Seras Victoria slipped some blood from a glass and tasted it. Group A, RH-. She flicked her tongue a few times, enjoying the sweetness of the liquid, which had only that group of blood, flavoured by the bitterness of a minus type.

Life is like blood. Basically sweet, but there is always a bitterness composed into the whole taste. Seras thought. And that's what gives life sense. Or not.

She swallowed some more blood and stood up from a red armchair. She left the glass on the nearest table, but with a second thought the vampire poured some more blood from a bottle and walked towards covered window with it . Her tiny fingers made a gap in the heavy curtains and Seras carefully glanced at the outside. Good, the sky was all dressed in clouds, not the dark rainy ones, but with a grey, uniform like mass.

Seras slid the curtains aside. Subdued light came into the room at the Hellsing manor and illuminated the cold vampire's skin. She tasted the blood once again, coming back to her previous thoughts. She lived through very bad moments in her life, but also there were some good parts. For example, the Captain's kiss...


A pain shot through her no-life heart, she skipped a breath, even though she didn't need to breathe. After almost 150 years since his death, the memory of Captain Bernadotte was still alive in Seras, much more alive then the rest of her. Everyone passed on. Everyone was gone. Her Master died along with Sir Integra, but it was acceptable for Seras. She understood, and somewhere deep in her heart she knew, that was the way they had been. Walter, even though he was her friend, died in the fight with Master Alucard.


His kiss, his grin, his braid, his blood, his perverted self – time had passed, but it was still fresh in Seras' mind. Like he had marked her in some way, so that she belonged to him forever.

But eternity meant a lot of time to vampires. Hardly something could ever cross it...


Suddenly, Seras heard a sound of breaking glass, somewhere on the first floor. She opened the window and took a deep breath. She smelled caoutchouc, soap and starch. Then she penetrated the whole territory of Hellsing, using all her senses, including the vampiric 'third eye'. The first thing, that caught Seras' attention was a commotion near an orphanage she founded within the grounds of the manor. Some shouts could be heard and she looked down to see what had happenned in the house.

Well, a broken window could be easily repaired. But it would be better to go to the orphanage and find the culprit.

She slowly put a jacket on and went out. Her high heels clicked on the wooden floor. The servants were called by that sound (Seras used to hate high heels as a human, but after inheriting the Hellsing organization she started to love them and now it was her sign of recognition) and a few maids appeared. They started to explain, that the children from the orphanage had broken a window in the dining room, and for sure they should be punished. The maids were about to send all the children to hell but Seras cut all curses by rising her hand. The servants got quiet and waited for an order.

-Enough. Go back to your work. I'll take a walk to the orphanage.