Author Note: Orignally written for a prompt at comment_fic on livejournal, which was the first line.

The Most Dangerous

"Can someone explain to me why I walked in on an argument about dinosaurs?"

Castle, Ryan, and Esposito all look up at once, guilty expressions across the board, like a bunch of little boys getting caught by a teacher. She'd never tell them, but Beckett loves that she has that effect on them. Those times when it seems like no one on her team are paying any attention to the fact that she's iin charge, damn it/i then it's always nice to remember that she can reduce them to this.

They recover fast though. Never let it be said she has a team of complete idiots. Well, except for Castle. Maybe.

"It's evidence," says Ryan, handing her a slim pile of glossy photographs.

"We think Eriks got stabbed in the eye." Esposito straightens up from leaning against the desk, backing Ryan up with body language as well as words.

Beckett remains skeptical.

"You think someone stabbed Eriks in the eye with a plastic toy dinosaur?"

"Blood on the tail matches the victim," says Ryan.

"Lanie says it fits," adds Esposito. "Weapon of opportunity?"

"Which suggests this wasn't premeditated after all." Beckett places the photographs on top of the pile of folders and paperwork building up on her desk. "Where does that leave us?"

Castle raises his hand.

Not that he waits for her permission or anything before saying, "Arguing about which dinosaur is the most dangerous of them all."

"They're extinct," says Beckett.

Castle picks up the topmost photograph –showing a dark green dinosaur lying halfway under a sofa with it's blooded tail staining the white carpet – and holds it up in front of his chest.

"Yet still deadly."