All rights go to Richelle Mead. Do not own these characters.

Chapter 9: Moment Of Truth

Adrian POV:

I sighed walking out of the hospital and headed back to my car. I couldn't get over what had just happened. Out of all the people to be bonded with it had to be the one I could never fully get over of. I knew I couldn't let Rose die. She had just become a mother, and she couldn't just leave her daughter behind and me.

I tried my hardest not to get too overwhelm over these thoughts knowing if I did that Rose would feel them and probably start to feel horrible. I finally made it to my car when everything hit me all at once, leaving me dizzy as I sat down inside my car.

Would my drinking or smoking have affect on Rose? I sighed knowing I had only one person who would know the answer to that. With that said I started my car, and headed off to see Lissa.

Lissa POV:

"Stop pacing around Lissa! She is fine. You got the text from Adrian and he said she was doing fine and so was the baby." Christian said in a groan as I continued to pace around our bedroom.

I glared over at him. "How do you know she's fine! Adrian didn't even let me talk to her when she was awake! For all I know he just said that so I would not worry. Did you ever think of that!" I blinked in shock, hearing myself snap at Christian.

Christian stared at me in complete shock then shook his head. "Lissa, please just sit down and calm down. I'm more than positive that if something was wrong that Dimitri would call."

I nodded and was about to sit down on the bed next to him when I heard the doorbell. I ran as fast as I could and opened it, hoping it was not someone here to tell me bad news.

What I saw instead was Adrian looking so lost. I immediately jumped to conclusions and thought of the worst things that could have happened and started to cry. "Oh, God Adrian please tell me she's okay!" I cried.

Adrian pulled me into his arms and rubbed my back gently. "She's fine Lissa. Rose and the baby are perfectly fine like I told you." He kissed the top of my head.

I sighed in relief and began to wipe my face before Christian saw me upset and looked up at Adrian. "Then what's wrong Adrian?" I asked.

Adrian closed his eyes and took a deep breath before speaking again, but in a whisper. "I'm bonded to Rose. I used spirit to bring her back to life." He opened his eyes and waited for my response.

I blinked in shock and shook my head as I backed away from him. "No, no she couldn't have died! You said everything was fine, and that nothing went wrong! Why, did you lie to me Adrian!" I was furious for him lying to me, but more mad at myself for not going to the hospital myself and demanding to see Rose.

Adrian pinched the bridge of his nose between his forefinger and thumb, closing his eyes briefly. "I didn't want to worry you Lissa, and I didn't lie. I told you she was fine and it was the truth, well after I had brought her back and healed her." He sighed not looking at me.

I looked up quickly, hearing Christian call my name. I beckoned Adrian inside and told him to go take a seat while I went to tell Christian I needed a minute alone with Adrian. After I finished begging Christian to let me talk alone to Adrian after explaining the situation he finally agreed and let me go down into the living room where Adrian awaited.

I sat down beside him and took one of his hands in my own, squeezing down gently. "Adrian, I'm not mad for what you did. I'm just upset you didn't tell me the whole truth right away, but I can't be upset with you since you saved my best friend. You haven't had a bond with someone and believe me it is very difficult to deal with. You have to always stay in check of your feelings because if you over think something too much and get emotional over it your bond mate will feel it. At first it is going to be hard to control your feelings, but if you don't you risk the chance in having her really inside your head and seeing through your eyes when you least expect it. First things first is the drinking and smoking we have to talk about." I bit my lip waiting for his reaction to what I was about to say.

Adrian groaned and nodded. "That was the main thing I was worried about, and is why I had to rush over here to discuss this with you. It's going to affect her through our bond if I drink won't it?" He looked at me, and I saw a brief hope in his eyes that I would deny this fact we both knew was true.

I nodded and squeezed his hand again. "It's going to give her the side effects as if she were drinking. I'm sorry to say this Adrian, but you're going to need to cut off on it since now she's a mom and she needs to stay focused on taking care of her daughter." I felt terrible for Adrian, but no good deed is gone unpunished.

Adrian frowned, but didn't argue with me on this topic. "I better stop now then, and of course the smoking too. I don't suppose you figured out how to keep her out of your head before your bond with her ended?"He did his famous crooked smirk, and tried his best to play this off like it was nothing.

I laughed and shook my head at him. "Unfortunately no, I never got the hang of keeping her out. The only thing I can say is just try not to get to emotional over something. Um and when you're with a girl and you guys are going to you know…" I blushed having to say this. "Um don't be surprised if she accidently gets pulled into your head. That happened once when she was bonded to me, and let's just say it's haunted us both and especially Christian."

Adrian's jaw dropped, and eyes widened in complete shock. "Are you telling me that if I fuck someone she could actually get sucked into my head and witness this!"

I winced at his tone, but nodded biting my lip. "Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. I know this is all too much to take in, but I don't when the next time we are going to be able to talk since I'm an Aunt and all!" I smiled thinking of finally being an Aunt and how this little baby was a miracle.

Adrian POV:

I was still freaking out over everything Lissa had told me. I nicely told her I had something to take care of and she wished me luck and to come to her if I needed anything else. I simply nodded and hugged her then left to my apartment.

Once I arrived at my apartment I Adrian Ivashkov had to do the most horrific thing ever. I poured my entire liquor stash I kept in a cabinet down the sink. I had to stop cold turkey and knew this was the only way to do this. As for the smoking well I decided to take it easy and smoke at least twice a day then bring it down to one then of course later to none.

I sighed not knowing how to keep busy and decided to go back to painting. It was the one thing that let me escape this world and live through my crazy corrupted mind and put everything I felt down on canvas.

There you go guys another chapter for you! Hope you enjoyed it, and will be having another soon.
