Edward and Bella visit Renee

Renee POV

Chapter 1

"Damn it, I'm late" I groaned as I waited impatiently in traffic. Bella and her boyfriend were staying in Jacksonville with me and Phil for the weekend and I am meant to pick them up at the airport in five minutes. It seemed as if the omens were not on sign as my small BMW drove painfully slow through the tedious ordeal of traffic. I let my mind wander to my daughter's boyfriend and hoped that this weekend I would find out more about the boy my daughter spoke so highly and fondly of.

The last time I saw him was in Phoenix, after Bella had fallen down a flight of stair. Immediately, I was struck when I saw his otherworldly beauty and the blinding amount of love that shone from his eyes as he gazed with undivided attention at Bella's unconscious form. Love that I thought no teenager would be able to hold. After I had calmed down my internal battle on whether it was endearing or a cause for concern I thought no more of the mysterious boy's behaviour could surprise me. Yet I was wrong. When I first spoke to him I noticed how he caressed my daughter's name whenever he spoke of her, how his eyes shone with agony when he relayed what had happened to Bella in more detail. But most of his maturity, he was old beyond his years. An old soul. Just like my Bella.

If I thought that was enough, I was even more shocked when Bella finally opened her eyes and gazed at him with the exact same emotion. They were in love, it was the most obvious thing in the world despite my daughter trying to reassure me that it's "just a crush," no doubt thinking I would have a panic attack if I knew the truth. Which admittedly, I was close to.

And then he left. I grimaced at the memory of my daughter's anguished face as she screamed her father and I after we tried to convince her to move to Florida with me. I remembered the countless times Charlie called me during those seven months, the repressed grief in his voice as he relayed to me that that was still no change. It broke my heart and the fact that Jacob Black healed her the tiniest bit only gave me the smallest amount of relief, I knew that she would never get over Edward, I'd seen the way she looked at him. It seemed as if Charlie knew it too as he told me that her night terrors continued. Every night I curled up with Phil in our bread and thought about how much I hated Edward Cullen, but at the same time praying he would come back for her. I had inkling there was more to the story than I knew. I'd seen the way he had gazed at my daughter and I doubted that he had got over my daughter so quickly. Besides its not his fault his family moved, he was still a minor and had to follow wherever his parents went.

When he came back I was shocked at how quickly the happiness sprung back in Bella's voice whenever we talked on the phone. It was even visible in her emails and that was when my hatred for Edward Cullen went. How could I hate something that made my baby girl so happy.

I sighed in relief as the traffic finally decreased and drove excitedly to the airport. There were three things on my agenda for the weekend. One, to spend some much needed quality time with Bella. Two, find out more about Edward. Three, figure out the seriousness of their relationship. It looked as if the next three days would be eventful.

This is my first story on Fanfiction. I don't know if i'm any good so PLEASE REVIEW, i'll try and post the next chapter ASAP. I've read stories on fanfic for ages but only just decided to give a go at writing something. Hope you enjoyed it.