thanks for reading my story, i hope you enjoyed it.

So recently i have opened a new twilight rp called Another Twiligh RP. If you are intrested in do something like that you can PM me asking to join and what person you would like to play .net/myforums/APersonYouWillNeverKnow/3371462/ here is the link for the list of who is taken and who is not. as of right now every one is open. i have added two more cullens shaleena and kellen who are mates. i am shaleena and if you would like to play kellen you get to basicaly make him whatever you want (there are a few limits though) also i need 3 more admins to run this when i get it going so if you would like to interview for one of the spots im and we'll see if you can handle it.

thanks for reading and leave reviews