Ameya: this is a cross between Pokémon and Fruits Basket, so enjoy! :D
Takashi: Let's get on with it!

Ameya: I do not own Pokémon nor Fruits basket


Beep beep "H-huh? What time is it?" A young girl that appeared to be around the age of seventeen looked at her alarm clock and instantly flew out of bed.

"Oh my gosh! I am so late!" She stumbled to her door and looked down at an angry man,

"I am so sorry Vincent! I totally lost track of time!" She bowed and ran by his side and grabbed his arm, "Shall we get going?"

"Saber, you know today was suppose to be a special day, it's our day to get our first Pokémon!" He sighed and brushed her long white-ish grayish hair that was tied up at the sides in ponytails at the side of her head.

"Let's get going!" She quickly ran outside into the cool brisk air and ran into a tree, "Owww…"

"Come on, don't get to excited now,sheesh…" The young man said while grabbing her off the tree and holding her hand while darting toward the Pokémon laboratory, they ran as quickly as they could through the dark forest and looked up at the hill ahead of them

"We must climb that if we are to get our Pokémon!"

"Huff huff…. O-Okay…" The white haired girl fell to her knees and fell over, "I can't go another step I'm so hungry.." She whined and looked up at him with puppy dog eyes, pleading for him to take a break.

"No, we have to get our Pokémon first then we can eat" Vincent brushed the red hair out of his face and adjusted his black tie.

When they finally made the trip to the Pokémon laboratory, the professor seemed to have been waiting for them.

"Hello young trainers, would you like your Pokémon?" He asked with a grin on his tanned face.
"All we have left are Eevee, here are your Pokeballs." He handed them the two Pokémon and patted them on the head, "You take good care of them, they are special."

Saber squealed in excitement as she held in her very hands a Pokeball with her favorite Pokémon inside of it, she quickly ran outside and released it from it's ball and watched as the little fox sat on the ground innocently, "Veee?" It squeaked and stared at it's new trainer.

"Aww you're so cute!" She yelled and hugged it, but to her surprise, it transformed…. It transformed into a naked man with long brown hair.

"Holy hell! What the heck?" Saber passed out as she quickly looked away.

"Hey. Hey now, don't be so surprised," Her "Eevee" Said to her as he helped her up and covered his private parts, "I am a male, so if you hug me, I will transform, we can't help it… It's sadly the curse of the Pokémon…" He sighed and patted her on the head, "Don't be so afraid."

"Afraid….Afraid? Who's afraid? I just have a hot naked man sitting in front of me and he once was my eevee, no big deal…" Who was she to judge? She knew these Eevee were special, but that's not quite what she had in mind.