. His beloved sister was laughing and gasping at the same time. His close friend was closing her eyes and playing his very own creation. His partner in voice was dancing and blowing kisses to the crowd.

And what was he doing?


Before he even knew what was happening, Len had opened his mouth and started spewing random notes off the top of his head. Miku turned to look at him like he was crazy, but all super-high Len did was wink and beckon her to join him. A grin broke out on her face just seconds before she turned back to the microphone.

Len decided that he was going to write in their little duet later.

But then the sounds of a piano startled him out of his thoughts and made both the singers spin around with surprise. Luka stood there, calm as could be, with a blissful smile on her face and closed eyes. Her fingers flitted across the keys into an upbeat melody that trilled and swayed through Len's bass line. The audience ate it up, and Len couldn't have been more delighted.

Miku took Luka's solo as motivation and jumped onto the mic with a series of high, clear notes that accented both the new piano melody and the chorus. Meanwhile the twins were about to burst from excitement and pride.

While Len took a note to add this in later as well, he joined Miku in a lower chord until the original lyrics came back.

'When I got wet in the rain, my hair looked almost frozen.
I vented my loneliness into the toilet bowl,
I'm shivering, and cold, and I'm waiting for you.'

A content smile spread across Len's face as he broke into his next, favorite verse and the harmony warmed his frayed nerves.

'If I chase you then turn away, what I really want is for you to follow.
I'm serious, so if you think that I'm joking, you'll be hurt,

Instead of letting Miku take over the next line like before, Len decided on the spur of the moment to add in the background a small string of high notes.

'My nails painted red, a cheap ring on my finger,'

Miku turned and gave Len a bright smile as they both snag, showing her appreciation to his add on.

'When I'm hurt, I buy new earrings.'

Len took a deep breath, ready to conquer the bridge.

'Hold me, I have an empty body,
The only one who can fill it is you.
Isn't it you? I've known it from the start...'

Aquamarine eyes met dark cobalt and Len felt a spark of temptation pass from the audience and up his spine. He licked his lips and sent a suggestive tilt of the head towards Kaito's direction, and if the blush on his face was any clue, Len knew he'd hit the mark.

'I can't control myself anymore!'

'I'm filled with so much regret I could die,
I have just as much regrets as pleasure.
I'm going insane, stop me please,
Together now, let's end this!'

The last piano note hit and the band heaved a huge breath, their faces bright and eyes wide. They turned to each other with a blissful sense of accomplishment, the sounds of the crowd washing over them...


Miku's head snapped up, confused, and let out an almost hysterical laugh that ended in a pant. Len shook his head and was about to tell Rin to start up Love Words before he heard the voice again, only with more people.

He turned, along with Miku and Luka, to stare open-mouthed into the audience.

"Encore! Encore! Encore!"

A small breath of air caught in his chest, and Len felt the sudden need to go hug someone. Preferably Kaito. He laughed out loud for a few minutes, freely incredulous at the idea, however loved it made him feel, before the sound of drums made him nearly trip over himself.

In the process of turning around to investigate Rin's sanity, the piano melody from the break caught him off guard.

Slowly, slowlyslowly but surely, Len could feel a smile creeping onto his face and the music pumping in his veins before he snapped to his senses, realized that he was supposed to sing very soon-

And he didn't remember the lyrics.


So in the excitement, the confusion, the exhaustion and the long lost feeling of fulfilling ease, words from year before, memories really, were brought back to the surface of his mind.

The memories of that night.

'Was what leaked out the wound love or...?'

Was this why he was here? No. He was here to end this. To stop it stopitstopitstopit stop it now. Was what leaked from his wound love? Or hate? For whom? Himself? He decided he'd figure that out at the bottom...

Len could see out of the corner of his eyes that Miku was confused at his sudden change in lyrics, but by this point, Len couldn't stop. The words kept tumbling from his mouth, as if they were the lyrics that really were made for the song.

'I'm so filled with reject that I want to die.'

Because right now all he wanted was for this to end. For it all to just be done with. He'd been turned away his whole life. So filled with reject that he wanted to die. So he placed his hands on the railing, and contemplated his last efforts with a detached indifference...

The audience was oblivious, soaking in Len's voice without listening to the words. Even though he was there, and even though he could physically feel the cotton rubbing on his neck, the sweat staining his back, and the heat of the lights, he was still mentally trapped inside the cold.

'I only get pain from pleasure.'

He had tried so hard to make more, new connections. New friends. But it had backfired. He learned that you could only get pain from pleasure, and never the other way around. Pain just fucking hurt. So he was ending the agony, right here...

And he could feel the gazes of the crowd, could register and recognize his fingers on his beautiful bass. Yet somehow, in the back of his mind, the memories and feelings still lingered.

'It's spinning out of control,'

He was lost in so many ways.

He was stuck in between both worlds, aware of the present and the past at the same time but being unable to change anything. But then he supposed that's how it would have to be, an insane train with no tracks, no driver, and no way of stopping.

'Just make it stop,'

This was all he could take.

He absentmindedly decided that he would board the train anyway, because the other passengers were worth the risk. And he was stronger than before. The lyrics were already coming back, as did the calm.

'Before I really do break!'




A few breaths in, a few out... he figured he could do it if he tried.

okay, so, it ended up being just a bit more angsty than i planned. oh well :33 (it was worse the first time i uploaded it, then i went back and fixed some shit. it was too angsty for poor little lenny)

if you didnt really get the last bit, the bold italics are the song lyrics, normal italics are the flashbacks/memory shit, and the normal text is present. all good? good.

SO! we finally got to find out what song len wrooottee! whoop-de-fucking-doo!

i bet you all already knew, didnt you? sigh. it's still a good song, even if i didnt surprise you :33

well, thats all for right now, so...