Chapter 14 - Sandman has Good Advice

"So... Where are we going?"

"Just get in the car." Neji ordered, pressing the button to unlock all the doors.

Kiba sighed, but got into the car.

They backed out of the driveway and slowly began their drive to... Wherever it was they were going.

"Now can I ask?" Kiba said, now that they were on the road all they had to do was talk.

"Sakura stood him up, but I have a feeling that wasn't a choice she made on her own. I honestly believe that she said yes to go out with him because she wanted to. Or that she was getting annoyed of his constant asking, and she may have even found his determination endearing. Whatever. But she had all intentions of being there, I think."

"I know what you mean. He's been asking her out for years, and we all know that he wouldn't be so pushy after the first date. He just wanted a chance and maybe she did plan on giving it to him. But who had her stand him up? The Bitch Club?"

"That's what I think, but it really could be anyone. Who knows... It could have been Hidan and his asshole friends, or Ino, although I thought she was better than that. Maybe one of her other friends. I don't know, Kiba, there's just no way to be sure."

"Okay, so what are we going to do? Egg her house for being a controlable bitch?" Kiba was sarcastic, although the idea was entertaining.

"I will get her back. I'll get them all back for what they've done to us."

"Not this again!" Kiba said, completely exasperated, "If we get back at them, it'll just make things worse. I thought we wanted things to be better this year."

"We do! And it'll only be better once they stop."


"I thought you'd be on my side for this."


The car was parked, and Kiba looked around, realizing where they were, but not knowing why. They were at the elementary school, in the teacher's parking lot. No one else in sight.

"I'm going to go get some help, you can come if you want, but you can also stay here if you'd prefer. I had you come with me because I thought you'd understand."

"I do, I get it. I want revenge as much as you do, but are you sure this is the right thing to do?"

"The right thing? Maybe not. But it's the only choice we have. I don't want to spend the rest of my High School years being the victim. I'm through with that. It's time to get even. Are you with me?"

"I..." Kiba grinned brightly, "I'm in. But no going overboard."

"No going overboard." Neji agreed.

He stepped out of the car, signaling Kiba to do the same. He started walking towards the school park, and Kiba followed right after him, still not knowing completely why they were there.

"Why are we here?"

"When I do something, I do it right. We're going to get help from the best."

"You... Of course. I should have known! You never work half-assed do you?"

"Never." Neji said with a smirk.

Who was the best? Well, he's the one who added... something to the school's coffee, causing all the teachers to act differently when one of said teachers told him to be more friendly. He changed all of the boys and girls signs on the washrooms after a student said he was lacking a certain southern body part. He also somehow superglued the two guys who'd had the guts to mock him to their desks.

That one was priceless.

This kid was never suspended, because there was never any evidence that he was the one doing the pranks. It helped that most of the students were afraid of him and would never tell a teacher on him.

Of course Neji would want him to help them get back at the jerks at their school.

Kiba had never talked to him personally, always being (secretly) afraid of him. Although he, and everyone else, were aware of the fact that he did nothing to those who did nothing to him. Naruto insisted he was nice, Lee as well, Neji was okay with him, but of them all, Haku had the most issues accepting him.

Haku was accepting of most people, but the way the boy could seek revenge without thinking twice about it? Haku was iffy about it. He tried to learn to like him, spoke to him on several occasions, but he simply... Couldn't. But that didn't mean he wasn't always nice and polite to him.

There was a rumour that went around the school, one rumour that was actually true, about how he would spend his nights at the elementary school, playing in the children's sandbox.

It was strange, but people didn't talk about it as much as one would suspect. Those who said anything? Well, they were the two boys superglued to their desks.

"Have you ever come here to see him?" Kiba asked his friend.

Neji shook his head, "No. But we... Get along, so I think he'll listen to what I have to say."

"Oh..." Kiba kinda wished he'd stayed in the car. It would be a hell of a lot less scary in there, "So, do you know why he comes here?"

"No, but Kankuro once told me that he has insomnia, so with nothing else to do at night..." Neji shrugged, not really thinking much about it. It was none of his business.

"I s'pose." As they got close enough to the large sandbox to make out a shape, Kiba leaned close to his friend and whispered to him, "You say you get along, right?"

Neji rolled his eyes, "Yes. Now would you stop being such a chicken?"

"Tch. I'm not afraid." Kiba said indignantly.

They were next to the sandbox at this point. The short redhead inside may or may not have noticed them yet, not paying them any attention. Neji knelt down in the grass right next to the wooden post keeping the sand in and kept quiet for a long moment. Once sure that the boy wasn't upset or angered by their presence, he spoke.

"Hey, Gaara."

"Hello, Neji." The voice was low and empty, like it always was. The redhead looked up, and added upon seeing the extra person, "Kiba."

"'Sup." He told himself right then that he wouldn't talk anymore.

"Speak or go away."

"You know what people say about me and my friends. What they do to us. It's time for us to get even. I'm not going to ask for your help, but I am going to ask for some advice. Gaara, you know what to do to get back at people, I -we- don't. Will you give me some tips?"

"I have never... Disliked you or your friends. But I have always been annoyed by your... Lack of action. Aren't you bothered by their constant teasing?"

"Yes, and I never did anything because my friends wouldn't let me. But things have gone too far and it'll go against their wishes, but I have to do something."

"Hm... I won't pretend to understand. I heard about what they did to you wednesday, Neji, and for that I understand why you want to get back at them now. I... Will tell you what you need to know."

"Thank you."

Gaara put down the sand he was playing with, and placed his hands on his lap, giving them his full attention, "When you want to get back at someone else, the best way, and I find the only way, to do that, is to play on their fears."

There was a long stretch of silence, before, "That's it?" Kiba went against his own 'no speaking' rule, because, really, that was no help at all! But looking at his friend, he saw that maybe it was some help...

"No... Kiba, that's so... Obvious! I'm not quite sure what to do yet, but I... I'll get there." Neji said, slowly turning towards his friend with a mischevious grin, "Thank you so much Gaara. We'll get out of your way. Have a good night." He stood up and Kiba slowly followed suit.

"Use the knowledge wisely, Neji."

"I will." He turned and walked away, his mind elsewhere.

"O-kay, well... See ya, Gaara."

"Goodnight, Kiba."

The redhead went back to playing in the sand.

AN: Hello! Here's the next update. It's late, I'm tired, so this will be short.

I'd like to thank itanejiluver and AUehara for reviewing! And yes, Itachi will have a reappearance!

Thank you for reading and reviewing!