Alas we have reached the end, but what a story it has been, I would like to thank all of you guys that have reviewed, alerted and favorited this story. I have to say that when it started, I did not know if anyone would like it, but I was happy that so many did.

Thank you once more and I hope you enjoy the ending. Now maybe with this plot bunny getting put back in his cage, I can finally finish with my other stories.

The Parent Trap

Dean walked to his daughter's room; it was early morning, and Melissa's first day of high school. Knocking on the door, he heard a rustling coming from inside.

"I'm coming daddy, be there in a sec." Melissa's voice came threw the door. Dean smiled and walked on. He walked on to another room, it was next to Melissa's and he knocked on it. Hearing a thump hit the floor, he walked in, Marissa was standing up with a look of confusion on her face.

"Sweetie what was that?" Marissa looked up at the sound of her father's voice; Dean could tell she was still half asleep so he let it go. "Hurry up sweetie, your breakfast is getting cold." Marissa nodded walking into her bathroom. Dean smiled again and closed the door.

They both arrived at the table at the same time, Marissa sat down beside in front of her toast, Melissa sitting down in front of her cereal, Dean stood looking at both of them with a cup of coffee in his hands.

His girls.

"There here," came the voice of his love as Castiel walked into the kitchen, placing a kiss on both of his daughter's heads. He saw Dean standing at the counter and he went over to him, giving him a kiss and stealing his coffee at the same time. He walked back out telling his girls to hurry the hell up, so they could greet his brothers.

"Oh goodie, we have returned." Raphael's voice said as he got out of the car. Michael snorted as he also got out. Balthazar was the next to get out with a small scowl on his face. Gabriel bounced out along side him with a big smile on his.

"Castiel, has gone to the horses again, we have failed as brothers, I personally blame Gabriel for this." Balthazar said as all of the brothers looked at Gabriel.

"Now boys, be calm, we are here to celebrate, not to pass judgment." Joseph said as he walked past all his boys, his wife Anna beside him.

They all were walking up the walkway as Castiel walked out the door. Dean stood behind him as the girls ran outside to greet their uncles.

"Mom, wow you could make it, Dad wasn't sure you could." Castiel said as he hugged his mother.

"And miss my precious grandchildren, never," Anna smiled as she hugged each of the girls.

It had taken Cas and Dean a couple of months to undo the damage that Adam had done. Castiel had taken Marissa back to New York, but only to give notice to the hospital and to pack up, as he and Dean wanted to try all over again, they had twelve years to make up for.

And while Cas was in New York, Dean had managed to track down Lisa, and then he found out that nothing really happened as he had been too drunk to actually have intercourse with her. The baby was never his, he had almost felt sad about that, but then decided that it was probably be for the best.

And to say that Castiel was relieved about that was an understatement of a life time; he almost made another trip to California, just to celebrate it with Dean.

Raphael and Michael had told him that they would personally see to it that Adam would never bother them again, but Castiel had just smiled and told them to leave him alone.

It was difficult at first, what with the twins, the courts had reinstalled all parental rights to both of them, Dean was officially Marissa's father again and the same to Castiel with Melissa.

Sam had moved out, getting himself a small house close, he still worked on the ranch, but he had decided that since he had moved in with Dean in the first place all those years ago was to help with Melissa, but now that Castiel was back, Dean needed to tend to his family with out his help.

Gabriel had been over the moon and he had rejoiced with his father for the trap that Joseph had set for Castiel and Dean. Although, Joseph had said that the plan was to only get Melissa and Marissa back together, he was still pleased to have his youngest son, happy once more.

Gabriel walked up to Cas and placed his arm around his shoulder. "So bro, when's the wedding," he smiled as Cas looked over at Dean. "Cause I personally want to party and if memory serves, the last one you guys had, was awesome." Castiel shoved Gabriel off him with a smile as he walked over to Dean.

"I think we need just a little bit longer, and besides, I think we need several more dates." Cas said as Dean kissed him…

"Ew daddy, not in front of the children." Marissa said with a smile. Melissa looked over at her with her own smile.

In the end, the girls didn't need to plot at all, they just had to sit back and watch…

The End…