AN: This is a kinda-sequel to my story "What a Girl Wants." I recommend you read that first, but it isn't necessary. It is a series of one-shots that jump around to different points in Draco and Ginny's life, depending on when/what I feel like writing about at that time.

Disclaimer: I have not, nor will I ever (sad panda), own Harry Potter or the subsequent characters used. Damn. Oh, and for good measure, I don't own The Lion King either, but I do reference it!

Hope you like it! R&R!

Hakuna Matata

Draco Malfoy was not awake. In fact, he was refusing to be awake. He also refused to acknowledge the small boy next to the bed pushing on him excitedly chanting, "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy, wake up!" He had convinced himself that if he didn't open his eyes and lay perfectly still that the boy would give up and go bother his mother. He was very wrong.

Scowling with eyes hardly open Draco grumbled sleepily, "Go back to bed." When the boy still didn't leave the room, he rolled over and muttered, "Ginevra, get your son," into his pillow.

Turning away from her sleepy husband she mumbled, "He isn't yelling for me. You get him. The children are your responsibility before dawn."

"Damn you, woman," he replied, sitting up. As he swung his legs from the bed, he turned toward the child who was grinning from ear to ear at his success. "Corvus, in the name of Salazar Slytherin, what time is it?"

"Four! And Mummy says you shouldn't swear, it isn't nice!" he said sweetly.

"Yes thank you," Draco replied with as much venom as he could muster while half asleep. He pulled his discarded t-shirt from the night before over his head as Corvus giggled. "Now, why do you need me up right now?"

"You promised," he whined, looking hurt.

"Great Merlin," he muttered, picking up the small boy. "What did I promise?"

"To take me flying! You said that you don't have to work today and will take me flying. Just me. Without Mummy and the girls!"

"Yes, I suppose I did say that, didn't I. But, isn't it too early? I think you would have more fun when the sun is out and it isn't dark."

The boy looked thoughtful for a moment. "I dunno. You aren't trying to get out of it are you? Cus I'll know!"

"Of course not!" he said as he thought to himself, Drat. Damn his intelligence. "Why don't we go at ten? It is a nice reasonable hour." Draco walked the short way down the hall to his son's bedroom. He set him down on the bed. "Go back to sleep, then at 8 o'clock you can get up and wake me again. Do we have a deal?"

Stifling a sudden yawn, Corvus, always a gentleman, stuck out his little hand and they shook on it. "Deal."

Draco rubbed his face groggily as he walked quietly back to his room and sat on the bed. "You aren't going to fall back asleep, you know that right?" yawned Ginny.

"Why thank you. That's just what I needed to hear. Some good positive reinforcement," he drawled.

She snuggled down further into the fluffy blankets. "Jerk." Draco rolled over so they were spooning. He brushed back her flaming red hair to expose her neck, and kissed the sensitive spot behind her ear. "Mmm," she sighed blissfully. "But you're still a jerk."

"I know," he grinned goofily and chuckled.

"Can I go back to sleep now?"

"No one is stopping you." His words were meant with a snort. "Fine, fine. I will stop. No more talking or otherwise."

"Goodnight, love."

"Good morning, actually. It is four after all."

"Shut up and try to sleep. You are nicer when you get enough sleep," Ginny grumbled just before her breathing began to even.

AN: Thanks for reading! Please review, I wanna know what you think! Hope you stick around for the next instalment!